Thursday, October 13, 2011


Rawr.. eh silap, meow..blum lagi bridezilla mode.. haha ;p

Hi alls, actually today (and yesterday) i wanted to update some things, but bz and xde mood plaks.. and also my fiance xupload lagi pic.. xsyok update xde pic kan? haha.. Here are the things i wanted to update and share with u guys :-

1. pelamin for reception tandang
2. my beauty preps (which was done yesterday)
3. my concerns about tuttt.. (rasenyer kalau ada yg follow my last post, u all tau kot)
4. my updates on nikah night..smlm ade small discussion with family, got some changes..
5. sunday activities (jumpe bbf gals, shopping kat jln masjid india, date@boutique survey wif fiance)

But, yeah i like i said, malas+xde pic+xde mood nak update sumer tu.. maybe weekend kot..?tapi weekend nak settle bende2 wedding ni..huhu we'll see lah how... But fret not! untuk tidak dissapointkan u alls (ade ke?haha),ape kate kite verangan togeder2.. mari kite verangaaaaaaannnnn.... :)


I need this now ;p so many ribbons and manik2 at home.. ;p
 things i WANT to DIY... ;)

hanging ribbons thingy for reception...*faint*

the sexy white suit for groom ;)
cute and simple flower boy+flower girl's outfits.. .

cute organza/chiffon/tulle flower (for shoes,etc)
 cute wedding cake topper..WANT!

 for future crib..cozy.. :)

nikah day deco (organza/tulle)

Notes for guests and family ;) 
love the 2nd pic flower arrange and colour combo :)

 home deco/ideas for nikah day... ;) WANT!

 family bonding after akad ;)

cute bunga api! :D 

 is this possible?? ;)
mari kite verangaaaaan.. or let's DIY.. weeee... :D



reena said...

Nak sofa buaian tuuuu!

Farrah_Anuar said...

comel2 belaka pict2 kat atas ni renee.. simple but so niceeeee tau..

Good Luck yer dear! hope what u dream come true..muaahhh!

Rilla said...

Renee, taste kita samalah. Banyak jugak kita share wedding wants yang sama. Hari tu time raya Rilla dah simpan bunga api siap2, hahah

Unknown said...

renee, nora nak tumpang berangan !

choclairissa@intan marliana said...

nak sofa buaian n rak buku bulat tu..sangat save tmpt yet cantik gilerr :)

Syima Syaz said...

ggodluck dear...tak sabar nak tgk wedding u..

oshinz said...

buai laju-laju... want it! i want it!!!!

shura shushi said...

semua pic u attach sngat lah best..lg best kalo jd kenyataan kn..!kn..!

Fariza said...

bestnya semua. mmg berangan habislah. hik3

Sfarlina said...

nk verangann jugak..hihi..MODE: ON ;)

Shaza Sulaiman : Pengedar Shaklee Malaysia said...

hehe.. I love your taste :)

Unknown said...

hye darling..semua tu,kalau dpt DIY sendiri,mmg awesome lah. :-)

maria fitria said...

renee..plz buat smua.. hehe.. especially yg bunge api tu.. u nikah malam kan.. mesti cantik...

Hazz said...

i like your verangan mode!! ;-))