Friday, January 6, 2012


Heyya my pretty friends and readers...

It's freeday..!!! woohoo...! skang nie kalau time nak dekat ngan weekend jer i mesti happy giler cos nak settle kan wedding preps..hehe... da plak, wedding b2b pun ramai..since last year mcm byk yg i miss, dis year nak attend jugak..tapi kalau super-busy xdpt la kot.. huhu..

Okay..i excited nak share nie... nak share pasal wedding card..weee.. i love my cards..!! okeh syok sendiri..hehehe.. Ok before i share ngan u all my wedding card and vendornye.. nak story dulu sket2 my journey mencari wedding card idaman... ;)

Lately kan ada byk company2 yg best2 start dgn trend design yg cute+simple kan.. alaa yg style pakai pokok2 ke, ribbon2 ke, burung2 ke... sepanjang tahun lepas i survey and save pics yg memikat hati.. some of the companies and designs yg i adore adalahhhhh :-

one of my favourites sejak sebelum tunang lagi.. i mmg suker giler222 ngan design lace ni, siap ada share sini (HERE) . I really2 love their designs, very2 exclusive.. time pameran ade la jugak singgah booth dorang,yang jaga situ pun sgt friendly.. but card dia pakai material yg i kurang minat..huhuhu.. but if u all interested, boleh checkout sini


Sape kenal NORA KEREL? kalau xkenal i babab dia..hehehe.. NORA KEREL adalah antara B2B BLOGGER aka customer dorang, u all bleh refer sini (HERE). Designs dorang sgt sweet n u guys bleh mintak custom made.. price dia pun ok affordable.. if interested u all can visit here..
(dorang ada buat sale until FEB..cepat2 grab em! HERE )

Yeah ni antara vendor yg tgh booming skang dgn doorgifts, prints n videography... if im not mistaken dulu dorang pakai nama durian sumthing, i lupe la plak.. i suke cards dorang yg cute2 tu.. more pics here

 Designs dorang sgt2 marvellous n style...! oh mmg sukaaa.. sgt chantek, simple and exclusive.. mula2 i tau pasal dorang is from cik atia@ cik belle's wedding invitation..sgt2 unique n chantek..!! But dorang ni based in kuching..huhu.. Ok, here are some pics of their work... if interested, u can check em out here


Ok dah tu jer.. yg atas2 ni yg suke sgt BUT nak tau naper i tempah ngan dorang?

kalau voley kami nak yg budget. duit kuar sendri2 ye kawan2...T_T bila combine both majlis total we need is around 650 cards (400 mine, 250 his).. tp bila we all pikirkan mesti ada yg invite ngan mulut, fb.. so nak jimat we all decide nak tempah for 500cards je.. tu yg susah nak dpt yg murah, kan byk vendor2 buat packages 1000 n above kan.. huhuhu..

ade design yg sgt suka tp bila tgk live material i mcm xberminat sgt. lagi2 kertas yg licin kilat tu..and xleh nak tukar jenis material..huhuu...

yep, family... why? sbb kite kena please our family and parents. kite yang muda2 ni mesti nak yg simple2, joy2, burung2, kucing2 kan..kalau bleh nak modern2 kan? TATAPI, kite kene refer balik kat taste parents bukan majlis kita jer, and dorang pun nak jaga air muka kan.. jgn la sampai dah print 1000-2000pcs pastu bila da siap parents xsuka.. hoh i mmg xbleh terima kot camtu, anything i mmg kene dptkan approval parents dulu.. kalau dorang suka, baru proceed. And knowing my parents, i know their taste.. dorang still prefer style yg old skool,exclusive, and jenis yg embossed tu... 
naseb la i+meowgagah pun xkisah ok je lah.. ;)

Since then we all mencari lah card kat shah alam n kl.... shah alam we went to plaza alam sentral... ade la vendor2 tp adoih mmg i xminat la.. mmg la murah, tp i mmg xminat mane bleh paksa kan.. after dat i ade singgah pameran pengantin SACC untuk carik cards n baju (which i found my designer HERE)..aduh sgt xberkenan.. so ok, last place to go is to checkout cards kat jalan brunei cos kat sane mmg known for kedai cards yg berlambak2..

one of the shops we all singgah.. urgh sorry 2say la yer, bad service...
masuk2 je xlayan..bila tanye je masing2 buat muka tahi je..oh FYI, dorang melayu yer.. kite nak tlg bg business kat bangsa sendri tp kalau masing2 camtu sorry lah...

Bila da round2 tu.. the best is kat MyOne card.. designs chantek and price pun ok.. layanan pun sgt2 even ramai gile org dtg..mase pegi tu tgk2 je dulu kan, blum confirm lagi.. but we all da decide nak yg camne...some pics time tgh pilih designs..

my meowgagah *luvya!* 
 yours truly aka cik Renee Meow.. konon2 je tu posing tp sebenarnye nak amek pic kedai tu.. kitorang takut dorang xbagi.. haha ;p
 these 2chinese guys are d best..! dorang sgt funny n lawak.. mmg pandai layan client yg masuk berpusu2 time tu.. xde sape yg dia sgt berpuas hati ngan svc dorang time tu..

here are among the cards yg we all minat...
nak compare.. my meowgagah post pic ni kat fb dia n mintak tlg family n frens pilih.. cos we love both..! and most of suke yang atas punye.. simple and exclusive.. ;)

So camne endingnya?? we all pilih design yg cream tu... We came back on 16nov, isi borang and all the details needed.. pay deposit rm50 first and wait for first draft by 30nov. By 30nov dorang dah siap draft, and ada la a few things kene betulkan..sbb yg designer dia org lain and dia ckp dia xde contoh card yg we all suka tu.. so ok xpe fine.. my meowgagah singgah kedai n tunjuk kat dorang card yg cream tu.. then dia betulkan there n then jugak..mmg pantas.. so by 15dec we all confirm suruh proceed, and tambah payment 50%...dorang ckp printing takes 14working days and budget end of dec ok la, since kitorang ckp mmg nak jugak by end of dec.. to my surprise, by 23dec dah siap..!! tu pun i saje2 call nak follow up n tanye hari ape sesuai nak collect..dorang ckp dah boleh collect.. i mcm waaaaaahhh kagum..!! weekend tu jugak i collect okeh..tinggal banner (foc) je kene tunggu.. dat one xpe xkisah, asalkan card siap dulu... So here's my card.. sorry quality pic agak sedih sbb pakai cokia jer..
dlm proses melipat.. ;)
inside..lain sket dari yg usual sbb kene lipat 3
card and sampul.. haha rasa pedih mata tgk pic ni..sgt lah xclear.. yg atas card, bawah sampul.. we chose white+gold.. safe n universal colour gitu..

Ok how much i paid for the cards?
RM1.10 X 500 = RM550 (rm50 booking, rm250 untuk proceed, balance rm200 time collect)

apa yg i dpt? ni package for 500 cards..
1. embossed card (design yg tu ler)
2. FOC printed envelope
3. FOC bunting

kalau untuk designs lain and amount lebih dari 1000pcs..
price? around rm0.40-rm0.90 each..mmg berbaloi.. u all akan dpt..
1.your card of choice
2. FOC printed envelope
3. FOC bunting
4. FOC doorgift boxes

Overall, i mmg sgt222 berpuas hati ngan quality dan service dorang, sgt2 recommended.. :) Although ada la dlm 3-4 cards yg dorang ada print lebih dlm 5cards xkisah sgt la.. I know ada org ada buat bad review pasal dorang, but alhamdulillah mine was smooth sailing.. maybe rezeki masing2 kan? Do u know sape lagi yg tempah ngan dorang? 
cik INTAN NORAZAM kitee yeee.. HERE

Ni info dorang kalau ada yg interested.. ;)

My One Card Marketing
No 1-3, Bangunan Pater, Jalan Brunei, Off jalan Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel/Fax : 03-21412946
Email :

 ini map dia yer..i adjust sket from map i dpt dari mr.oogley.. hehe..

Ok till then babes, later2 continue story lain plak.. 
oh yea, sape gi wedding amy kat shah alam dis weekend? nak pass card.. 
ke awal sgt eh?hmmmm.......



  1. nak kad satuuuuuuu!!! hahaha..i skang mood buat keje mmg x ade nk kawen jer voley? hahaha

  2. I love cahaya kad! So exclusive and Latifi is so friendly! siap hantar sample of cards lagi...

    Luckily my bf is from Kuching....

  3. i want i want ;p

    kad i terpaling simple. putih and grey hee

  4. kina ade tempah dengan artchetak & my one one card kena confirmkan banyak kali..artchetak hasil die comel sangat..

  5. kad daku tak siap lagiiiii.huwarghhh

  6. RENEE. nk kad cantik 1 okeyh. hik3

  7. i tak kisah dpt card or not..i nak pegi wedding u!!! boleh kan boleh kan?? hehehe

  8. sama vendor.. oh yeayyy...

    nk satu plzzzz

  9. mmg nasib masing2 kot renee...
    i buat kad kat situ mmg hampes gile. banyak kali follow up.. tapi still tak siap pada tarikh yang ditetapkan.. siap buat drama nangis dalam kodai lagik. Mr sean & Mr King dah kalut dah tgk i nangis. hihih

    part paling tak best.. dia kutuk org kite malas kerja... padahal dia yang handle kad i dari awal... & orang kite je yang tempah kad beribu juta keping ngan dia. huhuhu

    apa2 pon... benda dah jadik.. i dah kawen pon.hahahahha ( walaupon lambat pos kad jemputan :p)


  10. renee, i slalu berangan nk tempah from pino yg lace tu... mmg da tekad la.. tp bile bace review u, tetiba down.. hahaha.. u bt appointment ke jpe diorg utk tgk kualiti material yg diorg gune..

  11. tgh carik kedai kad...tq for the info dear....

  12. congrats card da ready for your big day

  13. VISION GREETING jangan!!!!!!! nasib u tak amik.. kalau tak menyesal cam I..syukur.. phew! kad kawen je yang spoilkan wedding i.yang lain vendor semua tiptop!

  14. hati Renee berbunga2 campur bedebar2.. hari dah hampir. betul tak? saya pun ikut bedebar2 nehh ;p

  15. Renee

    I dengan tunang suka kad u..Nak tiruuu boleh :)

  16. renee..tu kad sy!!hehe

  17. I buat card kat sini jugak, still in process and I sangat tak puas hati. Ladies to avoid headaches please avoid this shop. Highly not recommended.

  18. u.... i baru2 ni ada pg kedai pino... dia boleh buat lace design on mattelic card mcm u nk tu... tp u dh tempah.. xpe kot hihi... tgk new promo kt fb pino that day..


  19. myonecard mcm gampang... menipu je 11 hari draf? 11 hari sgt... dah draf xemail memng bermasalah r

  20. myonecard very2 bad, mcm gmpng
