Friday, January 20, 2012

♥ MEOWLOVE ♥ our story VIII

Salam meowning..! :)

*warning* entry panjang giler ayams sampai meleleh air hidung ;p 

Happy freeday guys..! yeay cuti 4hari..besh kan.. happyyy.. haha ;p bleh la settlekan preps n diy thingys (project:x) yg tergendala tu...

Ermmmmm...aaaaaarr..... heheheeeeeeeeee.... actually nak share2 sket pasal my story..sbb da lama xbuat post ♥ MEOWLOVE ♥ ni... ;p haahaaaa sape yg nyampah ke, xsuka ke, geli ke, sila click X kat tab tu yer...terima kasih.. yg sudi nak bace tu, sediakan popcorn ye..haha ;p

Since tinggal lagi 20days before kami akan diijabkabulkan..da pulak feeling2 excited kan.. da pulak rasa mcm xsabar kan.. so mula la mood jiwang2, memory2 lama dtg balik..rase mcm kelakar pulak bila teringat time mula2 kenal kat FB (full story HERE). Yep kami ni boleh la dicategorykan CINTA MUKA BUKU..hahaaa.. *boring seh dgr lagu tu tiap2 hari*

letak pic dulu kasi mood..haha ;p

To my meowsayang fiance..thanks so much for the wonderful, sweet memories.... i akan abadikan all our memories from start kenal, start declare couple until merisik+bertunang, until our big day. U saved me from the darkness.. Dulu before i met u i was single for quite a long time. Alhamdulillah Allah bukakan pintu hati i untuk terima org yg baik mcm u :) *hati berbunga2*. before i met i was scared n not ready to be in a relationship thanks to my previous ex..ergh.. T_T

Ohh my, talk about my previous relationship wif my ex... sorry la i luahkan kat sini. Slumber jelah.. My last relationship was great for the 1st 6months, but lama kelamaan it was an unhealthy relationship. He totally depended on me (life support) n i mcm xleh nak buat apa cos KONONnye sayang.. Im a hopeless romantic, bila i sayang sumone, i sayang dia gila2. i was not listening to my brain-stupid me. And because of him, i was miserable, unhappy, depressed, hutang sana-sini, mcm2 la.. my mom can see her daughter is unhappy (tapi dia xckp la). He was a parasite n although i sayang his family (mom especially), i just canot take it anymore.. Macam2 lah dia buat kat i, to me he is a selfish, ego tinggi, LAZY-ASS, liar, manipulative, opportunist, hot-tempered jerk. He's the kind yg suka ugut, demoralize, n then mentally torture u. I byk menangis pasal dia. I paling sedey when he doesnt thank and appreciate me after all i've done for him (sgt byk). I was the best girlfriend he cud ever had but dia xnampak sumer tu (bila da break baru sedar..hah too late). I plak time tu, asyik2 bagi chance sampai lah d relationship lasts until 2years plus.. Paling best, when i ask him to pay his hutangs (using my name),dia xnak.. kononnye ckp,i kan akan jadi husband u so y byr balik..vavi vodo punye laki..wat an asshole..padahal masa nak pakai ckp will pay back la, ape la.. So bila break tu i ended up kena settlekan all those debts sket2.. nama i yg kene blacklist n all shit *rasenye la*. But alhamdulillah almost all da settle tinggal 1card aje..phew-SEKSA okeh.. T_T * i did luahkan a bit of my life story in my old blog  

note to all: if u all punye relationship mcm ni, pls leave him!! ur boyfirend@tunang@hubby should not ask for ur money and depend on u..!!

update: last i heard, dia still buat camtu gak (story lain sket la) to his current gf (now da break kot).. ingatkan da sedar diri tapi masih sama? what an asshole..!! 

Bila i left him, at first mcm depressed jugak la..cos canot get over the pain kan.. but i rasa sgt HAPPY n free... cuma risau la sape nak settlekan hutang2 tu kan.. mmg dat era i was like in a loophole, i mmg financially unstable, dah pulak sorang2.. family of course xtau la cos i xbgtau dorang.. but dorang supported me (bagi semangat n being around me) but it wasnt enough and i wasnt myself.. keje mcm tahape, studies mcm tahape, life pun mcm tahape... paling kelakar ada one time tu i wish my dad happy birthday one month after his real birthday (padahal mmg da wish n celebrate sama2 one month before). mmg gila la.. i xtau nak explain my life camne time tu... i thot i was happy n free (and trying to be) but like i said, org tgk i mcm miserable-dunno why. bila teringat balik mcm nak nanges pun ada..huhuuu.. *ok a bit teary-eyed n sebak now*

Bila i da slowly stable, i manage to settle my probs n get over the pain.. i also manage to forget him n tried to move on.. Ramai yg nak berkenalan (time tu kurus la sket kot-haha), but i was not ready n takut kottt.. dalam conversation i akan tanye dulu, "u ni hot-tempered x?".. haha..adoih..ade la a several dates with guys but xde yg betul berkenan (mcm choosy pun ada? haha). So i was single for almost 2years plus until one day i saw my meowsayang's profile kat FB.. time tu kebetulan jer ternampak profile dia cos dia tu mutual fren of my classmate kat UM. da kat situ suggest add, i pun add je la tapi xde feeling pape pun, juz mcm "eh cute gak dis guy, dia ampak clean". i like clean guys, err susah nak explain, dia nampak smart+bersih la..haha..adoih camne eh nak explain?phm2 je laa.... ;p

So from there, kat wall tu i rasa dia ada kot ckp " thanks for adding. hope boleh berkawan n get to know u lagi mendalam" sumthing like dat laaaa... xingat ayat tapi meaning dia mendalam gitu mcm nak tau lagi mendalam kearah 'itu'. heheheee.. i pun mcm uiks? i likeeee..hahaaa.. mula la i stalk dia.. mana pics2 dia i LIKE ajeee..hahahaaa ok lawak... now my tunang suke citer kat kawan2 dia yg i da lama minat dia kat FB.. hmmph..! padahal dia yg start the first move... T_T x aci..

Ok xnak citer pasal fb cos the continuance is actually da story before (full story HERE). I just wanna say alhamdulillah n syukur to Allah kerana ketemukan jodoh i ngan my fiance. Syukur i've met n will be getting married to a person yg sgt2222 opposite dgn 'si dia' yg buat hidup i merana. Syukur my future hubby is a very responsible, rajin, honest, loving, hormat org tua, sopan santun, n yg paling penting xdepended on me to support him. Although kerja sederhana n x tinggi mcm org lain(doctor ke, engineer ke,etc,etc) but dia tried his best to cari rezeki for us. Im proud of him.. and syukur dat he always supports me in watever i do.. we may not be the perfect couple like others, we're not goodlooking as other couples, we're not slim+fit (haha!) as others yg pakai dress+suit chun gilers, we're not rich and have a lot of money (trust me-mmg kami terkontang-kanting gak carik duit), we're getting married in a simple+sederhana majlis... but both of us compliment and LOVE each other and just make do with everything... I LOVE U my hubby... :) cant wait to be ur wifey in 20days.. heheheeeee... *tetibe blush n sengih sorang2*

Doakan kebahagiaan kami ya.... :)

 one of our sweet memories..layan bola@mamak and layan bola during msia vs indon final..! yeah..! :D

love u to bits..!!!! shayangdiashangatshangatttttt....
 Ok boleh lap air idung tu skang..hahahaaaa...
 Ops one more, sempena nak dekat my wedding nie kann... today i tetiba teringatkan my arwah tokmak yang dah passed away 14jul2009..(her tribute) . I looooove n sayangggg sgt2 kat arwah tokmak i n wished she cud be there time wedding i.. :( but Allah lebih sayangkan dia, mari kita sedekahkan Al-fatihah kepada arwah tokmak ye....
*sobs* teary-eyed n sebak lagi... :(
 al-fatihah.. :( 
Semoga Rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan insan-insan yang soleh dan diredhai Allah... amin..



Unknown said...

suke manyak2 la...renee nak pelokkkkkk.....

Anis aka Mama Mila said...

Happy to know that u r happier now...we had the same type of ex-bf i.e hot temper huhu. Tp now we deserve to be happy kan...hihi

R.R.Z said...

comel la korg ni!! like.

p/s : my ex pon mcmtu..taksuke taksuke! pastu tiba2 de kawin dgn ex de..pastu meroyan plak..nak i balik. ccishh!

norfadillah said...

reneew, ada my friend dulu 5years, in relationship . puh . sepak terajang depan mata tue biasa jek i tgk . :'( sedih .and lastly, she move . and now , dia dah engaged ngan org len . nampak sgt dia lebih bahagia skrg . =)

afwaazalan said...

renee, even i dun noe u, satu je kt nk ckp.. awak sgt2 KUAT oke.. moga awk & future hubby awk akn kekal selamaya oke...

** nanges bace... sbb tingat perangai ex & juga my beloved atok.. sedey...

afwaazalan said...

renee, even i dun noe u, satu je kt nk ckp.. awak sgt2 KUAT oke.. moga awk & future hubby awk akn kekal selamaya oke...

** nanges bace... sbb tingat perangai ex & juga my beloved atok.. sedey...

cha said...

baru2 ni kn i dgn kazaa pn ada cite psl ex masing masing tp no hard feelings la. kitorg siap gelak2 lg cite zaman 'kebodohan' haha. pastu i ckp kt kazaa 'b, tuhan dh tulis jodoh kita dr dalam perut lg kan?'
heee dia pun senyum je

lg 20 hari mesti berbunga2 je perasaan tu kan :P

amy said...

so sweet... dari facebook sampai lah dah nak kawin. selamat pengantin baru in advance renee. :))

p/ss: i tgk u n faqar mmg sangatlah sepadan.

Rina Lia (◕‿◕)✿ said...

walaupun panjang tapi rina baca satu persatu yayy haha

so sweet renee..may Allah bless the relationship and happy till the end..

ada the baker said...

babe, congrats ;)

anna said...

u ade tgk msia vs indon? we too!! hehe kte x kenal lg ms tu hehe.. ms tu baru sgtt kami berkawan & now we're already married. ;) hope u enjoy ur life now.. happy for u..-ana :)

iedaurora said...

cerita cinta yang indah... muga bahgia sampai ke tua renee ^_^

Puan Ekin Hoza said...

renee....i tak tau plak u jumpa ur bkl husband di fb! haha same goes with me! tapi jalan cerita je lain sikit...:) i pun ade experience dgn my stupid ex la...tapi malas nak ingat -.- and im happy now. good luck dear! 15 days to go~

safurara said...

hapy couple.suke suke!