Meowww... ;)
Rasanye in previous posts (not sure which one) i ada mention yg pelamin reception is done. i mean da confirm vendor la. Mama yg choose this vendor to be our pelamin vendor bcos family, senang la nak kawtim2.. But actually until now we havent sit down for discussion... T_T Bagi i xkisah sgt, cos dorang family so maybe boleh la tunggu and bersabar dulu.. i paham busy n xsempat jumpa n so on..but rasanye kalau sampai december xsettle then baru gerak carik vendor lain kot? o.O
So now i can pelamin hunt again..!!weee... tadi masa kat office ada la curik2 survey2 pelamin and scout for fresh companies yg tgh hot.. heehhe i just cant help it. Like i said la, INCASE xjadik hire my mom's choice, then kena carik org lain kan.. And since ramai emailed me asking for suggestions and recommendations of vendor pelamin, might as well share here kan.. :D
Okay here are some vendors which i think are very fresh with different ideas, affordable and also very hot in the market now (to me). To those yg mencari vendor2 yang fresh+modern+elegant+affordable voley la contact them directly... i xde commission pon, juz helping n sharing.. ;) If sape2 ada lagi yg best2 do share! :D
p/s: vendors and pelamin makers based on my likings....(ikutkan byk lagi i suka but terover budget-so i post yg mana i think affordable... :D
p/s : more previous posts on fav pelamin vendors HERE (label tag pelamin + mini pelamin)
credit photos : all vendor's fb + blogs + Mr Oogley (google)
hmmmm ape lagi eh?? masa nak compose rasa ramai je nak list ada a few yg i lupa plak..
ok nak contact each one of them for quotations.. till then dears, daaaa~~
Rasanye in previous posts (not sure which one) i ada mention yg pelamin reception is done. i mean da confirm vendor la. Mama yg choose this vendor to be our pelamin vendor bcos family, senang la nak kawtim2.. But actually until now we havent sit down for discussion... T_T Bagi i xkisah sgt, cos dorang family so maybe boleh la tunggu and bersabar dulu.. i paham busy n xsempat jumpa n so on..but rasanye kalau sampai december xsettle then baru gerak carik vendor lain kot? o.O
So now i can pelamin hunt again..!!weee... tadi masa kat office ada la curik2 survey2 pelamin and scout for fresh companies yg tgh hot.. heehhe i just cant help it. Like i said la, INCASE xjadik hire my mom's choice, then kena carik org lain kan.. And since ramai emailed me asking for suggestions and recommendations of vendor pelamin, might as well share here kan.. :D
Okay here are some vendors which i think are very fresh with different ideas, affordable and also very hot in the market now (to me). To those yg mencari vendor2 yang fresh+modern+elegant+affordable voley la contact them directly... i xde commission pon, juz helping n sharing.. ;) If sape2 ada lagi yg best2 do share! :D
p/s: vendors and pelamin makers based on my likings....(ikutkan byk lagi i suka but terover budget-so i post yg mana i think affordable... :D
p/s : more previous posts on fav pelamin vendors HERE (label tag pelamin + mini pelamin)
credit photos : all vendor's fb + blogs + Mr Oogley (google)
*okeh obviously i cant hire this vendor cos dorang based in KK & Labuan, but i absolutely loveee their works.. awesome sgt2.. :D b2bs from kk+labuan please hire them..! :D
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u all kalau ada yg best2+modern+elegant+affordable pelamin vendors pleaseeee share.. tqvm! :) *hugs*
ok nak contact each one of them for quotations.. till then dears, daaaa~~
Hi Renee,
Love reading your blog, sgt membuatkan i bersemangat nak prepare my wedding...
Try tgk habtswedding couture...nak pengsan huhu tp kat perlis...
And another one dekat perak,
Kenapa diorg buat pelamin cantik sgt eh? susah nak buat pilihan..cewah haha
nak pengsan boleh?
semua lawa2, awesome & superb!
mampu tgk je la... mmg cantek2.. tp for sure lebih dari budget saya.. hehehhe..
TheWedPlan Deco di Labuan tu, my cousin hired them. Theirs was actually the first picture for this vendor. Love it!!! Comel kan!
meroyan la tgk post ni.geram sume takley nk hire depa.not in my budget :(
ya allah..seriously!
super duper gorgeous semua pelamin-pelamin tu!
even i ni yg pernah join event related with that thing pun masih lagi rasa teruja setiap kali tgk pelamin!
pelamin yang u survey ni pun hebat-hebat jugak dear!
ahaaa. berpinar mata i tgk gambar3 tu. haha. i suke mahligai kreatif sbb baru tau rate die sgt affordable. hehe.
wahhhhh!!! sudah rambang mata nengok!
menangis tengok *tipu* sumpah semua cantik.*berangan* cantik sangat. sejuk tengok. haisyhh. bookmark post ni ^^
terbeliak mata kak long nengok mmh terbaik la pelamin nyer ni..sume lain dari yang lain kan?
thnks cik renee coz sharing ngn kami ni..
good job darling! :)
oh my gosh..
cantik-cantiknye...skerlah bace blog u renee...=)
Awesome share, Sis!
=D I see some that are inspiring :3
canteknye renee...luv them i duk penang...kt penang tak up to date pelamin mcm kl oke..balek2 pelamin panel..xpun roman pillar...bosan lahh..
anyone can share pelamin vendor yg affordable kt penang yg design2 menarik mcm ni x? huhuhu
semua yg i adore ok hahahaha..sgt5 smpai skang mcm terkilan x amek mahligai creative ble? hahahaha..rase nk tukr vendor jer nasib dh dec kn skang sabo2
yeayyy cuci mata & cari idea tengok pelamin lawo-lawo!
Thanks Renee For Reveal Us...Good Luck For Your Preparation On Your Upcoming Big Day.If You Had Any Inquiries, Kindly Revert To Us...Thanks Again!
so cantikkkkkkkkkkkk. but i love my pelamin nikah jugak. nanti i tunjuk k heee :D
nak nangis tengok pelamin2 tuh...uuuuuuuu...nak jugakkkkk.
hi... baru je i berkata dlm hati, "sayang la meng nyer design tadek dalam list"... rupa2nya ada. the last one. wedplan deco. hehe.. meng tu i nyer geng la lebih kurg. sape sangka, engineer leh jd designer pelamin. huhuhu..
WOW...sgt2 superb pelamin2 nie semua...i need it in my wedding lorrr...anyway thanks to u renee coz share all the things dgn we'll atleast u sumber tdekat nk cari info about wedding...really love ur blog :)
woaah..mmg panjang entry ni,sampai pening tgk bunge banyak2..hehehe..tapi bagus collect gambar byk2,nnt idea pun bertambah. thanks for sharing.
all the designs are so pretty :)
i'm one of client fashada wedding concept, and my friend pun ade buat dgn die. so far i mmg puas hati dengan dorang. kwn i pun puas hati. they treat client sgt sgt baik smp skrg pun still jadi friends. dorg tk kedekut ilmu & sgt friendly.
even dorg baru 4 months beroperasi tp dorg dah buat lebih dr 10 job. maybe spe yg dh deal dgn dorg tau dorg cmne. i totally recommend her. harga pun berbaloi :)
i"m one of fashada wedding concept. i'm ssoooo glad that i've hired them for my wedding... she's not as braggy as u claim. her ideas are vibrant. clients have rights, but we are not always right! kalau budget ciput, xpyh la nak mimpi smpai ke langit. for me, their prices are affordable compared to other designers...
opss! thx 4 ur comment bout fashada wedding concept. 4 ur info, x menjatuhkan biz dia pun, malah menaikkan biz dia ada la.
Tolongla support org melayu yang buat biz camni. Camner bangsa kita nk maju klu ada mulut2 longkang nk caras tiba2. Aku pernah guna services fashada ni, bagi yang dia bg sangat impress walaupun bajet kite ni ciput.
Renee u membuatkn i rs nk kawen lg tp dgn hubby skrg.huhuhu geram tgk picca pelamin lawo2
Hye renee! I'm one of fashada clients..n pic pelamin fashada yg u attached is mine.. thnx for attach as ur info..Congrats n selamat perantin baru in advance..
i'm so flattered coz 2.BS termasuk dlm list ni..thanks Renee..:)
Any bad review about mahligai creative? I heard few stories lately.. Im kind of hiring them for my wedding.. Takut plak bile dgr cite2 yg xbest ni..÷
anon : hye dear.. stories ape u dgt dear? so far i blum penah dgr lagi bad review mahligai creative.. maybe permintaan terlalu tinggi and owner slalu bz@outstation.. but so far dorang so far ok, and awesome works..!!! i penah jumpa ngan owner mahligai creative and honestly i suka sgt2222 style dorang... ;)
ye la..bru ingat nk hire mahligai creativee. can u share the story? tq~
ada bad review pasal mahligai creative ke?? baru nak hire far harga dia ok ke? just get to know sbb tak familiar designer jauh2 ni....reen, ZaifieZainal?
thanks renee for your ohsem post in this. baru berangan nk amik mahligai creative, tapi kak wani tu cuti bersalin pulak from feb 2013-march 2013 tahun depan. xde rezeki iii.. :(
bole sy tau rangr harga fashada ni?can u emel me at
Lavendra : hye babe, sorry i xde rate dia la.. u can contact them directly via fb: Fashada WeddingConcept or email her
gudluck and congratz 2u in advance..! :D
wow..amazing..confiusing..i dont know which one i want..very2 beautiful n creative.. n thanx to u too..ur blog so sweet.. (^_^)
amazing..i like it n dont know which one i want,confusing..such very beatiful n creative n thanx to u too coz shared 4 us.. (^_^)
hi..just nk share
I hire mahligai creative untuk nikah tp I bit upset dgn dia org punya service..masa time discuss dia orang janji...itu..ini...semuanya mengikut permintaan pelanggan..
so I siap bagi work paper untuk dia org follow all types of flowers yg I nk dia org include into decoration..and dia org setuju..tapi bila smpai waktu nya..mmg jadi lain dari yang lain...bunga yg I langsung tak request! can u olls imagine how keciwa nya time tu..lagi rasa keciwa..bila bunga bungaan atas stage sangat la tak sempat nk complaint..since I sgt2 busy time tu..huhu..pasrah..pasrah
one more thing..maybe sebab I amik package yang paling murah which is dia org punya layanan pun sipi2 je..I yg nk kne follow up berulang kali..mcm mana update design pelamin I..nk kne bg info details stage nikah bagai...if tak..dia org remain diam je...agak2 nye nak tunggu betul2 dekat ngn my nikah date..baru nak tanya semua..OMG! mana i bole my day okay..of course i nak perfect..
dulu die org ade janji akn turun padang tgok venue tapi tak pun..
nasihat I..if mahligai creative memilih untuk serve customer..letak harga tinggi2 yang tak tercapai akal manusia biasa..
apa yang bole I buat..redha je la kan..redha sbb pelamin I tak la buruk..walaupun tak seperti yang diharapkan..
thanks renee..lega lepas luah segalanya..
btw...nice blog dear!
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