Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Meowternoon lovely brides, readers, ex-brides, future moms, etc, etc, etc....

Erk so sorry, bukan nak buat review or recommend butik taww.. im actually asking for ur help! hehe jgn mareee...
Boleh tak u all yg baik+chanteks suggest kat i which bridal boutique ok and have reasonable price for sewa baju+makeup+accessories+alat merenjis+etc.. i just need basic package. and kalau boleh yang ada baju2 untuk PLUS SIZE yang CANTIK2.. im sure ramai out there da byk experience menyewa or singgah2 butik2 kan kann..

This sunday insyallah me+my meowsayang nak gi shah alam survey butik2 sane... this is for our tandang reception.. Im aiming Suri butik n butik wazira(ke nazira?) cos ramai B2B amek pakej2/baju2 dorang. But nak tau gak mane tau ade lain2 yg ok....

At first mula2 rase mcm nak tempah sendri je baju for tandang, tapi pikir2 rase mcm malas la pulak.... tgk my fiance mcm rilax jer..mentang2 hall dia kan all-in package..hmmph! T_T So saje nak kasi dia keja sket (yes im evil! ;p) and since i x book lagi MUA tandang (huwa xdpt lagi contact kak laila tv3 tuuu), so might as well amek package yg murah2 je kan... but kalau takde yg berkenan/takde size/mahal, kitorang akan go to plan B.. send kain for tempah, n book MUA sendri, n pinjam alat merenjis sumwhere (ke dewan gemilang da ade?o.O).. im so confused.. well i guess i am a weird, confused bride.. haha.. preps ke mana, ideas ke mana, organization ke mana, poor planning.. haish.. T_T

So yeah, need help peopleeee...pretty please.. :"> thanks in advance!

p/s: tgh contacting friends/suppliers for affordable deals for favourite honeymoon spots.. nanti i share okeh..! :D especially for B2B brides..! *winkwink*



  1. kamarini not recommended k.cari lain.hiks ;p

  2. haha noted on that.. but baju dia chantek per? i mmg xnak pelamin cos hall tandang da all in..huhuhu..

  3. bj dia ok tak byk.rasenye byk lg butik lain yg baju dia banyak n cantik2.huhu..pelamin n mekap dia pn tak best sgt i dgr org kata n based on cousin i pye experience dlu.dia tu nasib baik je i tak buat bad review emo2.haha.majlis pn dh lps so i xkisah sgt n mls nk pk. side laki sng kan,.all in je semua.sama mcm KR.haha

  4. hi renee.. i'm 1 of your slnt readr.. hhi.. i'll rcmmnd my wddg boutque, d'riaz @ puchong. really reasnble k.. anythg, u cn jst ym me, nce 2 meet u, renee..

  5. lisa : ok i akan ikut u.. kamarini=reject. haha.. thanks dear.. ;)

    sa.sitihawa : hye dear..thanks for sharing..! n thanks for reading my blog.. :) nanti i akan email u for details kay.. i xde ym..huhu.. ;)

  6. hye renee meoww.. suri wedding best, PR pun bagus, staf dia yg nama zakri is very friendly.. tp syg ai dtg sana lmbt sgt..diorg tak available on date yg ai pilih..he said bulan 6 aritu diorg dh almost fully booked.

    fidz collection bnyk baju cantik2.. mostly diorg sewakan baju tapi kebanyakannya utk spesis badan halus mulus..

    Masella okay jugak. price affordable.

    wazira bnyk dress cantik2..pricey sket dari masella. dress L/P sewa start from rm1800 ke atas. cari abg joe. he's good.

  7. renee : ibu ngandung nyibuk jap. kat wazira pun ok. baju dia cantek.. tp make up tu tak sure sgt. :) butik kat plaza alam sentral.

  8. hai renee...yes for suri butik...baju ok..kalau nak tempah kat die pon boleh jugak...suruh die design kan pon boleh jugak...harga??mampu milik..hihi

    visit my page

  9. oouhhh u guys are d best..!! much love..!! *hugs*

    ms rumet: thanks so muchieeee for d info..nanti i singgah kat sumer yg u listed tu.. :) *hugs*

    ummphs: oic.. ok da ramai gak suggest wazira..thanks dearieee..! :D
    hope baby's doin finee...

    natrah:hye dear.. another point for suri butik..hish mcm xsabar nak gi sane dah..hehe.. thanks for sharing dear ur d best.. btw kite exchange link ya.. :D

  10. renee... awk da book kak laila ke? huuu i da kol dia tp dia tgh nk cek diari. bile majlis tandang u eh? i takot date kite clash :( berdebar tggu kak laila to confirm

  11. mimin: yup da booking da.. n paling best dia xmintak deposit pun.. my tandang date 19.2.12.. urs?

  12. renee..bape upah makeup kak laila tu..awak amik tuk nikah n sanding skali ke

