Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Gembira rasanya hati,coklat cair dinikmati,lalalalala..mari menyanyi bersama2..weeee..
haha mesti u all peliks kan naper la si renee ni kan...

guess what, i have found HER...! sape dia? sapekah yg i tercari2 itu..?
jeng jeng jeng.. lemme show some of her works..





Oh akhirnya i jumpa jugak MUA untuk Nurul Syuhada ni..alhamdulillah..! I think if u all remember i did post HERE and asking bout the MUA.. i siap mintak tlg yuyu (miss X) kalau dia kenal anyone kat tv3 tu.. then yesterday tah camne tergerak hati nak msg Nurul Syuhada trus kat FB.. time tu i tgh compose THIS post, konon da malas nak cari MUA and nak amek pakej bridal yg ada makeup+baju je trus kan.. at the same time saje2 tgk lagi pics wedding Nurul kat fb ThePhotographer..then one of the pics comments ade gak org yg bertanyakan MUA ni.. i trus SAVE her contact number (incase la konon)..

So today, after work i teringat and ikut gerak hati n tried calling her.. dupdap2 jugak, dlm hati ckp kalau dia xjawab then maybe xde rejeki and that's it no more MUA hunting, bridal aje.. then she picked up my call.. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.. i mcm org xtentu arah je.. lawak tul i dunno why lah nak camtu..

Salam, ni kak laila rohani ke..?
Wsalam, yea..

Ni kak laila yg makeup Nurul syuhada ker? (ape da soalan, kan baru tanya nama!)
Haah..akak makeup kan dia..

Oh ok..alhamdulillah dpt jugak call akak.. xsangkaa.. sorry ye kak.. i mmg suka sgt makeup akak, serious chantek gojes,etc,etc.. (mcm jakun lak i nih)
ala biasa2 je..hehe (waa humble nye dia) dpt contact mana?nama siapa?

dpt kat photographer nurul..nak tanye kak, akak buat makeup tak untuk orang2 biasa? (yarabi apsal i tanye soalan camtuh??saje nak memalukan diri T_T)
hahaha akak buat le...akak keje je situ tapi boleh je makeup.. ni bila wedding?

so the conversation goes on and on.. seriously she is SUPER FRIENDLY! siap ckp nak jumpa lagi one month before sbb nak tgk type makeup yg sesuai n all dat. dia nak tau camne.. sbb dia ckp eira syazira pun nak macam nurul's nikah makeup tp bila da jumpe dorang buat style lain.. she asked me to sms my details,date n venue..

and her rate? sgt affordable..!! rm500 per session with hair..and she's available on my date.. and also she's a laydeeehh (lady)..weeee.. straight away i ckp confirmed nak book, tgh tunggu account number je from her.. haha.. so camne ngan weekend plan ni?  the plan will still go on.. cuma skang carik baju+accesories and other stuffs je la kot..weeeee....

oh anyone interested nak hire kak LAILA ROHANI for wedding?
LAILA ROHANI 0173470335. Rate Rm500 per session
i will update her contact in MUA LADIES list (HERE)

Eh ada lagi story okeh.. bila sampai umah sgt2222 happy trus online kat umah.konon nak update trus kat blog, then bukak fb tgk ada msg kat inbox..she replied..! artis replied my msg!! wargh.. ;p haha
 ngeee.. Nurul syuhada is sooo sweet n lovely.. if i were a guy mmg she's my type,but too bad da taken kan.. okeh i admit i have lesbo crush going on here.. haha ;p

oh dangs untuk reception tandang MUA da x surprise sbb da reveal sini..haha..
Gembira rasanya hati,coklat cair dinikmati,lalalalala..



  1. wahhhh u dpt MUA meletop for tandang! jelesnyaaaa. i cuak ni tandang kt kuala sabtu ni pak andam zaman dolu2 pye akan mekap.abis la i.hahaha mntk2 ok...

    500 murahhhhhh!!! kalau i knl awl2 dr thn lepas i nk hire dia gak hahahaha.omg! u post ni br i knl haha..

  2. hai renee...omg~ finally u jumpa gak kak laila ne.. btw,i pun tgh cr MUA jgak, sbb i tukar date sanding, so MUA yg dh d book tak available on new date.. heee, will be consider kak laila jugak...
    many thanks to u...glad u choose to share here.. :)

  3. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. terkedu sebentar!!!! hebat!!

  4. luckily u dpt hire dia.. =) aww love her touch n yg penting murr.kalaula tau awal....huhu tp da slamat hire org lain ni.ok redha sudah.hiks

  5. wah..baeknye nurul syuhada..tak sombong ya..good2..memang cantik mekap dia..nak macam tu jugak!:)

  6. Renee..thanks share..i nak masukkan dlm list i..make up yg super gojes..

  7. yea!! thanks renee...jatuh hati sgt dgn make up eira tu...cantik giler.. okey..nak kumpul duit siap2 utk majlis nanti...hehe

  8. me suka eira lagi..sangat sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttt..........

  9. wah...tahniah2x..akhirnya Allah permudahkan.

    cant wait for ur big day, renee

  10. yg eira tu mmg gojes gila make up dia!oh standard rate MUA RM500 yea?gulppppp

  11. memang cantik. tak over dan sangat sweet. thanks renee for sharing. dia x dek blog or fb ke?

  12. whoaaa~! good. thanks for sharing renee ;)

  13. wow. congrats sebab dapat hire MUA yg kebabom. sure u nampak gojes nanti. congrats again! :)

  14. tq for sharing renee...mmg gojes kn, sukeee sgt2

  15. lisa♥haha mane tau yg dolu2 style punye makeup lagi meletops?? retro is in yaw.. haha ;p

    baizura♥finally! hehe.. try contact her okay.. :)

    tatie♥weee..i pun terkedu mase dpt contact dia sampai tanye soalan2 vodo.. haha ;p

    zimie-twin♥wah terer la u bleh bayang i camne nanti.. i pun xleh nak bayangkan camne.. but hope sgt2 she will make me prettyyy mcm nurul syuhada n eira syazira.. hehe *verangan* ;p

    kitakesitu♥ sure ur MUA pun okay jugak.. :)

    kina♥baik gile kan dia.. da la reply, pastu cara cia ckp tu..aah cairr.. :)

    shura♥welcome.. pls do! :D i pun da update my MUA LADIES list untuk reference sumer org.. ;)

    tqah♥i pun jatuh hati..kumpul n booking awal2 tau..takut bila artis2 da kenal dia harga naik pulak kan... ;)

  16. neyna♥sweet gilers mcm babydoll.. i sukaa... :)

    jan♥alhamdulillah..tq dear.. thanks! i pun cant wait for my big day..tehee..

    nida♥yeay..sumer event MUA da settle..yg belah tandang ter-reveal pulak kan, xsecret dah..haha

    erin♥suke gile dear.. mane taknye mmg mencari ke lobang cacing..bila da give up tup2 muncul number dia.. rejeki :)

    kerry♥kat kl mmg standard price tu dear..ikutkan mmg mahal, tp 4me affordable la kot sbb i mmg budget lebih untuk makeup.. kalau i ni sememangnye chantek i amek MUA2 biase je cukup, but i need special hands to make me pretty.. hehe ;p

  17. mizzamy♥kann..i likee.. sorry i xjumpa la blog n fb dia..tu mcm nak give up dah.. mase call i x tertanya la pulak..hehehe..;p

    sfarlina♥welcome dear..kalau nak hire dia call cepat2..! hehe..

    ctzainal♥tq dear..hopefully dia akan meng-gojeskan i x gojes ni nanti.. AMIN! ;p

    alyashah♥welcome dear.. mmg super-gojes makeup dia..tu yg jatuh chenta tu...hehe :)

  18. wow...sgt affordable nye rate beliau..dulu MUA yg br nak up thn 2010 pn dah ala2 rm500 tak termasuk hair do..untung renee..=)

  19. wahhh sukenye diet..mesti ur makeup will turn out totally gorgeous nnti dear heheheh..lpas nie tak payah riso2 dh la heheh

  20. OMGGGGGGGg reneeeeeeeee! U're so luckyyyyyyyy! Bestnya dapat MUA yg diidamkan! Seriously harga dia mmg murah gila kalau ikut rate Selangor/KL. My majlis kat Png, tak sure dapat hire dia ke tak coz rate dah lain.. :( (Yeah i dah called dia. Thanks to u for the contact)

  21. nurul so sweet, luv her amazing wedding!

  22. kalau pakai tudung pun rm500 jugak ke sis? hehehe..

  23. han♥hehe alhamdulillah.. :)

    uya♥mesti ler suke gilersss.! heehhe.. harap2 la dia bleh buat i gojes nanti.. ;p

    reena♥ngeee..tu la i pun terkezut price dia not as mahal yg lain..tu yg trus grab tu.. oh, ur welcome dear.. :)

    iedaurora♥kan..i suke tgk wedding dia..da la baik lak tu.

    oshinz♥emm yg tu xsure la dear..i rase maybe standard kot rate dia? i juz tanye for makeup n hairdo je..y not u give her a call? ;)
