Thursday, November 3, 2011


 created by urs truly..yeah xde keje..haha ;p

 cute x? found this kat Mr Oogley (google).. i changed it to 99catdays instead.. haha.. ;p


Should have posted yesterday when the tickers are showing 100days.. tapi voley lupa plak..hahaha.. takpe lah, 99 sounds cool too.. ;p

 99days to go my meowgagah...weeeeee... ;)



Ezza Z said...

Renee,da tinggal 2 angka.
nnt 1 angka plak.
mesti excited kan?

Puan Ogy said...

gud luck..nice view ur blog..:)

Puan Ogy said...

tahniah n gud luck..nice view ur blog :)

Anonymous said...

tgk ur blog baru tau that i already pass my 100 days mark..dang! i am really bad at maths..cun nya lg 99 ari jek! all the best wif the wedd preps.

LYS said...

countdown! heheee.. gud luck! hope semua berjalan lancar dear :)

Khairiyah aka Kerry said...

renee.99 hari lagi kee????????
banyak lg tak siap ni renee!!!!

ijan said...

caiyok renee..

tak lama lagi tuh. rasa mcm baru je bertunang kan? Kejap masa berlalu..huhuhu.

u can do it! all out, dear! sure excited tapi dalam hati berdegup kencang..kan? hehe

future-to-be Mrs Renee..meowwwww

Unknown said...

yeay!!!! hehehe..babe we dont have much time anymore..kena start focus yeeeee hehe

Shakina Farhan said...

xlama dah tu! tup tup tup..10days je..pastu dah kawen..bila kawen masih xcaye dah kawen..haha

ms ff said...

renee meow meow...semoga dipermudahkan all the preps during these 99 days! ameen...:)

x ms ff x

natrah jaafar said...

go renee of luck

Fie said...

:D 99 time pass by so fast!

can't wait to see the outcome of your efforts. kalau renee nye, mesti ultimately gorgeous.

wande-ful said...

dear...99 days jer dah?
masa cepat jer berlalu nnt tau ;)

gud luck dear..
n thank you so much for coming to my wedding !

cha said...

i lagi 22 hari takuttt :/