Friday, December 16, 2011


Meowternoon ladies...!!


Miss me? *perasan* ehehehhee.....sorry lah kinda bz lately and kemalasan yg melampau untuk update blog.. T_T dunno why.. even my DIY projects (PROJECT:X) tergendala smpai skang..huwaaa..tlg bagi semangat yg membara boleh tak? i only have 56days to go and yet masih lepak2, main game, tgk tv... tapi weekend agak bz la jumpa2 vendor2 sbb da buat appointment kan.. One thing je i agak pening skang ni- PELAMIN SANDING.. huuhuhuhu.... T_T Ya Allah permudahkan lah urusan...murahkan lah rezeki ku Ya Allah.. u alls doakan untuk i jugak yer..huhuhu..

Eh terkeluar topic lak... nak citer pasal shoes sebenarnye..hehehe.. yes SHOES..! i know gals loveeeee shoes.. and it's very-de-important on your wedding day, no? kalau u all xagree mmg taww....hmmph~


Okay let's start with my reception shoes..dulu i penah share kat sini (HERE).. mmg gundah gulana and contemplating whether to buy onot.. My feet is not normal mcm you alls kay, so to find a suitable shoe is kinda hard.. But when i found one,i just gotta have it..!
Here's my reception shoes aka glam heels...ececee over plak.. ;p
it's not Stuart Weitzman, Gucci, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Nine West, blabla..
it's VINCCI..!! i loveee it cos it has a high thick heel, looks glamorous, and cheap..! haha jimat itu harus.. ;p Im planning to wear it on my sanding reception, and also for tandang reception.. unless i jumpa another gorgeous heel time hantaran shopping, then different story lah.. ;p

 here it is, yang kiri bukan..hahahaha..saje je... but it's almost like this.. but dont u think both heels dlm pic ni is to die for..!

 ha ni baru betul....left picture, off white.... but this is from Vincci's website..nak tgk yg betul punyer? ;)

xsabar nak pakai okeh..every now and then i suka pakai sorang2 dalam bilik n verangan sorang2..haahaa...siap practise okeh jalan sbb kekok heels tinggi2 nie.. ;p
 i bought my glam heels bulan march lepas, juz imagine almost 1year simpan baru nak pakai okeh... sabar ye my precious glam heels.. ;)

Ini namanye syok sendri.. hahahah..ntah2 byk lagi kasut2 bride2 lain yg lagi gorgeous kan, but kasut ni da good enuf for me..this shoe jugak la bagi inspiration for my wedding reception dress taw...haa will story2 about dress later.. ;p


Alriggghhtttt then, NEXT..!! nikah shoes pulak... omgomgomg im so excited about this one, seriously.. :D Remember this giveaway contest by AbsolutelyGorgeous by Amy? I won the giveaway (thank you!) and baru je semalam jumpe owner Amy for ukur kaki and discussion... it was a short meeting but exciting!! (for me)

Amy is sooooo sweeet and sgt professional okeh.. sepatutnye jumpe 8.30pm @ A&W petronas Kota Damansara tapi i plak lambat smpai around 8.45pm..huhu sorry amy.. Sampai2 je nmpak amy tgh tunggu dgn file2 pink and barang2 dia.. We met and borak pasal kasut and stuffs, and my younger pun tag along teman i (thanks alias)... Amy also showed me a few samples of her shoes, i was like OMGG sgt gorgeous okehhhh.... mmg i teruja dibuatnyee... Bila Amy nak ukur kaki i, i rase sgttttt segan..! sbb kaki giant+buruks kan.. hhuhu...bila dia sketch kaki atas kerta tu, yarabi serious macam tapak giant mcm citer PussInBoots yang JACK&JILL tu.. hahaha.. Wanna see the design of my nikah shoes? yang da tau tu xpe le, yang blum marilah sambung baca.. ;p

My design is the one i selected from the giveaway contest aritu... Xde nak tukar apa2 pun, apa yg i post untuk contest tu, itulah dia.. Tapi x expect 100% the same, i leave it to Amy dia nak buat camne and based her skills and ke'terer'an buat kasut.. hehehe.. Malas la nak demand2 and ask for ridiculous things cos i bukannye bayar pon.. masa jumpa Amy i juz print out balik design yg dari post tu..From the meeting we only selected the material, colour (love!), and the height..and tukar sket strap atas tu buat mcm tebal sket mcm my Vincci GlamHeels tu, kalau nipis2 nanti xleh support kot my kaki giant nie..buruk plak nanti nampak lawak bila isi tepi kaki terkeluar..haha ;p

Hnghhhh xsabarnyee.... I trust Amy and know she will make my dream (shoe) come true.. :) i know it's gonna be gorgeous..! sample2 kasut yg dia bawak pun sgt gorgeousss n sexay...auwww..

Okay here's the design and contoh from my contest entry (giveaway contest)..

 Inspiration from here..  :) combination of both designs.. 

the design.. ;)

Okay tak? i chose this design becos nak sweet2+romantic and also a bit glamorous gitu..haha.. The colour?? colour i ikut from my kain nikah (beli awal tahun-read HERE).. i siap bawak lagi tunjuk kat Amy supaya senang nak match.. buuuuttt sorry gals cant reveal yet, xsurprise la nanti..hehehehehe... skang ni cuma fiance, family and AMY je tau.. (AMY! hush2 tauuu... ;p)

The flowers? nmpak x 3chiffon/organza flowers tu kan.. i leave it to Amy dia nak buat camne..but i did print out contoh la yg lebih kurang and ask for same colour but different hues... Kalau ikutkan lah bila kite google chiffon flowers, byk pics camni yg kuar..
i think this this one kot i print untuk Amy..chantek x? i loveee the pearls n bling tengah tu.. but rase mcm xmintak kat Amy camtu, lupa pulak...dalam contest pun xmention..alaa why laa..... hmmm.. xpelah abaikan je.. kalau ikutkan from original design dia camni->
nak pengsan skang voley x?? yup this is the original one yg mcm kat atas tu.. clearer picture.. i think flowers camni lagi senang kot nak buat? i dunno lah.. i leave it to amy..camni pun ok jer..asalkan ada 3bunga chiffon/organza kat situ..hehehe..

Amy told me the shoes would approximately siap in another 1month..wah pantas.. i told her to take her time la, nak tunggu smpai awal feb pun voley, but being professional, Amy ckp xpe awal cos dia pun nanti nak fitting and nak tambah2 certain i pun ok je la.. hehhe..

Dear DREAM SHOE, we have another 1month to have our first date..hmmm *verangan*
OOOookaaaaay da mcm org gila dah nie.. haha

Kesimpulannya (eh tetiba), if u tercarik2 untuk buat custom heel or SEWA gorgeous heels.. AbsolutelyGorgeous by Amy is the right person to go to..!! Sgt2 recommended..! i saw her samples yang dah siap with my own eyes, sgt gorggggg...!!

facebook pun adee... HERE

wanna see her works??prepare bantal sebelum pengsan..haha ;p
ni bride-blogger top NORA KEREL punyer...simple and classy... cred pic AHMADFAIRUS ;)


mcm nak pengsan byk kali voley? hehehehe.... 


Semoga dimurahkan rezeki u... aminn..



  1. kasut nikah + resepsi eimy lebih kurang mcm yg last skali....BUT mmg terbeliak mata tgk kasut renee yg atas tu......CHANTEKKKK lahh design tu!!!!! nmpk glam jek dengan bling2 much u buy dat one???

  2. bestnye..rezeki..renee, sgt sexy ok glam heel vincci 2..suke sgt;)

  3. awww.... thanks for recommendation. punya banyak renee upload gmbr kasut. hehehe....

  4. eimy♥tq dear.. :D hehe.. yg glam heels tu time i beli rm109..original price dia rm129.. ;)xsure lagi masih ade jual ke x kat Vincci..

    syuhaidah♥ sexy kannn.. hehee.. i pun sukeee.. :)

  5. Amy♥welcome dear.... saje letak byk2 kasi terliur sket kan..hehe.. i akan promote until forever sbb u tlg i... appreciate sgt2.. :D

  6. rendu reneee... seyesly lama dh x jenguk sini sb lama x update kn ? jenguk jenguk no new entry. sedey.

    tp bila tgk ada entry kasut terus terjah. me love ur shoes yg dr vincci tu. sangat cantek. wlupun dh hampir setahun the design is still fressh. dengki oke. hahaha..

    kasut dr amy sgt2 gojes. sara pn da tny2. tatau nk pilih yg mana. sama la rambang mata ni. mahu menanes berguleng... hehehe. *XOXO*

  7. ooo u ke winnernya.lucky! congrats renee.. :)

    kasut u beli kt vincci tu i nk pinjam bole?cantik gils.i suke :):):)

    oh proud with amy! (tetiba) hehe

  8. renee..kasut reception tu sangat cantik..series...kasut resepsi nida, wp yg bg,dia beli kat vincci gak..mula2 kasut tu kosong je, but then dia tambah batu2, cantik..hehe..puji kasut sendiri plak..hehe..nanti nida buat review pasal kasut tu..huhu

  9. dear shoe..i want to meet u oso~ hehehe

  10. gorgeous sgt!! same as me, kasut nikah also from vinci, but baru search 1 month ago, so design macam u dah xde, mine much simpler than yours. so dalam kepala otak fikir mcam mana nak bagi marvelous skit...

    btw, jom exchange link b2b, i dah follow n link u...

  11. Ya ampuan.sgt gorjes okey kst tu.comform u pkai nnti lg cantik.vincci kstnya cantik apa.hrga pun ok.kst amy nnti lg cantik.xsbr nk tgk

  12. yay! i dah decide nak tempah maternity shoe dgn amy, sbb hubby nak beli crocs yg boring tu tp sbb kan masalah kesihatan, sampai la ni tak hantar2 lagi pic.

  13. renee, i hampir nk beli kasut dari escarli with 3D flowers.mmg cantik woh wohh.jumpa kat sogo.nk beli patu tak beli sbb ramai sgt org.rimas.haaha.last2 i grab kasut mcm u beli tu cume tali halus lg,n kosong.nk diy letak batu sendiri kononye.sampai skang tak gerak2.hahaahaa

  14. suke kasut reception renee.. arghh melting.. i punye bese2 je
