Monday, February 6, 2012



*Scheduled Entry*

ENTRY : SUPER-LONG WITHOUT PICTURES.. erk mesti u all boring kan T_T

Aroooo... by now when u all are reading this im already super-duper-muper busy and also sleeping cos i set pukul 3am..hehe ;p nasib la dah cut.. mcm2 bende yg bleh settle kan.. weee... :) ok this post is kesinambungan from HERE

Dah collect kat tailor kat butik pengantin city one plaza. it's okay-ada rupa baju, but not 100% satisfied and ape yg mintak (very simple) xberapa nak menjadik, and workmanship very2 so-so..bila tgk dalam dia, adoih.. T_T but ade issue yg lebih patut diconcern and tepuk dahi..  thanks to my degil-self, my baju agak jarang..ok tipu, sgt jarang..! i shud have usen the satin given by jakel, but nooOOOooooo i nak jugak tukar ngan chiffon, n the chiffon given by the SA tu mmg xmembantu..tailor tu dah bgtau kat i baju akan jarang but noooOOoooo i nak jugak ckp xpe pakai malam..tgk2 bila da siap, OMG mmg betul jarang.. but xleh nak buat kena make-do la.. carik corset or inner thingy yg skin colour.. xleh nak pakai PB cos obvious bleh nampak.. T_T and my baju supposed to be the colour i wanted, but now thanks to the lining tu dia ada dat hint of another colour, which is macam bridesmaid punye colour gak.. oh myyyy...!! x stress but tepuk dahi la.. chill renee chill.. insyallah all will be ok.. xpe la i jadik bridesmaid la jugak, voley? hahahaa ;p

P/S: the place is not recommended, sorry cha. Sekian terima kasih.

Bilik dah starting to be a bilik pengantin..! yeay..sumer brg2 dah kemas tinggal nk pasang langsit,brg2 hantaran n some stuffs.. my theme? xde pun.. but i put it as Modern+romantic+COZY..  cozy tu yg penting ya adik2.. heheee.. ;p im lucky i can decorate my own bilik pengantin, kalau leave to sumone else, confirm ropol2 here n there..tidaaaaaakkkk.... ;p

Hari tu i ada mention jumpe bende best kat umah... HERE. I duno why, but i think sgt best! mama pun happy jumpa bende tu.. apakah bende tu? It's actually my arwah tokmak's dulang hantaran (kaki dulang).. it was beautiful..! classic sgt2.... serious skang ni da lama xjumpa org buat hantaran ala2 classic..kan? *ting* idea tu dtg.. i will gubah my own hantaran dgn theme classic+modern+?.. kena buat last minute cos pakai fresh flowers.. hope it'll work out.. :D

My B2B bridesmaids..!! ada yg da share tunjuk baju dah siap.. gorgeous seh..hehe.. ;p oh as i mentioned, my colour baju nikah now is seakan2 colour dorang.. *sobs*.... xpe lah pasrah.. nanti org pelik apsal terlebih bridesmaid? Oh! pengantin rupanya..hahahaaa ;p

Yesterday jumpa akak BUTIK C and further discussion about hall n stuffs.. I mintak dia buat ala2 mcm wedding MEL yg awesome tu.. nak ada kain hanging2 gitu cos dewan i sama mcm dia.. akak BUTIK C dah pegi dewan, checkout the place, buat measurements n stuffs.. n dia explain la the costs n all dat.. since first time buat dewan tu, dorang hv to purchase new stuffs for the things i wanted la.. bila dgr tu mcm *gulps* la jugak.. so cancel la.. amek je package yg sedia ada, but add some touch yg gitu2 n ehem2 sket.. *haha i ni jahat x bgtau in detail* ;p akak tu pun best sgt22222... rasa mcm nyesal xjumpa dia awal2 n amek full package tros ngan dia. baju2 dia masyallah chun gilers.. tailor dia pun ada, n dia ada bilik for xde la kite nak risau baju tu sub kat mat bangla mane2 kan..huhu.. and for setup, me n mama pesan buat awal, xnak last2 minute pagi tu..i slumber je citer bout fira's story n akak tu promise dia akan buat midnite, siap around 5-6am. One thing about this butik C, kalau pelamin, bayaran kena buat habis dulu before wedding.. i mcm erk..o.O but my mama+daddy suggested we pay half first. n then dat day 5am tu, we all akan gi dewan, checkout everything is in ordern chantek n according to wat i wanted, n then pay the rest of the balance, akak tu agree so ok la.. i hope n doakan akak BUTIK C will do her best for my wedding.. da la dia tu best n sporting..i luv u akak..! doakan semoga sumer berjalan lancar ye my lalings.. :)

p/s: bila buat final discussion camni, make sure u write down skali ape yg dia mention...jgn harap vendor tulis, n then u ingat camtu je.. mcm i every single detail yg discussed depan2 dia gak i tulis..from colour, flowers ape, design aisle camne.. sumer tulis n simpan as reference..

amboiii...hover okeh..haha..i cant think of any other words actually.. haha ;p ala da tinggal 4hari kan, so mesti la super excited n verangan lebih2 about d nikah day.. i mcm bleh terbayang kan mini pelamin i, tp rasa mcm xleh terbayang..*eh paham ke*.. i duno la, im super excited about it..maybe cos ada a bit of personalization di situ? maybeeee....maybe cos i ni kuat verangan? hahaaa.. okeh NEXT

yeayyy..super super super happy..!! most of our DIY stuffs dah the very last minute..hahaaa.. tu laaa PROCRASTINATE lagi cik renee oi... verangan je whole year tp complain pasal itu-ini xsiap..kennnnn..oops? ;p ala biase la, verangan xsemestinyer sumer termampu nak buat.. bukannye ape i share kat blog i sumer i nak buat..haiyoh choyy la..i cuma try mane yg mampu, mane yg sempat, mane yg within budget (which is very2 not helping T_T).. da nama pun budget bride... kalau no-budget bride, i hire wedding planner je trus settlekan sumer.. so now, alhamdulillah all settled..! weeee.. :D 

p/s: akan update yer on DIY stuffs *fluttering-eyelashes* ;p

dia mmg gagah..! hehe...thanks so muchie to my fiance, without him mmg most of the things listed atas xde la kot.. My fiance is super helpful, super rajin, super supportive, super loving, super everything lah.. im totally beyond words.. he's the best guy ever! my fiance dah tolong kemas rumah (rumah i okeh!) yg penuh barang2 after renovation, my fiance dah tolong angkat2 furniture kat rumah n oso furniture bilik pengantin, my fiance dah tolong aturkan balik the bilik pengantin supaya nampak luas-yes sgt2 luas compared to the one i posted before HERE... my fiance dah tolong siapkan most of the diy project:x stuffs... oh what can i say..sayanggg thank u so much for everything.. i lovie u so muchie..hehe..okay-okay, nak jiwang pun xbleh..hmmmph~

p/s:thanks to my younger bro too for he's my official driver for 1week..hehe ;p

haha..i have no words to describe yg photobooth stuffs.. bende2 yg beli sumer xmenepati citarasa i, but it's close la with the one i wanted HERE. Dah byk tempat pegi, but i canot find the colour paper stringy thingys.. yg jumpa kertas yg mcm crepe tu.. n then i canot find bling2 thingys yg mcm plastic berjurai2 tu, so i bought bende yg org slalu letak kat party2..cuma yg paper-fan je ok, materials juz beli kertas colour2 n gift-wrapper... another issue, how in the world im gonna put these things together? mana nak gantung? i da ada plywood panel, tapi agak xshok cos it's plain.. so ape yg renee akan buat? jengjengjeng..kite tunggu dan lihat ye..haha *jahat tul i* ;p Watever it is, i hope my project will turn up ok. i do hope DBA aka THE PHOTOBOOTH CORNER HERE akan menjayakan project ni, cos mesti ramai akan tengok n tanye sape org yg amek2 pic tu?sape yg org provide sumer2 tu? definitely sape yg suka akan tercari2 cik DBA kite... ;) so im really hoping for the best, im counting on u DBA..! hehe ;p

p/s: sape2 yg inginkan photobooth corner yg chantek menarik kau mmg the bomb boleh la contact dba aka THE PHOTOBOOTH CORNER yer.. Dba sgt sweet n baik orgnye, korang contact la dia kay.. ;)

ok bab ni rasa mcm nak tumbuk perut org kat tepi jalan yg xbersalah.. haha kejam ;p xde la..camni citer al-kisahnyee.. patutnye nak buat video montag n all stuffs...n patutnye da ade projectornye..but at d very last minute orangnye nak pakai untuk presentation ape ntah..sooooo nak carik mane skang?mane? yg mula2 dpt tu i dpt free, thru my bro.. pinjam member sama member kan.. but now xde, so maybe xde lah video yer.. time tandang confirm la ade dewan dorang best..huhuhuuuuuuuu... T_T

em.hmm.mmmmm.... mom bought another veil. dia xsuka the kain i bought for DIY veil.mode: pasrah. cant deny the new veil is nice, and different sket from usual brides slalu buat, but my diy project? *duduk one corner in darkness,with spotlight on u*

4days, dot. okay la one day on thursday tu xyah kira cos patutnya on dat day sumer settled... 3days, dot. apakah perasan mu renee?takut x? naahh, xtakut n xnervous..LAGI. skang ni sgt2 bz settlekan pikir itu-ini. cuma nervous bab2 bende2 xsiap mcm packing doorgifts sumer tu..dah la telur, so xleh nak buat awal2. Risau relatives busy xdpt nk tlg ker, or siblings bz xdpt tlg, or siblings dtg nikah lambat cos ada yg xamek cuti..!! (dah bgtau awal almost setahun okeh!).. serious xtau nak ckp ape..ape la salahnye applyyyyyy...sheesh.. i know work is important, but ni adik kawin kot..da la jumaat, so ptg super jam.. so u nk dtg mcm guest je la?xtlg pape la? haa kan da luah perasaan kat sini.. im not angry, im juz frustrated, so does mom+dad. tp xpe la nak buat camne some other way mmg dorang ade tolong dari segi bab2 lain (appreciate n very thankful), but.... isk susah nak explain. i was hoping kalau dulu time dorang i bleh beriya2, excited, apply cuti awal, tolong mcm2, always be there when they need help... i hope my time akan dpt la camtu gak..tapi x langsung.. *eh mcm ungkit la plak, but it's true* . Ni siap call mama tanye nak dtg hari apa nak tolong (adoih nak kene tanye ke?).

anywayssss...xnak sedih2, pape pun.. tinggal brape hari je lagi..hope lain la jadinyer for my special day kan... xsabar nih...hahaa ;p doakan semoga sumer dipermudahkan n lancar ya.. muahs luv u all..! :D daaa~~



  1. gudluck dear..pasni dah susah ah nak cr blog yellow pages for b2b :p

  2. surprisingly, i read till the end! hihi, renee! semoga semuanya bejalan smoothly and u will be the happiest person on that day :) aminn

  3. hi renee..
    jangan sedih-sedih ye.. cheer up girl!!! nanti xvouge la time nikah.. wish you all the best and jaga kesihatan.. jangan stress.. im happy for you as a b2b friend..

  4. Wow! Semuanya super...hehehe..saya doakan semoga hari perkahwinan cik renee meriah seperti yang diidamkan :)

    Selamat berkenalan. Jom exchange link!:)

  5. Gud luck dear.
    Hope everything will going smoothly.
    Tak sabar tunggu your review on your super duper wedding. Hehhh

  6. guess who's here....;)
    thanks for the puji2an (kembang kempis idungku) hmph hmph hmph...
    anything for u dear....

  7. U know what renee, i baca post u dgn penuh ke-excited-an...smpi habis...haha. take a deep breath and be the gorgeous bride wokeh!!!

  8. Renee..i dpt rasekan kestressan u bile bace entry ni tp i tau u mesti super gojes ala2 tokti gitu..smilleeee :-)

  9. pray that you have a smooth and happy wedding babe!

  10. Wawee...I cant wait to see ur wedding dear.
    InsyaALLAH i dtg...nak reminiscing the moment of our wedding... ;)

    All the best and good luck renee.
    Stay cool on the BIG day ok !

  11. insyaAllah, ade rezeki dapat la kina bergambar kat photobooth tu. :)

  12. renee ! Congrats on your wedding...u look so beautiful okeh ! I tgk kat rina hamid heheh stay in touch girl..muah
