Monday, January 9, 2012



How's everything? how's preps? how's married life? Hows? Hows? There's so many questions i wanna ask u all tau... If possible, rasa mcm nak jumpa je every each one of u (friends, readers, silent readers) have a drink and lepak2 chitchat or karoks ke ;p.... I'm so thankful and happy to have u all as my readers.. so many support and love.. hate pun ada tapi abaikan aje la kan..haha..

This blog was born september 2010, and only after 1 year plus, i've gained sooooo many friends and readers throughout my wedding journey.. and time flies so fast..tup2 tgk kat column belah kanan blog ni..waahh ye ke?? more than 500 followers? xsangkaaa... Alhamdulillah thanks so much to all yang follow, baca, comment, and made my blog as ur inspiration and as reference for your wedding preps....

maybe if compared to other blogs, 500 tu xde ape la sgt.. Blog ni pun biase2 je, xde la nak letak app2, custom template ke, pakai colour2 rainbows ke hape.. and i think ramai lagi b2b @ ex-b2b bloggers yang lagi inspiring n best but papepun i still terharu jugak la... but for me, it's such and honor n i felt really2 terharu.. and i appreciate every each one of u..! *hugs* lagi terharu when ramai yg came forward thru email/fb introduce themselves as my reader+silent readers.. tp skang da xsilent da kan.. hehheeeee... Alhamdulillah dgn blog n total pageviews ni jugak, ade la sedikit sebanyak mendatangkan rezeki kahwin..*eh betul ke ayat ni* alhamdulillah syukur.. thanks to u all..! :) u all mmg best n awesommmmeeee.. :) 
Insyallah i will continue blogging and inspire u all even after my wedding. And do hope u all wont stop inspiring me...i didnt do this all alone taw, u all pun inspire me.!

Thanksss sooo muchiieeee *hugs* 
insan biasa - Renee Meow
*credit photo - nadia zahari & peaches by anna cherie*

*sorry if there's too much 'thanks', 'appreciate' and 'terharu'..hehe ;p

*note-previous posts*


  1. renee, i buat giveaway ! nnti jenguk oke =) jemput join (^^) =)

  2. hehehhe..500 is a big no jugak tau

  3. hwaiting!
    1 month & 1 day .. gud luck dear!

  4. tahniah dear !!!! xlama dah dup dap dup dap :)

  5. reneeeeeeee,motif gambar last tu????haha gambar i burokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  6. Wow.. Great.. Ala warna pelangi tu cm perli k je.. Terasa taw. Hukhuk.. Majokkk. Larikk. Ngee

  7. terbaik la flwer renee....kak long baru lagi..:p

    good luck darling....2 bulan lagi giliran kak long lak, bgelar isteri...heheheeh :)

  8. hehe..that's just who you are renee..always adorable on your blog, and even more adorable in person:) this blog is my fave wed prep reference blog. thanks a lot renee! we love you! <3


  9. yeye 511... suke bace blog renee... banyak info mena dpt... :-)

  10. erin♥ i mmg sweet..haahahaaa ;p tlg pang i.. ;p

    farahd♥hehe tq dear..sorry xlarat nk join..but i will help spread d news..! :D

    norhasliza♥kan...untuk blogger lain xla kot..untuk i mcm giler bykkkk... *Terharu*

    serigalamaroon@cik rai♥today exactly 1month! weee.. :D

    nora♥tq dear...i punye heartbeat bunyi camni.. krik krik, krik krik..*cengkerik*.. nervous xdtg lagi..heehehe ;p

    kerry♥motifnye adalah untuk menunjukkan u sgt cute.. ;p

    nanie♥alololooo jgn majuk.. ala pelangi chantek laaa..kira lagi chun laaa dari blog i yg kosongni..meh meh i bg icecream..hehe ;p

    kaklong♥heehee happy preps dear..2bulan x lama tuee... ;p

    aishah♥awww sho schweeeet.. tq so much dear.. loveya..! :D

    mena♥tq tq dear..will try my best share lagi info..:D

  11. :) well done babe. 500 is awesome!!! and your readership is like 10 ganda mine lah. huhuhuhu.

    can u believe it our weddings are about a month away!!! OMG!! :)

  12. Dreamweaver♥ haha 500 is nothing compared to other bloggers..but to me it's big.. hehee.. thanks so much dear..!! i have exactly 3weeks from today *excited*

  13. hehe.. baru perasan, kt gambar yg renee PS tuh, ade muke kite.. kih2 ;)
