Friday, October 19, 2012


Hye babes,

If you noticed i ada post looking for SIMPLISITI STUDIO's contact number HERE kan...mmg merata2 i carik for their contact number, siap n spam fb, twitter dorang..i even found a bad review (bila u all google mesti jumpe punyer)... T_T 

alhamdulillah lastly i received a call by their owner En.Kamal... he apologized and informed that the company dah xde, due to the groupon voucher they did last year.. bile dgr mcm kecian, tapi i rase their mistake jugak buat bende2 camtu.. cos last time according to one of my photographer En Mus, simplisiti studio ni top n bagus, naper nak buat promo2 camtu and buat harga murah gila? kalau ramai beli camna dorang nak cope? time tu dalam hati rase mcm betul gak tapi i telan je la cos dah tergrab pon groupon voucher tu..

cont from en.kamal's conversation, dia ckp dia akan cari my video and will let me know soonest possible. so i ckp ok lah, hope bleh dpt cepat la cos dah brape bulan da kan.. so a few days after, dia call balik ckp mcm xdpt jumpa..ntah2 ilang or ntah la..and kalau xde groupon will refund balik the amount i paid.. i was like, WHAT? dalam hati nak ngamuk but i ckp ngan dia baik2, xpe2 take ur time, mesti ada tu..carik betul2 ok, xkan u all xrasa rugi sbb dah pegi umah n shoot sumer tu kan... so dia pun ok..

then few weeks after, i dah mcm cuah no news..risau i emailed him, what's the status? then dia reply...with a vimeo link..! YEAYYY..!!! happy2 joy2... :) dpt jugak my 2nd nikah video...

note: untuk sape2 yg xtau citer nape i ada 2 nikah video... nanti i akan story in detail yer... (akan di category kan as BAD REVIEW for 2 vendors)... but to sum it up, i sepatutnye nak buatkan groupon voucher simplisiti as my sanding video, tapi my brother punye adik nak sponsor full at that time i mcm pikir ok lah since voucher groupon ni only cover 3hours,might as well buat dia untuk nikah skali la ngan La Televiso.. it was last minute decision.. but in the end you know wat, adik i punye fren x dtg pon..!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr..... so ok tu story dia naper i ada 2 nikah video..hehee...full story nanti lah in BAD REVIEW..

So here it is babes, my 2nd nikah video by SIMPLISITI STUDIO, althou ade prob in getting the video, and also dorang dah tutup, but i bagi thumbs up on their superb work...cantik hasilnyer... :) i suggest they clear up their name lah cos serious bagus video dia.. paling suka dia cover part luar rumah yg ada transparent canopy tu cos OP Detik Indah n La Televisio mcm xbrape nampak sgt..heee.....

TQ En Kamal from Simplisiti Studio for being responsible.. :)

Skang ni tunggu LA TELEVISIO plak untuk video tandang.. huhuuuu... T_T



  1. everything is beautiful!! rs nak kawen lg skali plak. Ahaaks! ;)

  2. nice video..sayang la dorg ttp co..

  3. saya dh tgk. superb jgk kualiti video ni.
    p/s: bersungguh betul tukang kipas@pengapit tu kipatkan pengantin.
