Thursday, April 19, 2012


 Heyye meowning gals...

Er just a quick one...this is for those yg ada twitter account..

Please ignore DM yg kononnyer sent by me yer..i think twitter skang tgh prob..

I think the msg sounds like this ->
Hey this user is saying nasty rumors about you...

semalam pon i received a few from other gals msg bila today ramai yg tetibe dm i n tanye pasal ape n tanye y xleh bukak mmg confirm i pon terkena juga daaaa....huhuu.. so sila abaikan yer..

so sorry for the inconvenience yeaa.. mesti yg dpt msg tu terkezut kan.. i pun smlm terkezut gak sape laaaa yg say nasty things tu...(well not really cos i tau mmg ada pon dulu kan?kan?kan? haha ;p), tapi tgk2 xleh bukak pon link tu..byk kali lak tuh i click xdpt..pastu tgk kat wall tukang hantar tu dia bgtau pasal virus ni.. so sah i pun terkena...

so buat masa ni i xleh nak access my twitter account...lantak lar. nasib la i bukan jenis yg addicted ngan twitter yg 24/7 nak update every single thing as if xde keje n family nak attend to... well maybe sbb dorang kaya ada iphone n bb kot, ape daaa *dush*.. i masih pakai hp nokiabalinganjingmati, classic dow..hhahahaaa gelak pada diri sendri.. ;p

Okay ciao bebeh...daaa~



  1. OK. pttlah i dpt drpd u. terkedu sekejap. hik3. bhayalah virus mcmni.

  2. ooo mcm ni pun boley eh..alamak atie pun ade twitter x taulaa camno

  3. fariza♥kan..i ingat real..huhu T_T

    miszatie♥juz make sure kalau dpt msg mcm i tu, u jgn click link tu...

  4. i dpt kt emel notification tp mls nk layan i buat tatau je.huhu

  5. walaupun ade twitter tapi xminat sgt guna sbb macam ckp sesorang..:P
