Monday, December 19, 2011



happy monday blues my dear readers... hahahah sgt xmembantu kan... T_T

Okeh mari kita menghangatkan lagi suasana monday yg blues nie dengan another entry yang agak hot... huhuhu.. U guys remember my last entry (HERE) about designer yg ehem2 tu? ikutkan mcm da malas nak post pasal ni, tp kak jumie mintak respons kan so okaylah, rajinkan diri sendri untuk up-kan new post pasal issue nie... ;p haha.. FYI for those yg xtau, kak jumie pun ada post pasal issue ni (HERE).. syok tau baca blog kakjumie nie..kelakar! hehe..
After i posted the entry (HERE), mmg byk gile kot yg comment...ada yang agree dgn i, and ada yg xagree dgn i....and ada yg mangsa sendri yg comment okeh.. xpe kisah, cos bagi i everyone's entitled to their own opinion and views.. but to me, yg backup dia tu maybe bukan bride so dia xtau ape perasaan brides..yg tau nak backup je sbb kenalan/kawan dia... and ada jugak bukan kenalan that designer pun but they have a personal vendetta against me..hey i have IP tracker guys! hyeeee..! *wave hand* nice to meet UOLS!! :D

Okay sambung, so one day i received a comment from the designer himself... Quite shocked cos xsanka my post ni sampai ke dia jugak, well network dia kan agak besar..including frens from publishing companies and so on.... Here's his comment-> i print screen+paste sini...xde modification or watsoever... u guys can view the original comment (HERE)



Okay here's my response.. i tulis hentam je ni yer cos xreti nak compose ayat2 formal nie.. im not good at writing, so maybe point2 xkesampaian sgt..haha..pls forgive kalau xphm..


Dear Nik,

Thank you so much for your comment.Seriously tak sangka u berani untuk memohon maaf secara terbuka. It is very brave and very professional for you to stood up and make a public apology. I respect your action and hope others do too.. Maybe it is better if you post your public apology kat ur blog n facebook? Just my opinion..

If you ask me (if im ur past client) "Do you deserve a second chance?" My answer is NO... (sorry!). Because u dah menganiaya brides yg da menaruh harapan kat u untuk buat baju for their big day..because brides da bayar u untuk siapkan baju.. because they have to wait 4u in front of ur house berjam2 semata2 nak dptkan baju.. because dorang da laburkan duit dorang untuk dptkan dress untuk u (xkisah la kalau rate murah but it's still money).. because dorang STRESS dan menangis sbb tak dpt baju.. because dorang xpuas hati dgn outcome (yg mane sempat siap).. because u made them worry and terkejar sana-sini semata2 untuk carik baju ganti kat butik2 lain.. because they TRUST u and u dah menghampakan dorang.. i pun xnak explain lagi cos i cuma menyampaikan n mewakili mangsa2 je... i think u urself tau kan kesalahan u.. It is the past clients decision to maafkan u and bagi u second chance atau x... 
If yes, Alhamdulillah.. If no,i rest my case to you and ur past clients tu... maybe u shud make it up to them..


If you ask me "Do you deserve a second chance?" My answer, YES.. BUT, provided u have to prove to us first and make sure janji2 u kat atas tu ditunaikan... U have to gain our trust.. All of us (including me dulu) sgt takut nak hire sbb takut tak dpt baju, face problems, and all the dramas.. So it's still too early for me (and others) to give you a second chance. Since u mentioned u dah ada manager, i guess all should be in order now.. We are looking forward for good reviews from current+future clients and hoping no more dramas in the future. 

Anyways, all the best to you NIK ERWAN ROSELI..! Please make us believe that you're a good designer (you ARE before-based on ur works awal2 dulu). I do believe you can do it and hope u can maintain your credibility, professionalism, and your status as 5stars designers... 


 My dear readers and friends.. do you think we should give him a chance? What do you think? ;)

 p/s: another bad designer post coming up later on... tungguuu~~~



  1. kalau i jenis yg baik hati eh senang cair ni... mmg i cakap... YES!
    atleast dia berani kan comment..

    tetibe teringat comment anon kata NER pun gelak baca entry u? heheheheheheehe!

  2. wow..sgt beranikan dye..but bguslah dye dah mgaku ksalahan dye

  3. klu i dah xberani kot nk tempah baju kat org yg sama..

  4. Panas panas panas..hihi.

    I yang plus size ni memang susah la nak trust orang yang ada kebarangkalian rosakkan majlis kena fikir banyak kali...

    And x sabar nk tunggu review lain hihi...go renee go!!

  5. huhu...panazzzz betoi hari senin nih yaa.. hehe..

    p.s : memandangkan chek yg cuma upah baju wedding kat tailor cina kat loq staq tue..rasanya..tak layak kot nk jawab soalan renee tue.. tp, kalau chek bayangkan diri chek di tempat klien2 nik tue.. hurmmm...maaf mungkin..melupakan kejadian yg pernah berlaku.. ohh! mungkin tidak.. dan upah dia utk design baju chek seterusnyaa.. rasanyaa.. tidakkkk... better pilih yg designer yg lain kot (kan ramai designer2 d malaysia nihh..bkn sorang tue saja kannn..??? ).. chek bkn apa..bimbang luka lama..berdarah kembali sajaaa.. hehe..

    akhir kata..kepada bakal2 klien designer 5 star nih..hati2 la nohh.. ;)

  6. kalo i dkt mulut boleh say YES! tp dlm hati x redha ouh..sgt berdosa disitu, hehehe, sape lg berani utk bg second chance if yg 1st pn dh jahanam!!

    betul² bharap dia insaf, kesian brides..

  7. semoga die betul2 insaf..dan buktikan!

  8. hopefully dia x wat perangai yang sama lg..n sy mmg xkan amek dia..b4 dis i planned nak amek kwn dia sndiri jezmine saidan from old blossom box store..but after read ur story on how he n jezmine didnt pickup the call, i cancelled the whole thing..xnak amek risiko...huhuhu

  9. erm, harap2 dia btol2 insaf la. tapi x best bila die bley plak salahkan customer sbb mintak diskaun kan? normal la kalo customer mintak diskaun. bagi i, harga yg die bagi untuk pakej silver n gold tu memang range harga designer. kalo customer mintak murah, u should explain la kalo murah, material pe yg akan dorang dapat sume. 2nd chance? cakap memang senang, tapi sape yang berani nak tempah kalo dah tau u ada history camtu? baju kawen bukan benda yang boleh buat men2. kalo buruk baju tu, suma orang nampak. memang xleh nak sorok..

  10. oh hooo..reneee..i pernah tanye quote & dah nak hantar baju pon kat designer ni...nasib baik time nak jumpa tu masa kami tak match so i tak jadi nak hantar..lucky me...nan hadooo je designer cam gini..semoga die betul2 insaf...

  11. elehhh..mintak maaf konon..kawan I baru je terkena minggu ni..sudahlah Nik..berhenti je lah drama swasta u tuh

  12. for me NOPE! no 2nd chance! because?! dh ramai terkena...ok....contoh paling murah design die boleh buat RM500 cune X 10 (per month paling sket...MUNGKIN) haaa...dh bpe die dpt? skg nie i fikir duit BEB! sbb nk B2b duit mmg cm air!! patut SUE jew!! hihi..aku mmg KEJAM! wek! renee....xsbr nk bace next entri! :))

  13. baru die tau kuasa blogger macam u renee, apepun hope die ambil iktibar & jangan hancuskan kepercayaan bakal pengantin lagi...

  14. ouchh yeke FY? :( i dunno laa dorang ni. sayang sangat giler2. bakat dh ade tapi sibuk sangat kejar glamor~ hopefully tade laa yg baru2 nak naik jadi cmtu~ rugi sangat~ orang jd tak percaye dah. hehe

  15. salam girls. as a former client of NER.d i feel u. the worst thing could happen to a bride is the baju tak siap. mmg sengsara dan membencikan. tapi for the other brides to be...i'd say give nik a 2nd chance. he's a good designer. he's a good person actually, just a mismanage of his business je dia jadi camnih. since dia dah buat public apology siap dgn solution2 nye tuh why not other brides to be give him another chance. sbb as a bride yg tak brp ada bajet dulu, nik gave me an opportunity to have a taste of designer dress. thanks nik. and thanks to renee jgk sbb tak bias on this matter. apa2 pon goodluck to all brides to be.

  16. Hi Renee & ladies,
    A month back masa me n my friends tgh carik designer baju wedding, we stumbled upon this blog. Oh boyyy, dah la masa tu I mmg baru je msg NER utk set appointment. Then my friend (Bride #1 in our blog) asked me to read your post. I terus cancel to proceed!

    I'm sorry to judge NER just like that. Tapi I pon x brani amek risk sbb wedding kotttt, lifetime moment. I hope lpas ni NER baiki ape yg dah lpas tu. Build back his good reputation.

    I end up amek Amir Luqman instead. So far PR skill Amir n his team bagus, very kind and x lokek pon advise utk my other dresses :)

  17. wau i miss the train. i tak sempat baca this entry before. Agree with u, it's good he's so brave to apologize in public, but it is better to do the same in his blog and facebook as well. Memang memalukan, but if he being sincere, insyaallah people will forgive him and will give him second chance. Bila kita buat orang lain happy, insyaallah orang mendoakan yang terbaik utk kita. As for me, i already forgive him but will never forget all the 'bad experiences'. hehe. A good lesson to other vendors as well. Jagala hati setiap client tak kesah berapa pon dorg bayar since u r the one who said ok at the first place. It's not about the money, it's more about promises you make to them and your pride.

  18. just a silent reader but can u send the list of the vendors..will settle down this year.hope will not get them as my planner email is
