Wednesday, June 6, 2012



Alamak kantoi la langgar janji..arituh konon semangat ckp nak update 1post per day tapi tgk?? hahhaaa maaf...

Okay ni topic yg best.. i tau mesti ramai suke sbb ramai gilersss email n pm i kat fb tanye pasal makeup and also tanye pasal MUAs. Ok la nanti i update next ok, ingat nak ikut turutan from nikah to tandang tapi rasa berzaman je kalau nak update satu2 so kite skip yg lain n akan update pasal makeup MUA sanding and tandang in next post yer.. insyallah esok yer..? today kite share2 beauty tips before kite start makeup sebelum majlis start.. ini adalah crucial untuk brides diluar sana..!

Actually tak byk tips i nak share, because u all bleh jer google and mostly sumer the tu same thing. ini adalah tips dari my MUA and mana yg i buat for myself. Post ni actually bukannye nak syok sendri or perasan yg i ni FABULOUS time my wedding.. Ni sumer tips2 yg i compare among my 3events and dari situ boleh nampak beza n tau mana yg ok n berguna untuk korang.. 

NOTE:Setiap org mempunyai citarasa masing2. xsuka abaikan, kalau suka silakan. sekian terimakasih. :D

ok ni sebenarnye i da share sket2 tips ni in my last nikah makeup post HERE. tapi xpelah i repeat balik kat sini kot2 ada yg termiss...

One month/a few weeks before
1. Get enough sleep, drink lotsa water and fruits/vege (main RULE no.1) Kalau u jenis xsuka makan sayur/fruits, untuk nampak cantik ini adalah WAJIB! ;p
2. Jgn time2 nak dekat wedding time tu lah nak tukar your beauty products mcm facial wash and mosturizer.. just maintain aje to avoid skin breakouts/kusam
3. Maintain the 3essential steps ->WASH+TONE+MOSTURIZE.. Tapi some people including me buat 2 jer-> WASH+MOSTURIZE. ikut lah yg mana, janji buat xkisah ur skin oily ke, ape ke..

One day before/On your big day
4. Jangan makan oily foods. Eat safe, mkn food yg light2 asalkan perut xkosong
5. Tido pakai mask. It'll work wonders, trust me! Product i akan share kat bwh..
6. Time mandi, bilas muka dgn warm water, cuci dgn facial wash, and then bilas semula dgn air yg sejuk
7. Jangan scrub muka..i repeat jangan scrub..! scrub akan exfoliate muka and ada chances muka akan timbul jerawat..kalau nak buat pun, do it 1-2weeks prior.
8. Ok lepas mandi, pakai mosturizer...xkisah la kalau u kulit berminyak ke ape, ur skin will need it.. (refer step number 3)
9. Sementara menunggu MUA sampai, sila pakai ini untuk mendapatkan kulit yang cerah,gebu dan glowy (it seriously works for me!). dia xde la buat muka beza gila trus putih melepak, cuma ur face tu akan glowy la.. i siap beli for my hubby suh dia pakai seblum nikah, he likes it..tapi sbb dia xcukup tido muka xde beza la sgt..haha..

Wear this in 15-20 minutes (for me the longer the better..haha ;p). sampai dia  kering tu, u peel off and cuci muka..pergh glowy..and then pakai la mosturizer lepas tu..
10. Maybe you can also use ice(letak dlm kain) and tuam.. but seriously for me that doesn work. Ice akan buat skin kering, pucat, kusam.. kan kulit tu sejuk kena ice, blood flow pun kurang ler.. i rasa cukup dgn step 6 pun dah ok, cos tujuan dia just nak rapatkan pores u..

IMPORTANT : dont ever2222222222 picit ur jerawat on your big day. JANGAN ok! jerawat pecah akan membengkak n merah, bila kena sapu dgn makeup xcantik..! biar je jerawat tu n ur MUA akan coverkan...

Sila jgn abaikan ur lips ya.. kalau u jenis lips yg pink n cantik, ur lucky. tapi kalau u org melayu yg biasa2 mcm i ni (xberapa nak pink atau smooth), sila lihat tips2 ini..

One month/a few weeks before
1. Maintain pakai lipbalm/lip mosturizer
2. kurangkan pakai lipstick tebal2/matte. contoh mcm i, i discovered i can rock (ecewah) red lipstick a few months before kawen..i was obsessed with red lipstick,so my lips mcm kering n nmpak gelap sket (original xde lah cerah sgt)..
3. sekali sekala exfoliate ur time abes mandi tu, basahkan sket ur towel, n then u lap mcm scrub motion dekat ur lips will brush away the dryness n flaky skin.. kadang2 i malas time berus gigi i akan berus skali lips i..hahaa..
4. minum air byk2222...sbb takut kalau cuaca panas bibir akan merekah n kemungkinan dpt ulcer..tidakkkk.. so back to the first rule tadi->refer paling atas.

One day before/On your big day
1. tido letak vaseline (yg petroleum jelly tu tau) kat bibir tu, next day ur lips lembut giler n mcm angelina jolie..hehe ;p kalau xtau rupa vaseline, nah~

2. ok ni tips jahat, sebelum MUA sampai kan, curi2 pakai lipbalm.. like me, i pakai lipice mentholatheum sheer colour tu.. it's mosturizing and ada pink tint tu.. so sebelum MUA sampai i dah curik2 pakai.. kenapa? sbb normally time makeup, MUA xkan letak lipbalm or mosturizer untuk u..dia akan trus apply foundation (skali kat bibir) kalau u jenis bibir kering, possibility lepas makeup bibir akan merekah atau mcm chapped sket.. pastu contohnye la kalau lipstick habis(or pudar sbb makan/minum), atleast pink tint from lipbalm tu boleh lagi cover ur lips.. :D

Honestly bagi i, selama ni kite diberi salah petunjuk how to get great hair for event/big day. Here's the right tip to have great hair for your wedding day..
1. Treat your hair weeks before your big day (Hair mask, oil, etc,etc)
2. Byk tips kite dgr suruh shampoo one day before kan..tett SALAH. kite asians mesti basuh rambut untuk buang minyak dan segala kotoran..
3. Please wash your hair with shampoo only.. i repeat, shampoo only. no need conditioner
4. After dah mandi, keringkan rambut and biar dia lembap2 gitu.. nanti MUA tau apa nak buat..
5. Dont wear any products, sbb MUA akan guna product dia jugak..nanti rambut 'berat' pulak..
6. Kalau rambut sikit (like me), mintak tlg MUA buat rambut yg 'besar' n tutup rambut sket tu.. mmg mula2 rasa 'besar' tapi nanti rambut akan penyek sket n suits u..hehe ntah la dats how i looked at it..
pic bukan dari OP. credit pic raden

Yes this part i paling sukeeeeeee.....mcm xsabar giler nak share.. im sure ramai xpenah dgr n xtau wujudnye tips ini.... (ke i sorang je xtau wujud?) hahaha.. ;p okay please stay with me kalau nak tau this AMAZING tip i got from my favourite MUA..xnak story sini, citer MUA i akan buat special entry in next posts..(bile u tgk pic bwh mesti dah tau sape punye..hehe ;p)

One day before/On your big day
1. Refer tips no.1 yer.. WAJIB!
2. Avoid dari menangis the night before (ye saye nangis sebelum hari sanding..huhuhu T_T itu story later, tu pun kalau i nak share)
3. Wear your contacts awal (1-2jam sebelum). jgn last minute baru pakai..ur eyes need to adjust the lens..most recommended lens by most MUA->freshlook grey (paling natural looking n sesuai dgn any makeup style). Pure Hazel pun not bad. ikut org la ada yg sesuai any colour, but ni yg recommended by MUA.. kalau bleh avoid lens yg superbesar yg freaky T_T

4. ok LAST (and the BEST PART).. pakai eyedrop brightener aka NAPHCON-A. carik kat guardian or any pharmacy mesti jumpa.. if not NAPHCON-A, mintak dorang eyedrop untuk cerahkan mata. mula2 i xingat sgt ape nama brand ni, i cuma ingat baru je sms ngan my fav MUA tu,dia reply NAPHCON-A.

Apakah ini? ini adalah eyedrop yg akan membuatkan mata cerah n putih.. YE, PUTIH..! putih mata u akan jadi clear n putih.. so no red eyes/yellow eyes/blurry eyes..mata yg xcukup tido akan nampak cukup tido (eyebag lain citer). haa ni la sebenarnye secret artis2...kite tgk lawaaaa jer mata, ceraah je mata..sbb MUA dorang letakkan NAPHCON eyedrop ni.. my fav MUA ni keje dia kdg2 kena makeup artis@personality awal2 pagi, so untuk cover redeye dia pakai ini... If i knew this earlier (before kawen) i akan pakai time nikah n sanding (which i need most) tau..huhuhu... Bila kita pakai ni, dalam gambar mata cerah mcm kena edit.. i kept my raw pics n mmg terserlah mata putih tu sgt putih.. Please get it asap..! ;) incase mane la tau MUA korang xguna kan. Thanks to my fav MUA for sharing this useful tip. Among my 3 MUAs, dia sorang je yg pakai ni and i bet ramai lagi MUA kat msia xpakai method nie.. maybe lepas i post ni semua pakai kot ;p

Ok pics ni adalah on my big done by fav MUA iteww..
tlg abaikan edit yg xseberapa..just nak tunjuk u alls beza mata putih i tu...

and bawah ni pics xpakai NAPHCON-A tu.. mata lesu, xjernih, merah, kuning, tu blum my hubby lagi, mata dia gila obvious..! kalau tau pasal NAPHCON-A ni awal confirm xspoiler..huhuhuuuuu...
click for larger view..tgk mata my meowgagah.. merah tul mata dia..huhuuuuuuuuu....

Ok tu saje beauty tips i nak share ngan u all to look FABULOUS on your big mcm byk la pulak yg i share..hehee.. Ada yg lain2 mcm gigi sumer tu malas la sbb i xde tips untuk tu..u all google la eh..hehehehee.. ;p me n hubby pegi scaling sekali jer months before..tu jer xwat pape..hehee..

Any of you guys nak share tips yg best2 untuk b2b di luar sana?



  1. suka post ni! sangat useful! Thanks renee for ur effort mengarang panjang berjela ni... suka!!! ^^

  2. renee.. mana nak cari ea naphcon A tuh..

  3. picairin❤welcome dear..niat nak membantu b2b di luar sana.. ;D

    anonymous❤bleh carik kat guardian/watson/pharmacy lain.. ;)

    fazey❤tqvm! :D

  4. nice info renee..masa kawen dulu pun kina pakai lens + artificial tear drop utk mata tak kering..

  5. peewwwiiittt.....
    canteknye mata renee tu....boleh wat iklan inner shine da ni...hehe

  6. thank u thank u so much renee for ur advice... appreciate it especially on eye tips...mata i slalu merah...sob sob, so mmg berguna tips ni :P

  7. reen, yang napchon ni boleh pkai hari2 ke? kire pkai after pkai lens ke before? hehe

  8. kina❤thanks kina.. ;) artificial teardrop tu pun penting supaya mata xkering.. ;)

    ciklijah❤pewiittt..awwwww.. ;p haha..

    anis❤welcome dear.. glad to help other b2bs.. ;)

    cik asam jeruk❤boleh dear..cos dia mcm eyedrop biasa je cuma bleh hilangkan merah2 tu.. ;)
