Thursday, April 19, 2012


 Haish tadi pasal twitter.. skang pasal facebook le pulakss..
hew hew hew (gelak ikut trend skang nih..haha ;p)

Okay, first i wanna say sorry for the supeeerrlong silence kat FB... seriously rasenyer lepas honeymoon i pling! terus senyap....

Those yg ada PM i kat FB, im shoooo sorry ya.. bukan xnak reply, insyallah i akan reply segala pertanyaan pasal etc,etc,etc. but mmg mostly byk msg tanye pasal wedding stuffs and my wedding.. so sorry yah, i ada la bukak sekali sekala tapi disebabkan internet line yg super slow, i jadik nyampah n off je trus.. kira sempat la tgk dari inbox tp bila nak click satu-satu yarabi nak bakor aje...

Another reason i senyap kat FB is.....nak melarikan hahaha joking.. xde la, juz busy jer melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang ishtherry yg berjaya..ecewah..hahaaa *pang*..

Another reason plak, i xpakai iphone/ipad/tab/bb sumer tuh.. laptop pun xde okeh..serious..!! yg kat umah tu cuma my dad n my sis punye jer, tu pun kalau dorang bg pinjam jap. 

Honestly i ckp i mmg xmampu lagi la nak beli.... 
i xnak lah mintak from hubby, cos dari start kenal dia smpai skang i xnak mintak pape dari dia..i xnak la susahkan hubby..
loan?credit card? eurrghh sorry i da serik, seriously no cred cards 4me..
dulu i penah story pasal INI, and thanks to 'him' i hutang keliling pinggang yg lapis2 nie...

So skang lepas kawen ni me+hubby byk2 berjimat...xnak spend on unnecessary things.. selagi phone nokiabalinganjingmati ni ok, i xkan beli hp lain.. skang nak kumpul duit untuk umah baru, furniture, lappy@ipad, modal utk biz, brg2 baby (kalau dpt)..mcm2 la.. kite kan baru nak hidup, so we're taking things slowly.... ;)

Eh tersasar plak..mcm bebel sorang2..haha.. 
So ok, if anyone needs to contact me regarding my wedding or my wedding stuffs, u all bleh la email to me -> yg ni confirm reply trus! hehehe..

Okay tcare gals.. daa~~



  1. hik2 sangat comel!..xpe dear..later2 still can ryte..:)

  2. business? i hope it is wedding related hihi...all the best babe..

  3. mmg rindu renee!!! owh, bby stuff! sukew!

  4. takpe takes a time..ika pun still guna nokiabalinganjingmati since 2004, tak tukar2 even husband bagi present yg len sebab dah terbiasa pakai yg cikai..hihi
