Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 Meowning laayyydieeessss...(and gentlemen kalau ade ;p)

Ok really quick one, nak tolong my fb fren nie.. dia nak sewakan her gorgeous shawls and veils.. kalau ada sesape yg malas nak DYI, and tgh budget2..boleh la consider sewa dgn my fren puan noy nurul azreen... here's her pic with her gorgeous veils+shawls..weyh byk tul minah ni punye veil.. jealous gue...! ;p

Kalau interested, please refer to the details here....

1)shawl + veil dusty pink (atas kiri) =sewa rm 75 +dry cleaning rm 20
2) shawl +veil grey (atas kanan) = sewa rm 90 + dry cleaning rm20
3)shawl halfmoon shj without veil dark purple = sewa rm30 dry cleaning RM10
4)shawl peach oren = sewa RM 50 dry cleaning rm 15
Ah lagi satu, dia pon nak sewakan easle stand dia..ada 2unit..
 5)easel stand =rm 30 satu ( ada 2 set)
Ok if anything please contact her directly ya...cepat2 sebelum terlambat..! ;p

fb: do pm only nt accept as frend list : noy nurul azreen

Disclaimer: This post is fully sponsored by Noy Nurul Azreen. For more info, kindly contact and deal with Noy Nurul Azreen directly. Any transaction or deals made by you and Noy Nurul Azreen will not be held responsible by Renee Meow's Wedding Journey. Thank you! :)



  1. fuyoo renee..gammba underwater love tu sgt unik..haha kalau dh kawen blehla posing cmtu kan..hehe :)

  2. Aini tolong promote jugak eh kat FB Fairytale Wedding Rental

  3. I loikee... heee.. and I suka cara you tukis entry..menghiburkan..heee.. feel free to follow me on blogspot, bojailuvicka.blogspot.com.. :-D

  4. dearrr.... sumenye cntik2! cik bunga pon mmg ngah survey veil.. xde yg utk jual ke..? sume for rent eh :)
