Monday, October 31, 2011


*Scheduled entry*

Tsk Tsk Tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk...xsangka ada segelintir orang memandang rendah kat others.. As if dorang sangat HIGH-CLASS and HIGH STANDARD.. Boleh pulak yer membezakan org dgn cara itu, ye lah, kami kan miskin, xhigh educated, xspeaking, vendor xhebat2 n wedding xgrand n fabulous macam uols.. Ya kami gembira in our own 'pitiful' world bcos we dont discriminate and judge other people by they way they think and their standard. Now i know camni rupanyer these people are, itu diri dorang yg sebenarnya, and i have PROOF. WOW rupanya disebalik muka yg chantek+vogue tu sebenarnyaa is totally opposite.  tsk tsk tsk... T_T

Tsk tsk tsk...xsangka di'situ' ada musuh dalam selimut.. haa jgn terkezut okeh uols.. kalau u all tau sapa org2 tu confirm u all akan terkezut gila vavi punyaaa (lienda i pinjam word u..haa) .. di'situ'  yang kita anggap SELAMAT untuk b2b blogger nie share stories,ideas, mengadu,complain, etc..rupanya tak selamat. AND stories yg kita mengadu and share boleh pulak sampai ke luar.. even stories yg lain2 pun 'orang luar' bleh tau.. Wow magic sungguh! bak kata tatie, kalau kat skolah barua2 ni mmg nak kena pukul kaw2.. Paling best orang tu adalah person yg tu mmg xakan sangka punya.. haaa. Seriously my perceptive towards them da lain da.. i mmg xdeny dorang ni mmg HEBAT, paling BEST, paling de-VASS, but now sorrylah..very2 dissapointed at them.. tsk tsk tsk..T_T

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak baik tau bila our respect,appreciation and farewell to 'those group' boleh diburuk-sangkakan as 'kecoh'.. hey jangan PERASAN, it's not directly to you only ah.. i mmg tau da ramai xde, cuma one person's obvious post just makes me feel wanna say my tribute to all of them.. sbb ye lah bukan kah 'those group' da inspire kita semua, so why not? salah ke niat baik i ni? i tgk my statement tu ok je? tak kisah la u nak leave for watever reason pon? cant u tell the difference of APPRECIATION and KECOH? AND ape kene mengena give respect and kecoh? "kalau respect nape nak kecoh?" HEY If nak sangat di-respect then jgn lah post/comment camtu kat situ.. i do notice yg comment2 from others kat bawah tu lagi menghangatkan keadaan, but heh nasib lah, they have their own opinions too like u do. C'mon la, bukan u alls very-de-educated kah?? tsk tsk tsk.. T_T

Tsk tsk tsk...tak baik tau kalau vendor2 kutuk customer kat FB. kalau u alls customer, n then vendor2 tu gi kutuk kat FB yg obviously ckp pasal specific client tu sbb mane org lain da kan yg jumpa/contact/pm/sms dia, ape perasaan u alls? Hishh i tgk da ramai vendor2 buat camtu. The first thing is, WHY nak kena buat camtu?? saja nak kasik org nampak kah?? saje nak buat org TERASA kah? obviously u guys tau u bleh hurt ur client's feelings kalau buat camtu kan? HELLO, u guys tau tak sape yg buat u kaya raya?client kan?unless u guys inherit ur parent's fortune or mmg u all mmg super-duper kaya? tapi kalau dah super kaya xde la nak buat business 'itu' kot? Ok, kononnya ur customer is bukan anak raja, SO WAT? only anak raja ker layak terima layanan yg bagus? mmg lah bukan sbb anak raja OBVIOUSLY akan hire org lain yg selain dari u all..duh~ if vendor2 nak bezakan taraf org, cuba pikir u all tu setaraf ke ngan yg lain yg lagi hebat tu? c'mon laaa.. Lepas tu, tlg laa jangan lah memperlekehkan enquiry client, mana la client tu tau kan, mesti la tanya bende2 yg ridiculous to you. Lain la kat FB tu tulis sebutharga mcm jual makanan price2 untuk apa-brapa. Ni org tu bgtau budget boleh tak buat dis-dat, jwab directly elok2 sudah, jgn la nak make fun org tu kat FB wall u tuh..yg menyokong tu pulak mah aih bleh tahan mulut..mcm nak pang aje. U all buat business beb, kalau bukan org2 kite ni xde la u dlm industri perkahwinan ni bak kata tatie . AND kalau betul u nak beri layanan bagus2 kat anak raja, then patutnya buat closed/private business lah..xyah nak buat advertising sumer tu kan.. Then xpayah la accept customer yg rakyat biasa2 ni.. xpayah buat facebook untuk tatapan rakyat2 biasa.. senang citer.. tsk tsk tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak sangka ade vendor2 yg PERASAN ingatkan kita ni super-baik ngan dorang.. hello, we're not buddies.. i never-ever called korang, and never-ever had any deal with you all. And u all pegi jaja cerita kat orang you all know me and rapat wif me.. WAT? seriously im not happy about this. WHY u people have to mention to others that u people know me? WHY you guys have to use me? Urgghh.. and anything mention about 'disitu', dorang worried and perasan people talk about dorang.. OMGG.. how vain can u guys get?? hahaha... tsk tsk tsk...

Tsk tsk tsk.. tak sangka bila kita berpakaian 'biasa', tak ber-makeup ke pameran yg terbesar di sana, tidak diberi layanan yg sepatutnya.. setakat bagi pamplet, ok dah my work is done. bila kita dtg balik dia buat muka, bila kita nak tgk benda tu, mula2 dia layan, lepas tu dia voley larik tempat lain layan org lain yg nampak lagi kaya dari kita. eh eh i blur kejap mana dia pegi?kan tadi tanya brapa kalau kita nak order 500pcs? so ok i blah camtu je. the hell like i care. And booth2 lain, tgk atas bawah je bila kita tgk2 their portfolio, baju2 or design booth dorang. salah ke nak tgk?mmg la kita xintend nak hire dorang, but nak tgk saje xsalah kot? and paling tak best kalau dpt jawapan yg camni dari salah sorang vendor disitu.. "oh pakej kita mahal sket, tapi lepas ni xde promo lagi mahal" excuse me, ada i tanya murah atau mahal? i tanye berapa n normal price berapa after pameran ni, tu jer.. last2 blah je sbb mmg xbest. hah nasib lah u kan sape suh layan client camtu. Last2 booth yg bg layanan bagus n siap suh kita duduk (altho ramai org), and xkisah i pakai comot camane pon, itulah yg i hire.. and harga mmg out of my budget and lagi tinggi dari vendor2 lain tp sbb dorang ok, dorang bg vibe yg positive, and mmg kebetulan rezeki mama bagi green light n said ok, i trus book dorang.. (nanti i share yer). so kesimpulannya, jgn lah nak memilih client2 yg nampak kaya or dressing mcm style senang je, pakai jean+tshirt lusuh, comot, xpakai makeup, and tgk sape yg betul2 bagi layanan class..

Tsk tsk tsk...i never had anything against these 'certain' people but now, sorrylah. i was too naive to think that WE are all the same bcos we are in the same boat. Heh rupanya2 selama ni kita mmg dipandang rendah dan dikutuk oleh mereka dari awal lagi. Dont try to be queen bee lah macam zaman skola.. Memang lah ur wedding grand gila, vendor hebat2, hantaran de-vass, makeup kalahkan missworld but, ur days are over and bagi la can kat kat org lain yg u anggap low-standards ni kan. you dont like it, then dont bother lah,senang citer kan. Im so sure dat others (yg skang makin ramai) ni will agree+sokong wif me if i show them the PROOF.. Im not saying i ni baik macam angel ka ape kan, i know i ni jahat, but i dont do the things like wat u did! Shame on u, u guys really telah mengecewakan kami yg pada awalnya look up to u.. Dont mess with my frens, and definitely dont mess wif me..
Well, people dont like u anyways.. booo..




  1. Renee dear: Fuh!!! mmg betol pe yg u ckpkan tu. I like every single of your entry. It's give me some knowledge and references :) I like it. Keeping update ur blog ye dear.
    By the way, nowadays walaupun bukan SEMUA, but kebanyakkan vendors mmg pandang rendah kat kite especially b2b ON BUDGET. Diaorang layan dan sembah giler kat clients yg DUIT BERATUS RIBAN BERJUTA-JUTA, pakaian KELAS THE VOGUE, MEKAP MCM RATU DUNIA and jalan tergedik2x :) ooopss, over lak. But that is FACT. Bile kita dtg ngan pakaian yg tak branded, yg takde kelasss dan tak mekap tebal bagai, dia pandang atas bawah mcm kita ni pemintak sedekah, HEY, betol ckp u klau tak sbb CLIENTS especially b2b dari mane diaorang DAPAT DUIT nk run their's business right?? pk lah sendiri wahai vendors berlagak weh. I punye opinion same mcm u, lebih suke hired somebody yg baru naik mcm 2/3tahun, depend on their's portfolio and kerja. Then, cara diaorang treat us and the way their handle customer, that most important kann??
    Yg penting, price range diaorang is suite to our BUDGET :))

    soorrry terlebih emo dan komen pnjg berjela.



  2. Renee dear : Owh, i really enjoy when reading every single of ur entries :) Keep updating your blog okeh. Anyway, ape yg u ckp tu mmg betol, KEBANYAKKAN walaupun bukan semua vendors perangai cmtu, but mmg tu KENYATAAN. Bile kita ni especially b2be ON BUDGET g wat survey thingy, mule lah diaorang pandang semacam mcm kita ni pengemis lah pulak.. Mentang-mentanglah kita tak pakai baju branded, mekap tebal bagai ratu dunia dan jalan dengan gaya megahnye :) So, they look us really down.. Mcm kita ni tak de duit je. Walhal, kita ni customer ok. Please appreciate us. IF tak de customer, diaorang ingat diaorang nye business leh MAJU ke? And for me, i rather choose vendors yg baru nk naik mcm 2/3 tahun and depend pada diaorang punya portfolio and kerja. Pastu i tgk diaorang punya cara layanan dan the way they appreciate us :) Especially mcm i b2be ON BUDGET selagi boleh! Yes, mybe kita bukannye keturun diraja or retis smpai nk buat wedding ceremony beratus riban jutaan ringgit! But, again ape yg kita dah labur tu pun dah berpuluh-puluh ribu tau!!!!

    Heeeehehee, sorry teremo dan panjang bebelan i :)



  3. Yang kisah vendor nak layan anak Raja je tu I tahulah, tapi yang lain-lain ni nape I macam tinggal keretapi jek? I perasan bila baca status FB Tatie. Kisah SPY timbul balik ke?

    Tak best la macam ni :(

  4. suka entri ini.
    hidup di dunia ini x perlu ada 'double standard' tp stgh buat juga. lg2 org biasa2 ni selalu kena. i pernah kena. mmg kecil hati tp lantaklah. buat sakit hati je. biarlah org pndang rendah, yg penting kita ada maruah diri :)

  5. renee, u ade kat pameran pengantin ke semalam, i rase i macam nampak u la kat dalam pkns, tapi amat segan mahu tegur sebab u nampak penat.

    hihi, i pegi pameran pengantin on friday ptg, mase tu takde org, semua vendor ajak duduk, termasukla yang name dah femes kene blacklist kan haha. tapi hari tu semua org amat baik la. maybe sebab takde org kot, maka i n my mum yang dressing comot2 and baju cap ayam n selipar jepun pun dilayan dengan baik.

    lepas tu i dtg balik on sunday, tapi i tak book pepe pon.

  6. u know what dato? kadang2 org bencikan org yg 'geek/selekeh dan sekutu2nya' sebab org2 cenggini kadang2 leh mengugat org2 yg superVASS!! well anggaplah ianya satu keistimewaan bila orang mula 'takut'kan kita walhal kita tak pernah buat apa2 pun...(du-uh!)

    sebab tu pepatah pernah ckp..biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya....n ni ai top up ayat tu..dan biarkan u terbang bersama impian u yg takkan org lain leh rasa..(so what? hahahahahaha)

    so dato...chill a bit....what goes around usually comes around let Allah tentukan tempat kita masing long as u tak kaco laki org or berak dalam periuk nasik org...itu dah baguskan?? hehehehehe

    lantak depa la dato oii.....jom skipping ngan ai jom.....

    xoxo..lev u dato!

  7. anna

    ok, skrg dh clear. lebiu bebeh. support u jgk. sure x sgka org2 cmtu & yg jd spy perlu ada di sana, sbb ingatkan sume enjoying their wedding preps. i do not care too.

    whatever we do, whoever we hire. i prefer intimate wedding dr mengejar superVASS. ppl dh pnat ckp nnt dia stop la. :P lupa ke dunia ni kcik je??

  8. dear renee,

    i tanak sentuh psl vendor tu sbb i rasa takde kena mengena dgn i. but pasal the other thing tu, it's related to me coz i'm from 'that group' but i still maintain dlm BBF lagi. i kwn dgn diaorg and i also communicate with u and others in the group as well.

    so from my point of view, what u wrote in the bbf i know u meant well. mcm u ckp, comment2 kat bwh from others tu yg lg menghangatkan keadaan. so drpd kita pjg2 cerita lebih baik kita diam je ye tak? diam tak bermaksud kita salah atau kalah, tp we are strong enough to let it go. sama2 respect each other decisions lah. just like what u've said. yg left the group because of whatever reasons, let them be. it's their choices anyway. they left pon tak affect yg still tinggal in the BBF. we can still cerita mcm2 dlm bbf, they can move on with their lives. so it's like a win-win situation, no?

    i seriously hope benda ni habis kat sini je. karang ada pulak yg buat entry lain pasal benda ni ke. it's true, "ini blog aku, suka hati aku lah apa aku nak tulis". tp what u write reflects ur ownself. especially kalau kita nak berckp psl org lain.

    i know u baru dpt sponsor from one vendor. congrats to that. i'm happy for u, frankly. but imagine what that vendor feels if dia tgk u blog mcm2 psl vendor lain? i dunno..

    u don't have to publish my comment coz this comment is only meant for u jek. tak perlu nak publish kt public. tp kalau nak publish jugak, suka hati u lah. thanx for reading anyway. cheers!

  9. ini entry package ke dear?
    aiyo, kenapa ek ada double2 standard? n actually semalam pun i kena masa teman kan reyn untuk buat pre-wed.pehhhh gile berlagak mcm mak ayam lah pompuan itu aka tunang photog tersebut.i salam, senyum...trus cut i punya conversation.rasa nak lempang atau nak bagi makan wedges zara yg i sumbat dalam paperbag.serius shit!!!
    dalam hati 'heeeekleeeehhhhh watthefish? '.. n i pun mengadu domba di FB, waazzup bersama reyn!

    reyn yg bersalah sbb hire photog busuk!

  10. agree with sk. i dunno what's your initial intention of putting up such post in bbf at the first place but i do hope you meant well. but things got haywire and turned ugly when some people take out the guns and jump into their own conclusions. and it's not helping when some people take things personally and think that those who leave hates each and everyone in there. i can only speak for myself. yes, actually it was fun for a while and i'm glad to have done my part in helping future brides but when a lot of people being invited and things posted are no longer my cup of tea, i left.

    i personally feel that personal topics are not meant to be discuss publicly and the whole non-wedding related talks defeat the group's initial purpose. no point of finger pointing who's fault it was nor who was the suspected mole. with such entries up in few blogs, people can easily know what's going on. you don't need to be a csi nor a mole to actually know what's going on

    this is such a lengthy comment and you have the decision to publish it or not. the call is yours.

  11. oh my. renee..i lgsung tak fhm watak2 nya. ada la ni yg i x join...

  12. tak baikk gaduh2 mcm ni...
    ade gaduh2 ke? elya tertinggal ketapi ni...hehehe
    jum bersalam salaman ..heee.
    jgn marah yeh...:D

  13. neeza♥hehe itz ok terlebih emo..u get wat i mean rite? hehhe... ;)

    zimie my twin♥wah wall of shame gituue..?idea yg bagus but i'll think about it..haha.. owh contest veil tu malas la da xde mood..ehhe.. ;p

    rilla♥owh..yg spy tu somebody lah yg kat bbf tu tukang report kat vendor2 tu..yg tatie tu i xsure..but dari dulu lagi ada..heh..

    fariza♥sedey kan dgn yg double2 standard ni..ape nak buat..

    ladysyaliz♥haah2 i ada kat situ..laa y xtegur... next time jumpe tegur tau.. heh ;)

    syahoneykitty♥pergh ayat luncai terjun dgn labu2? ok i xterer bm so nak google skang maksudnya..hehehe ..;p yg wat goes around comes around tu I LIKE..! dia da buat org (bukan i sorang), and nanti one day dia gak yg terkena.. haha ;p

  14. Owh renee..nmpknye ade y mkn cili la dear..kesian plak i rase..dr awal u post kt wall bbf dah ade y terasa..

    Well said dear, kite kt dunia ni same taraf je..masih hamba Allah..xperlu bermegah

  15. ladysyazza♥hi anna...tq dear for ur support. heh tu la i mention spy tu from citer dulu2..bukan yg skang ni spy apende..da sah2 kat blog tu terang2 org boleh baca dan dah baca..n skang ni confirm da xeselamat dah nak share vendor stories me.. ;)

    sk♥hiiiiiii skkkkkkkk.......ouh which group u related to dear? i know u ex-b2b but rasanya i have nothing against u cos i know u have a good heart (unless u ada kutuk2 i? ;D heh ) i was only talking about the fact dat people salahpaham my niat,dats all. i accept ur opinions n pandangan.. itz okay i approve je ur comments biar org lain oso can ok wif it.. oh btw TQ SO MUCH for ur kind wish..ur soooooo sweeeeet n kind sk.. :)

    syima♥wat really?ler..y eh like dat..bukan kite client byr dorang ke..

    Moose♥hiiii mooooseeeee.....of course i meant well, mane ade nak kecoh cos obviously terang tang2 kt tulis kat blog tu.and suma da read it pon b4 i post in bbf. my intention is to say thanks for sharing to all who left/going to leave BBF. yeah i do agree things got haywire but hey people are entitled to their own opinions. but no lah, i dont think dorang take it personally n thinks who leaves hate them (unless d people yg leave tu have TALKED about it and talk bad about other people before?? ;) heh) . No worries, they alll loveeee all of u bcos u guys HELP them alottttt in wedding preps :D betul x? As for the mole?ur telling me u know the mole too??u know the person yg keep reporting to vendors about stories shared in BBF? i hope it's the same person bcos the vendor directly told me about this person. i dont have to be CSI pun sayang.. ;) oh btw no worries i will still publish ur comment here so other people can read.. ;) thaaaannnnnks sooo much Moose for ur insightful comment..

    ciknurulain♥heh xperlu cos byk2 watak2 ni dear..saje nak campur2 nak tgk ada org prasan x..haha ;)

    Elya♥kannnn xbaik kan...kalau elya in my shoes baru elya tau tau..kite xpenah kutuk or say anything about them but tetibe nak attack kite.. i xcarik pasal pun. kesian kat lain sebelum i yg da terkena ni.. tp xpe lah, i aminkan aje..lgpun i ni nobody jer kan..

  16. i don't know who's the mole and i don't really care. but for me, if you don't want the vendors to know that you guys trash talk them, then don't do it in the first place. it's as simple as that. i also had my ups and downs with all my vendors but do i prance around telling people about what problems that i had? no right? because i believe the vendors will try to do their best because their service are their rezeki. if you're having bad experience with some, doesn't mean that you're entitled to trash talk them. they have their business ethics and as customer, we have our ethics as well.

    and as a muslim, whenever things are going out of your way (i'm talking wedding only), just remember that it's not your call or rezeki. that could be due to some wrongdoing that you did in the past (i'm just talking generally) cos whether you like it or not, life is all about karma. learn to let go (redha) and insya Allah, Allah will reward you with something better in the future.

    and i also would like to add,please treat vendors (or people generally) with respect if you want to be respected as you're only paying for their service and not their respect. after all, respect is earned, not given.

    just my two cent.

  17. hye renee. i think adat lah kot kalau org nk beza2kan wedding and kutuk wedding org yg lebih grand ke tak grand ke ape ke. its something yg kite tak boleh control. sbb i pnah kene. someone from bbf yg x kenal rapat mane pun, suke hati nk kondem wedding i. itupun after someone told me. dpn baik. blkg, nauzubillah. sebab itu for me, better lantakkan je. sooner or later, they'll get what they give. Allah is Fair.

    Chill renee. Yg penting you happy. If org lain nk pretend that they are happy than you but truth is they're not, lantak pi lah. Yg penting u and ur wedding run smooth nnt :)

  18. hi renee~~
    exchange link yer..

  19. Lex aje babe. Bila kita nak jd yg outspoken, kita patut jgk terima klu ada org lain juga outspoken. Klu nak dpt hormat, kita kena hormat org.
    Yg tua x semestinya betul. Yg bijak tak semestinya sentiasa tepat.
    Sume pun dh jd bini dan nak jd bini org kan. Jaga title tu. Jgn malukan diri sendiri.
    Smile reneeeeee.

  20. haha..thanx renee...ur words really describe my situation the best....

    selalu kena mcm ni becoz my appearance mmg comot...i tak speaking...i bw stail kampung i tu ke mana2..

    like one case...pakai selekeh2 wif selipar jepun gi satu pameran pengantin...

    i dekat dgn satu vendor ni...adoring their photog job.....lama br nak dilayan....

    bila dilayan...the 1st thing they asked me "kahwin kat mana??"

    i said "kahwin kat kg....kahwin biase2 jek..."

    then, he just left us..go to other customer who look the vaas and the bomb...with all the make-up, branded clothes and so on..

    and the story goes round during my wed preps...

    dang!! feel hurt so much on people who look down on others...!!

  21. kite pun pernah pergi pameran pengantin. tapi tak tau la sebab kite ngan partner macam orang yang tak cukup umur nak kawen or tak cukup duit nak kawen, maka kitorang tak dilayan sangat. menyampah terus dah nak pergi lagi pameran2 macamtu.

  22. Renee : Cool ya...Mmg ada yang cam lantak la kan..dari kita dok pk2 pasal dorang...nanti kita yg sakit hati. bersetuju dengan segala kenyataan anda di entry ini....


  23. eh jap..mengadu domba tu bukan melaga2kan ke a.k.a batu api..papepun chill sume.. :)

  24. Will you just apologize to them renee??? what you wrote offended them.. you start the fire, END IT!

    You said that you just what to write a token of appreciation, but at the same time you said,

    "..and i got 2know that ada yg ex-b2b leaves this group becos, erm, dorang rasa nyampah?tired?bored? dgn group ni" <<<-------------what's this all about??it's not appreciation.

    just apologize dear renee...

  25. "..and i got 2know that ada yg ex-b2b leaves this group becos, erm, dorang rasa nyampah?tired?bored? dgn group ni"

    WOW WOW WOW, tak sangka!

    woahh..looks like ur reaally pissed. i hope it's not me.. T_T if yes, im sorry.. quite sad when a ex-b2b leaves the group...

    lepas tulis tu nak komen buat sedeyyyyy mcm ni LOL cuba tgk balik apa kau tulis dekat atas tu, sedey okay renee sedey sangat. tulah jangan ugut2 nak bukak pekung org pekung sendiri terbukak.

  26. hi anonymous:thanks sooo much for ur comments.. OoooOOOOOooo offended them ker.. tapi xsilap yg u call dorang tu bukan leave group pun kan?? oh TQSOMUCH for copy+paste my statement kat BBF tu..yeah i did wrote dat, but y didnt u copy+paste the whole statement? thank ms anonymous yg sangat baik hati :)

    hi anonymous2: oh lupa maybe ur d same person, WOW WOW WOW :D Oh, before u investigate kan, DO U CHECK THE TIMELINE??? i comment kat blog tu dulu yer, n then later on baru post tribute n appreciation to ex-b2b in general.. :) see, do ur research first yaa :) oh dont forget to copy+paste the whole BBF statement here yaaa?? tq for being soooooo nice to share here

  27. 1) "..and i got 2know that ada yg ex-b2b leaves this group becos, erm, dorang rasa nyampah?tired?bored? dgn group ni" - in BBF (private group)

    2) "quite sad when a ex-b2b leaves the group..." - in Blogger (open)

    readers, ure free to judge.

  28. doesnt matter which come first, in any way it shows that KO NI BERMUKA-MUKA. LOL.

  29. sape kah puan anonymous g pengecut ni???????


    org lain yg salah anggap patu maki2 renee tu pehal

    i feel offended by comments from some people.

    yea,saya tergolong mereka2 yg suka mengadu bukan hal berkenaan wedding di bbf.

    yea saya tahu saya memburukkan keluarga saya.itu bukan niat sebenar saya.niat saya nk share perasaan amarah n sedih saya.

    saya ingatkan bbf group selamat utk saya luahkan something yg saya tak boleh luahkan publicly.

    in my defend, i need new n fresh comment from strangers bila saya luahkan about my family probs.esp about my father!

    if tak suka, patutnya awal2 lg admin pm saya n tegor saya baik2.

    instead of maki n carut2 kat blog pasal tu!patutnye org tu yg minta maaf cause she starts the fire 1st!not renee.renee tak kutuk gang2 bbf pun.die just say a tribute.yg korang nk sentap2 patu maki org buat apanya.

    so, YOU yg kutuk n carut kat KAMI yg suke mengadu2 kat bbf tu OWE US AN APOLOGY.BUKAN RENEE.

    enough said.

  30. yeay thanks so much ms anonymous.. but hey, u forgot to copy+paste the whole thing lah.. ;) and btw, i think there's nothing wrong wif these 2 sentences.. YES READERS, PLEASE, PLEASE URE FREE TO JUDGE :)

    shud i feel happy for them?? is this wat ur implying? :)

  31. our concern is the one which have been quoted by anon, not the earlier sentence or what. sorry.

  32. kerry, private group is a smaller version of public. bear that in mind.

  33. sorry terasa nak komen kat sini.

    the truth is renee, u takde hal lgsung dgn i, i pon tak faham kenapa u nak terasa, yes mmg takde kaitan dgn u. i myampah sbb byk sgt benda bukan2 dlm tu, maybe i bkn jenis berkawan dlm internet so i dont feel like making friends (ok jujur gile) but i was trying my best to help u guys but like i said, yg betul2 berguna je. yg rasa menyampah cth mcm : mana nak cari riben polkadot ye? <-- rasa mcm nak tampar. ye dan juga cite pasal hal rumahtangga, tak perlu. benda ni aib keluarga. sblm kawen, jagala aib keluarga, slps pon mcm tu jugak. bkn semua dlm bbf boleh dipercayai. to kerry, ya i feel u shouldnt have said anything about ur family either, semua dah tau and u rasa camne bila we all dtg ke wedding u?? cari kawan baik yang btol2 boleh dipercayai dan cerita. kalau nak cite kt bbf pon, maybe boleh pm to certain ppl. i dont know, my 2cent. skang ni i dah blah, takde kaitan lg dgn i. hope u're doing fine with ur wedding. cheers


  34. hi again anonymous: doesnt matter which come first --> WHOOPSIE!! hahaha ;p

    in any way it shows that KO NI BERMUKA-MUKA. LOL. --> ouh kalau i bermuka2, then org2 lain pun bermuka2 jugak la kot bcos depan org lain act innocent,baik,sweet tapi blakang kutuk bagai kan...pastu msg n comment baik2 kat i tapi tapi blakang kat another source join kutuk2 ramai.. heh.. xpe biar kita sumer sama bermuka-muka yer.. tp kalau boleh copy+paste la yg full statement tu.. baru la org lain bleh judge mcm u nak tu kan.. ;)

  35. eena,

    i cerita about my father.jgn risau.DIA TAKKAN ADA PUN ON MY WEDDING DAY. i cerita kat bbf sebab korang tak kenal la,takkan nk cerita kat org yg kenal my father kan??plus,ramai kan yg ada masalah berkenaan wali kat bbf tu.

    nak rasa apanya?janggal?korang kenal i ja,bukan family i kan??yg sebok2 nk kenal dgn family i tu buat apa.i pun tak teringin nk kenalkan bapak i kat org lain.

    n oh.i tak jemput semua.certain2 bbf ja.since mine is limited guess.
    no tak perlu rasa apa2 ok.

    tak suka tegor elok2.ini bukan caranya.

  36. ok.. i br baca..
    vendor i masa photoG sgt siot!! rasa nak tampar pun ada..

  37. i agree ngn kerry..
    klu x ske.. boleh x tegur cara elok.. jgn la jaja kesah org..
    of coz la kita nak citer ngn org x kenal.. klu kite citer ngn org kenal, tu yg memalukan family kita..

  38. how do u know u tak kenal every single person kat bbf? u dah selidik everyone ke? tetibe ada bau2 bacang dan org tu mendiamkan diri je dlm bbf tu camne? cth mcm i kazen mirza (yes i know him back from 8th college), later i bgtau mirza or sape2. seriously?? nak cite mslh pasal wali? cite general je ok kan? takde mslh pon kan? i tak amik kisah u nak jemput sape pon, i didnt even invite anyone from bbf pon sbb i tak kenal. i think u know better. takde sape tegur u kan? tp lepas kecoh, ramai plak bersuara kan? so there u go.


  39. eena♥ hi eena, thanks for ur comments. i too, have nothing against U at all.. ;) ouh my comment tu xterasa, saje nak comment situ cos tgk nora comment, i pun nak comment la mane tau sumthing kat bbf i terlepas ckp kat u dat nite psl yasin thingy. after dat baru post yg tribute tu. but my intentions were good to all who left esp to d top bloggers yg inspired me, but...hmmm.. anyways,gudluck wif everyting.. ;)

  40. agree with whatever kerry said.

    why we should create PRIVATE GROUP if u guys decided to tell everything outside the group esp to vendor? i had bad experience with vendor..too.i share with BBF n they came out with more than 10s solution yang blh di pakai....Thank Allah

    memang kena diam n tak payah nak sebarkan or share with others ke our bad experience? pastu the next bride akan kena plaks...again...n again n again??? mcm tu? OMG!

  41. Somehow I am inclined to comment. Please accept my apologies if what I'm about to say will offend certain people.

    I think this issue is going way out of hand already. It's getting nastier with one side bitching about the other and the other is firing back. Don't you guys feel that it's already so childish and immature?

    Like there are no better things to argue about? Like why the hell Libyans killed Gaddaffi or whether the Somalis are getting enough food? For God's sake girls, it's not the end of the world! It's just one frigging wedding that we are talking about!

    Renee, I read your post in the private group and honestly, the only thing that you did wrong is probably when you were being a bit judgemental by labelling the people who left it as having some ill feelings towards certain people in the group. Maybe that's true to some people but majority of them left because the group no longer serves any purpose for them. You probably meant well and it was probably misinterpreted but if you are sincere enough when you posted that up, you should have stopped the thing before it went way out of control.

    I'm guilty as charged as well for commenting to that particular post. The subsequent comments by others, as sk put it, probably ignited the fires but we need to take responsibility for whatever that we write. And this is not a reminder to just you Renee, but to myself and the rest of the girls in here too (and the cowardice anonymous).

    My suggestion is, lets stop all of this now. It's getting really really ridiculous.

    Sorry but I'm going to say this (this goes to me as well);

    Bitch fights are so uneducated and shall I say low class?

    Before all of us really become one, please stop.


  42. eena,

    sume i tls kat situ sume mirza tau.siap bace lg.die ade password i.die tak kisah as long as tak tls kat blog or status fb..i wrote wit my own risk.bukan i kutuk korang.i tak kutuk pun.lebih luahan ati.korang2 tak tahu ape yg i lalui selama ni.i share kat bbf after advice by my fiancee n certain bbf member yg tak kisah i luahkan kat i said,i need new fresh comments. that's all.korang rase annoying, im sorry.

    anyway,kery dah keluar dari group korang takkan dgr lagi dah luahan hati kery yg pathetic ni..

    yg nk jd tukang penyampai tu pasai pa..yg jd tukang penyampai tu la make things worst.sbb ape yg di sampai kan tu 99.9999% tak betul!dan seterusnya membawa kepada pergaduhan (like this one rite?)

    terima kasih pada yg mengambil berat.

    nak sampaikan?sila la sampai kannnnnnnnnnnnnn.jika itu memberi manfaat kepada anda.

    quote from kitty: ADA AKU KESAH?

  43. renee, you are the best blogger ever! please, don't think about others. mereka semua jealous tengok u! biasalah tu bila da lame kawen, mulalah kendur sana makcik-makcik, then feeling2 lebih. please don't stop blogging dear. usually, org yang melatah lebih2 ni hati depa da busuk. sentuh sikit dah terasa. maybe dah termakan cili kat entry tati tu kot..

    hugs renee hugs

  44. i love statement kitty too : ADA AKU KESAH!!!

  45. why me? is it me that u gals talking about?!! mmg AAK sangat.....what ever pon MOJ je! yeah...pissss...layan hingus aku ni haa lagi baguih......tsk tsk tsk...tumpang lalu ye dato...lev u dato...sila jgn perambat saye...saye tidak bersalah dalam hal nih...saye cume lalu sini je....dah tak de jalan alternatif lain dah ...selamat hari raya~

  46. Hi renee... ;)

    I'm not siding with anyone on this issue. But I love reading your blog. And others too. Frankly speaking, I'm not a bbf. And I dont really mind because I blog for myself and for fun. But its sad to see what's happening here... You guys are all great bloggers. How the hell this happen?:(

    I faham prsn u bila certain2 vendors treat us like dirt. And I'm thankful that some of u share vendor2 yg patut di blacklist so that other b2b tak terjebak sama. I think it all depends on the way we write and our intentions. We're not bashing the vendors but we're just warning other b2b of their reputation. If she still wants to use that vendor's service than it's up to them la...kan?

    Regarding ur post kat bbf wall tu mmg lah i tak tau sbb i'm not a bbf but i understand that sometimes people misunderstood our intention as words without intonation are purely words without emotion. People can put any emotion to it. Maybe they misunderstood you. Don't be discourage k dear? Chill..... :)

    Terpanjang pulak komen ni. Hehe... Luv u renee dear. Keep blogging!

    xoxo, amalina

    P/S : Jemput dtg my wedding on 3rd december. But don't put too much expectation. I kawin biasa2 dengan vendor biasa2. Tak mampu nak hire vendor yg 'up' dan the VASS tu. Hehehe ;)

  47. amalkanlah bahasa kebangsaan kita..marilah amalkan ramai-ramai..lalalala...


  48. Dari dulu lagi tak tahu what BBF means. haha.. sgt noob! but from this post n the comments mcm baru la tahu sikit2 that it's a private group. I wonder how do one get selected? hehe.. sorry for my curiosity

  49. Salam... Im not in any side, but I macam faham those words like Renee doesn't mean it... Maybe the way she express it was unacceptable...

    And the point is...pada uols, mungkin annoyingsuch a 'stupid' questions like, macamna nak cari riben polka dot, and so on... but dont u noe that tak semua orang yang berjiwa besar, that wishing their wedding will be as great as yours, tinggal di bandar yang ada semuanya... dorang maybe duduk pekan2 kecil yang rarely found that thing... plus.. in some situations, the others bbf siap tolong carikan untuk yang lain.. What's wrong with that, kalau sorang rasa annoying tapi masih ada berpuluh yang cares...

    Tentang Kerry, maybe ramai orang fikir, it wasnt good.. Perasan tak, Kerry said that dia tak boleh tahan... Dia share untuk dapatkan pendapat.. And at least she could release out the stress.. Dye cuma nak berkongsi perasaan, sebab dia yakin, ada jugak BBF yang boleh faham keadaan dia yang nak kawin, dan keadaan wali macam tu... What do u expect from her, cari simpati.. Hello, perkara macam tu agak memalukan diri sendiri. No point of that. I believe that dia cerita sebab nak cari jalan, nak sejukkan hati...Bukan dia suka2 nak cerita... Masalah akan timbul, hanya kalau ada yang judge sebaliknya... Judge it, as u wish OK, just kalau u rasa tak ok, pm her... told her that u should not do this and that... ok?

    I sendiri tak faham, kenpa u should said like that to the rest.. coz they just wish to be like you.. You should proud of that...

    Sorry, kalau bahasa I kasar, and terima kasih sea\bab sudi baca..

  50. The Spasmodic Scribbler: hi dear thanks for ur comment. thanks 4understanding d situation. u were right i should have stopped the thing earlier but i was away for almost one whole xfollow up lah. i didnt notice it already went haywire until d next day. tgk2 dah smpai 100++ comments, and i pun xhabis fortunately lynda put an end to it. I thot it was done but tgk2 ramai org citer i was critized at d back n mcm2 lah. terkejut jugak i,dah la xkenal sape dorang. at first i xkisah sgt la but smpai labeling people n put up obvious comments pasal bdk2 bbf which was not very nice.dats y it triggered me. Wat i did is just my reaction/respond to the nasty things they've done 2me n other innocent bloggers-so far rasanye xde plak i kutuk sapa2, i juz express my disappointment here (which was not directly to anyone). Kalau terasa, then wat to do mmg betul la kan? huhu..

    But anywaaayys, yeah i do agree dis is ridiculous n lawak gila...i rasa i da stop, but ada yg xstop lagi kot?hehehehe.. ;p

  51. to anon (yg ramai): i pun da confuse to many anons here..xsure same person or lain2. but anyways thanks for ur feedbacks. ikutkan vendors mmg ramai yg ok, but yg xok tu mcm erggghh why.... dont do business la....huhu

    missRyn: kisah pasal ape??? confuse o.O

    hunnykitty: MOJ tu apa?? worries u xbersalah..i kot?? haha.. selamat hari raya 2u too.. ;)

    amalina: tq baru prasan u mmg xde ke kat bbf tu?? tq dear... insyallah i dtg kenduri u, alah xkisah vendor mana pun, janji kenduri meriah..tul x? *winkwink*

    aisya:actually i fail bahasa kebangsaan..hehehe..kdg2 rasa ayat tunggang langgang risau gak org phm ke x ayat i nih? hehehe..

  52. bamz: eh xpe tu pun baru je.. yeah it's a private group, xde kene selected pon. it's juz people adding each other je.. maybe cos u baru kan..but group tu dah xde (kot?)..i dunno.. try asking bdk2 lain yer mintak dorang skang da lain da xmcm dulu boleh share everything..

  53. alamak anon -aisya- tu kutuk i ke?hahahaha...sorry lah. bukan tanak berbahasa kebangsaan but i can express myself better in english (bajet mat salleh la kan?hahahaha) ;p

    yup.i xjoin pn bbf.because i blog for sedey bila these thing happens.rasa takut plak nak share any problems or hiccups on my wedding preparation cmni..huhu~

  54. budi bahasa budaya kita..lalala..

    ekeke..asik nyanyi je kt sini..

    ehehe..xde perli la...sorry ye reene tinggalkan komen di blog anda..
    act aisya xde blog..fesbuk pun xde..kalo nk cri maklumat pasal kawen2..kita google jek..

    terjumpa blog reene masa tgh google mua nurul syuhada..thanks so much..akhirnya daku akan bawak terbang kak lela ke everyone can fly...whottt..whotttt..


  55. reneeeeee dear!
    tolonglah i yg lost nie? wut happen? wut happen. i memang jarang2 ade kat BBF tue, tapi semalam nak bukak BBF dah takde. ke mmg dah takde? ke ade group baru? ke hapee?
    adoiiii, memang i sukusakat yg dok umah panjang kat sarawak nie tatau pe, baru kuar hutan. hihihihi.
    sape yg gaduh sebenarnye? yg anon tu mcm nak cari gaduh plak pehal? aduiii. tak paham!! nak cari balik ape sebab kat BBF tgok BBF dah takde. huhuu. sodihh i.

    p/s: ohh, bytheway, hows Bali? bestttnye. nak pegi jgk!

  56. balkidz: hi dear..i pun ntah la..nak citer long story..i pun xtau nape smpai bbf kene delete, rasanya ada group baru under bbf gak. i xtau sgt so i jarang2 bukak fb, office block T_T. malas nak citer nanti ada org xpuas hati n ada nak take sides. i dunwan org lain involve... yg anon tu ramai sgt yg mana satu?hahaha..rasa mcm lawak plak..

  57. hurmm. tue lah. i kat opis pun kdg2 mmg takleh bukak fb, kene blok. tue yg kjp ade, kjp takde.

    tapi kalau ade mase, i bukak je BBF tue. tibe2 nak bukak hari tue xde. pelik jgk.
    tapi i dah di add kat yg baru tue, tapi macam x best jerrr :( tak happening macam dulu laaa. allaaaa renee shomel, buat la group baru ke, buat page ke, tak best ar camnie T_T

    ehh, silap type plak kat atas tue, i nak tanye hows ur preparation to bali? i pun honeymoon kat bali dulu tau. superrrrbesssttt!!! nanti share la pict kat blog tau! :)

  58. i heard stories psl BBF, tapi tak tau la ape kesnye. hehe. sorry coz lame tak ikuti kejadian di group BBF. whatever masalah pun, maera harap takdelah dibesar2kan. rase cam tak best pulak kalau ade puak-puak nie. pada yang suke padang rendah kt orang tu, udah-udah la.hidup kat dunia , if Allah bagi korang kaya business masyuk, bersyukurlah. jgn pndg rendah pd orang sb dunia nie sementara. bukan milik sapa2, semua Allah punya. dari bangga2 diri, baik siapkan diri dgn amal ibadah dan duit utk bil terakhir sebanyak rm1330. wallahualam.
