Thursday, September 22, 2011


Heyya sayangs...

i dah lama nak post pasal ni, da siap save tp lupa plak nak edit balik..naseb ternampak tadi mase nak update my MUA LADIES LIST . Okeh nak tanyeee, sape kenal Kim Kardashian angkat ketiak..!! hehe.. kalau xkenal tipu la kan..haha;p im actually kinda like her fan..she's hot n has a crazy family.. and love her style..suke layan kat Keeping Up With The Kardashians eventhou byk kali repeat kat channel E! tu... huhu..

U all tau x dia da married? she's just got married few weeks back to hunky basketball player Kris Humphreys.. phew he's hot.. i have a thing wif big guys.. hehehehehhe.. ;p and her wedding is soooooo beautiful and lavish... every single details i sukaa..since i xtgk her wedding, so all pics i found on the net kena analized by me..siap tgk one-by-one lama2, mane tau bleh dpt inspiration..haha ;p

gorgeous couple.. :) suke tgk dorang..suke tgk kim..suke tgk kris the big gagah guy..hehehehe ;p

 hitched..;) chantekkkkk... not too sure about the headgear thou,but overall me likey! the dress, makeup, handbouquet, her partner's tux, runner, setting, everything lah.. :D

And FYI, mmg byk nice stuffs u can curik ideas from her wedding.. and one of em is.. her wedding aisle.. oh so elegant and classic..! it's not the conventional red carpet aisle, hers is with initials, crystals, design yg smart... argh i wanna faint..! Kat malaysia ada org buat tak?? i totally loveeeeee it and i rase macam nak DIY...ok tak? takde la panjang berjela macam pic below..maybe from half of the normal red carpet lenght?? hmmm nak kene study nih..

so tambah list untuk Project:x.. weeee... hopefully ada lah masa nak buat kan..but i have to keep in mind if tak dpt buat xpe xkisah..haha ;p dunwan to overstress myself kalau ada sumthing yg xdpt nak buat kan.. kene cool mcm lisa.. hehe ;)

red carpet is sooo last aisle runner here i come! haha ;p Oh here are some photos if u cant get what i mean.. ;p hehehe

 Kim Kardashian's wedding aisle..panjang giler nokss..
 Kim K's monogrammed runner.. jatuh chentaaaa.. i wannnt..
 other runner pics from the net..
 simple je..just kain putih and letak logo..

flower petals.. yg camnie mcm biase tgk kot kan..letak petals tepi2..nanti org sepak2 bersepah pulak..T_T

dis one is handpainted wedding aisle gak kan ada peacock tu..Ahem ;p

 Actually dlm my file i ade byk giler kot pics of aisle runner ni.. tp byk corrupted..huwaaa.. u can do almost anything with your customized aisle runner, u can do it glittery, letak monogramme like Kim K's, or pakai patterned runner ke, or buat runner pakai flower petals many ideas..! hmmm untuk wedding i nak runner camne eh? kene brainstorming nih.. hehe.... 

Note to self: jgn hangat2 taik hayam je renee!! bersemangat lah! dont procrastinate!



  1. owh.. xsusah renee.. mudah..

    as you concern about the long aisle or the monogram?

    my suggestion, print out your monogram, then sketch into large paper.. buat lubang2 kat that paper then sketch again onto fabric aisle..

    leceh sikit keje, but, it will turn out nicely, macam keje2 seni masa sekolah menengah... hihi

    p/s;: mine pun xda red carpet tau..

  2. cantik n creative idea renee...buatlaaa~~nak tengok nanti~~

  3. cantik..n takyah pening2 mana nk dpt red carpet..buat renee..buat..hehe

  4. reenee.. nnt org pijak dulu sblum u pijak..jahanam jadinye..hihihi

  5. buat saje renee..pasti cntik!!!i loike k =)

  6. ape lagik dato?!! dah dapat tips tu!!! DIY!!! heheheheh

  7. bab2 DIY ni kery cukup MALAS.haha.salute sama b2b yg rajin DIY! hehe

  8. memang cantik wedding Kim K. and the aisle runner pun menarik. then apa lagi babe, sila guna kekreatifan yug u ada. ahakss...

  9. renee..lagi 4 bulan lebih jer..time is running out hehehe..cepat2 heh..semangat2
