Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Heary ye! Hear ye!

cantek x handbouquet ini? cantek kan? kankankan? nak tau sape yg buat?

Anyone looking for fresh and modern Hantaran?
Looking for trendy handbouquet?
Looking for simple and stunning deco?

Mesti u all akan google byk2 cari mana yg best kan? tapi asyik2 yang sama ajeee... For those yg suka simple, fresh ideas and stunning hantaran, you can checkout these creative n awesome couple..!!


Ingat tak hari tu i ada share pasal hantaran ideas to zimie? HERE
Kalau u all prasan yg first and second ideas tu adalah dari Ratio Design..
Mesti ramai agree yg works dorang chun gilers n awesome kan? seriouly mmg works dorang mmg menepati my taste... Let's have a look-see..

Look at that awesome handbouqet..!! ni yg i paste kat atas tu.. OMG sgt gorgeous..!!!siap ada tassle thingy lagi.. how awesome is that?
serious xpenah terpikir..sgt different and beautiful..!


hantaran yg ni sgt masculine has that rustic look, but yet very fresh..! the wooden thingy is GENIUS! 

still not convince? have a look it theseee...

Sgt suka tgk dorang letak element2 yg jarang org pakai, mcm bende yg bulat2 lotus tu, bulat2 hijau tu, tassle thingy la, pastu fruits potong dua..
serious chun! :)

Not to forget, deco2 pun dorang ada buat tau..
Last pic-deco for FashionValet Launch taw.. aka ProudDuck punyer biz.. ;)

and, lucky for u alls yg blum kahwin lagi...
they are having a promotion..! for me sgt2 berbaloi2.. 
 rm2300 all in with mini dais and candy buffet sgtlah berbaloi okay..
normally kalau kite calculate kan, mini dais rm1500+candy buffet min rm700+hantaran min rm150x7=rm1050+handbouquet rm150.. total rm3400. ni based on normal rates kat luar sana byk tu saving..

yg dah kawen tu, u all bleh gak contact dorang kot2 nak deco2 untuk party ker, dinner ker, akikah ker, etc..

Contact them here okayyyy..


sekian, terima kaseeyyyy...! ;)

Disclaimer: This post is fully sponsored by RatioDesign. For more info, kindly contact and deal with RatioDesign directly. Any transaction or deals made by you and RatioDesign will not be held responsible by Renee Meow's Wedding Journey. Thank you! :)



Anis aka Mama Mila said...

siap ada disclaimer lagi tu...kelasss hihi...

Rina Hamid said...

mmg tesangatlahh dah dekat nak kawen..xleh tgk gmbr wedding nti suma tingin..

Anonymous said...

auwww, cantik sangat design-design hantaran tu. :)

Zila Zainal said...

Cantik sangat! And thanks for the links! :DDD

FarizAtie said...

cntik gle..*pengsan n meleleh tgk buah yang dipotong tuh..slurrrpppp

Gainesville Drapery said...

Good reading