Thursday, January 19, 2012


Salam! Hi! Hello! Guten Tag! Bonjour! Hola! 

Ok just a short one.. and project:x kali ni i slumber jer la reveal..heheheeee... Apakah? it's my DIY akad nikah invitation card..heheee.. i buat simple2 jer untuk family2, cos i ni xde la creative sgt.. i know mostly people invite verbally kan, tapi ntah nak gak buat..tehee... Ok here are some pics taken with my campak-anjing-confirm-mati-handphone.. hehehe.. ;p

the process... using A4 biase je curik kat office.. 
printing pun kat office.. hahar ;p
depan & belakang card.. A4 tampal kat artcard tu jer..
erk tapi potongan tepi2 agak teruk bila u buat card yg ke 5..
tangan ketar2..haha ;p
 the artcard design.. sorry xnampak sgt.. it's actually a textured paper with damask pattern..
if u touch it u can feel the velvety texture... colour? GOLD of course..universal gitu..

  material bought from Papier @ Curve
I loveee that shop..! bila masuk rasa mcm budak2 nak beli all the crafty thingys.. hehe..

1. ARTCARD (PAPIER, THE CURVE) : RM8/EACH X 10 = RM80 (managed to get 3cards/piece)
2. WHITE A4 PAPER (FREE FROM OFFICE ;p)            = RM0
3. RULER, PISAU, ETC (ASSET)                               = RM0

TOTAL                                                                = RM80.00

Okay till then bebehs, daaaa~~


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