Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hi All....

just a quick one..

Does anyone have any contact details of SIMPLISITI STUDIO??

besides than these..
03 55230222
012 9114160
012 344 8692

ade sape2 yg ada deal ngan dorang? work ngan dorang? ape2 la yg berkaitan ngan dorang? i need to meet them urgently...!!

i want my rm120 groupon video now.. it's been 7months wooo... bila email xde respond, bila call all the numbers sumer tu langsung xdpt.. 

apakah ini? bukan SIMPLISITI STUDIO ni agak dikenali ker? 

yeah i know rm120 is nothing to some of you, but for me money is money..!! and i nak kenangan dari video tu diabadikan.. *cheh ayat*

I do hope they all will reply my email and contact me back.. 
If not......



  1. renee, i think i have a friend that works there, tapi tak betul2 pasti for simplysiti studio or simplisiti je..nanti i tlg tanye k!:)

  2. alaaa kesiannyerr.. groupon tu xblh percaye ek..? i baru je nak create photobook kat groupon.. huhu~

  3. aishah : tq dear.. :)

    zimie : haah i pon ade bace ayu punye review, so far dia punye ok..but how bout others tu? T__T

    ctmz : groupon boleh caye..cos byk bende i beli thru groupon sumer ok..tapi yg company tu la yg kdg2 mcm tahape sket.. yg simplisiti ni i baru tau dorang ade prob..adohai... T___T

  4. Hi.. im Tasha. my wedding on my husband's side pun guna simplisiti through groupon. wedding was 16th November 2011. Im still searching for them. I cuma ada no. shahril simplisiti, 012 9114160. I pernah dapat cakap dengan dia sekaliiii je. i minta video. dia kata akan check and get back to me. that was 4 months ago. i did try to call dia balik the next day, dah tak dapat till now.. if somehow u manage to get them, bole tolong let me know juga? i dont mind if i kena edit sendiri my video. dapat yg raw pun jadiii lah.. tak baik diorang buat us mcm ni.. if u hear anything, my no is 019 235 1313 tq

  5. cuba no ni 0123255846 & 0126841707

  6. jahat y dorang ni. tak baik, tak baik~
    sekarang dapat tak contact dorang? kita xda contact dorang la. sowi..

  7. saje nak tahu, mcmane video kahwin dah dapat ke?

  8. adam : video dah dpt dalam vimeo.. but dorang promise nak bagi the cd sampai skang tak dpt.. T_T

  9. adam : video dah dpt dalam vimeo.. but dorang promise nak bagi the cd sampai skang tak dpt.. T_T

  10. mmg takkan dapat la kalau mcm tu.langsung tak professional tak silaplah owner dia tu dulu budak sekolah subang jaya
