Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Saye tidak........... T_T

Heyya babes,

Sorry for the long silence.. xde mood gue nak update blog..plus a bit busy ngan kerja n my part time biz RMWW ... and, xde mood (brape kali nak repeat nih?) T_T

Remember this post yg sgt suspense ni? HERE 

Sepatutnye that day i gi test, but i didnt. why? cos i xnak kecewa n sedih..huhu.. i dah share the symptoms2 tu to my sis yg doctor tu, dia ckp xyah test, tunggu ke 1month lagi, or tunggu kalau next period xde then baru test... so ok i followed her advice la kan..

So the next following month, september...xperiod lagi... then oct pun xperiod lagi.. tgk perut da mcm ala2 vuncits jer tgk kan walaupun makan xseberapa sgt.. mcm excited jugak la...so a few days back beli preg test...n bila test je on sat morning.. nada! 1 line aje... oh kecewa walaupun kuatkan hati untuk tidak.. T_T and peliknye pagi tu lepas breakfast n time keje (half day saturday), i tetiba2 mcm rase sudden vertigo, mcm terhuyung-hayang.. the whole day tu mmg rase camtu so hubby bawak gi clinic, n found out BP i tinggi.. wha?? i xpenah2 camtu before tau.. i xtau is it related with the whole preg thingy or mmg that mcm over-stress ke ape ke.. seriously no answer to that.. T__T

so inilah update nye.. saye tidak.......... T_T

sedey mmg sedey..tapi xpe, kuatkan semangat n try lagi..

i kena bykkan bersabar, bykkan berdoa...hopefully 1 day i will.... lagipun no rush kot cos kitorang x stable lagi..rumah pun xde lagi,masih menumpang umah parents..heheee... kitorang will give a year to try first...honeymoon dulu, kumpul duit dulu, tunggu umah dulu, decorate umah dulu, kalau boleh biar bila ada baby nanti sumernyer complete n perfect...

so kesimpulannye..... KENA DIET N EXERCISE cos dah gemoks sgt..!! *tetiba*

Kalau within a year xdpt jugak, then nak try BIODEX.. who's with me..!! hehee.. ;p



  1. Hi Renee..im your silent reader n follower too..hehe..but bru skrg nk bg comment kan..i also facing the same problem like u..insyaAllah, kita sama2 berdoa dan berusaha k..

  2. ehh.. I pun mcmU jugak tau... ile wat UPT -ve.. so sad.. :(

    perut I pun makisn bertambah buncit. Dah diet pun tp still x turun2 perut buncit tu.. ~huhuhu

  3. salam renee...qaseh dah nikah 10bulan since dec last year. period regular, perut buncit gak skit. simpton2 mcm renee gak.

    doc tak rekomen mkn ape2 produk lagi coz usia perkahwinan belum pun 2tahun dan masih PJJ ngan suami.

    doc nasihatkan cuba secara normal & elak stress.

    kalu pasangan suami isteri tu dah kawen setahun dua, hubungan kelamin yg aktif tapi masih belum dpt anak..then baru ambil produk

  4. be strong renee..insyaAllah ada rezeki nanti

  5. Ada rezeki kita u jgn risau. Cepat atau lambat je :)

  6. hi renee. im ur silent reader too. try makan folic acid & keep track with ur menstrual cycle, ala2 check waktu subur gitu ;P folic acid ni boleh beli kat pharmacy. InsyaAllah ada rezeki u. dont worry yer. take care of ur health.

  7. Yang, jangan terlalu pikirkan k! Sebab kalau stress, lagi susah nak mencuba. Anggap ada hikamh disebaliknya, k. Maybe it is time for you two to enjoy the presence of each other dulu. It won't be the same when you have kids darling, the me time, the us time are gone. So enjoy marriage , but try hard at the same time :-)

    Anyway, have u tried seeing a gynae if you have irregular period? They should be able to advise you accordingly. Yes, they always say berat badan is a problem but trust me I have had bigger sizes friends but it wasn't a problem from them. Just a thought, really, but of course, exercise :-) keeps u fit.

    Love ya

  8. don't over think about pregnancy. I'm 3 months married. my friend who pregnant always keep advising me to not over thing about it. enjoy your honeymoon life. and i believe, things happen for a very gooooood reason. when it comes, it will comes without you expect, and it comes at the right time.

  9. xpela u..slow2 kay.

    kita preggy sesame nti.. ♥

  10. same wif me dear..i da 2 months x piyed..tp -ve.. mybe hormon lps kawen kot..haha..but nevermind..insyaallah ada rzki nti..dun wori :)

  11. dear renee..

    belum rezeki tuh, Allah kan maha mengetahui yang terbaik utk hambaNya.

    Jgn stress2x, follow the flow and enjoy your marriage's life. honeymoon banyak2. mengenali diri, menambah rezeki keluarga. Jaga pemakanan, kesihatan kedua2nya dan ENJOY!

    Kalau dah sampai masanya, insya Allah.

    Mcm Jan, 2 tahun kawin baru pregnant. Itupun tak sangka.Ni tgh menghitung beberapa sebelum due. Alhamdulillah.

  12. selalu singgah sini..tapi skrg baru nak follow u... btw byk info kt sini...thanks :p

  13. renee i know how you feel!! :(( i baru 3 weeks kawin pun and haritu dapat period punya lah kecewa, Allah saja tau.. nak baby terus! haha. gelojoh. takpe dear keep trying i'll doa for you as well Inshallah.

  14. sabar k.. nnt rezki allah bg.. cpt dgn lambat je...
    jaga kesihatan baik2 tau

  15. takpe belum rezeki kita lg dear, keep waiting dengan sabar and lotsa doa ^_^

  16. tq alls for ur support n advice... hugs korang ketat2.. :)
