Friday, October 7, 2011



Ey? apsal ngan title i ni kan? Is Renee Meow having split personality disorder???  huhu...
Korang please help me..i xtau nak explain perasaan ni.. rase mcm nak tumbuk bantal n jerit kat bantal tu kuat22!!!! but at the same time, rase nak lompat2 kegirangan sambil berlari2 di tepi pantai..

Okay first, i sgt2222 happy sbb lepas da update checklist kat bawah tu.. mana? laaa, cube scroll blog ni saaaaammmpaiiiii bawah... ada archive, labels, wedding checklist :) ok da nampak? good.. bleh share2 if u want.. :) rasa gumbira sgt sbb bleh tahan byk la jugak da striked..weeehooo.. yg bende2 penting yg xbuat lagi is  like borang2 nikah, buat baju, shopping barang hantaran, baju family, etc.. and paling best, mama da start worry about my preps..yeayy.. selama ni xmemberangsangkan sbb bz ngan renovation rumah n stuffs. Now, dia da siap tanye preps camne?dah booking blabla blum?nanti nak buat camna?colour blabla camne? i pun happily bawak lappy n tunjuk2 pics2 contoh..paling best bab share ideas and discuss about the wedding TOGETHER..

Adik-bradik lain jgn jeles yerr.. this is my time okeh, i also need some attention..da la bongsu pompuan kan... haha over plak.. I LOVE U MAMA.. and DADDY too, sbb cool+chill je dorab bila mintak permission (and moolah) nak pegi caterer bayar dis n dat... :) bila mama suggest nak kumpulan muzik asli, i asked daddy la boleh ker? daddy ckp ok no prob watever u want, ur a good daughter.. wah~~~ i mcm hinnss hinss.... wat happened here?? sumer mcm baik n sporting je? kalau tau dulu2 patutnye buat kat hotel trus?? haha..but dulu lain, kalau boleh nak jimat je sumer, tp skang lain plak... Since mostly sumer da settle so there's no turning back Renee! mane leh demand2 kite kan anak yg baik bak kata daddy..weeee.. haha ;p


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!!!!! This matter really2 makes me wanna scream and kill the person next to me... it's about my MY HONEYMOON. i mean, not exactly 'the honeymoon' kat bali tu.. It's my be exact, AIRASIA FLIGHT. They really222222 messed my honeymoon plans.. im like, uerghhhrrrgggg!!!!!! aaaarggghhh geramnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........ nak story pun xtau nak start mana cos marah gile to the max..!

Yesterday i received this email and also sms ->

Indonesia Preflight
show details 5:33 PM (21 hours ago)

Dear Our Valued Guest,

First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Indonesia AirAsia.

We deeply regret to inform you that your flight QZ 8396 from Kuala Lumpur [KUL] to Denpasar [DPS] effective 30th October 2011 until 24th March 2012 has been retime later, departing from Kuala Lumpur at 20:25 Hrs (Local Time) and arrived in Denpasar at 23:20 Hrs (Local Time).

We are very sorry for above reschedule.

However we highly appreciate if you could understand with the issue and accept our sincere apologies.

For further information please contact AirAsia:
WTFFFFFF??????rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........BRIDEZILLA MENYERANG!! woi ape main tukar2 ni? mentang2 flight tu ramai beli time promo kan??slumber je tukar2 flight org so people will change to different flight and HAVE TO PAY MORE for the differences right??? eeassshhhhh...of alllll flights, why this one particular flight???? you've spoiled my honeymoon plans okeh!!! kalau retimed, then u shud change our flight to earlier flight with no extra cost laa.. fuckers.. haa hamek da kuar.. so sowy,mind my swearing ya lalings, im a sweet person, but kalau bende2 camni terjadik mmg feeling abes..huhu T_T once i received this message, i directly made a complaint at Airasia's twitter account and also complaint form at their website.. i dont care, i want them to change my flight to  earlier flight with NO EXTRA COST. i have made plans, already confirmed everything, and i have a goddamn reception once i landed Bali..and it's my small wedding reception okeh, mane bleh cancel2 or postponed sukati.. kiranya guests dtg my reception dulu and i akan dtg pukul 11PM? kira i kena tukar baju dlm flight isit?? bloody motherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr effferrrrrs.... laaa..

i nak tunggu ape respond dorang dulu ni, kalau xboleh then terpaksa la cancel everyting and pegi je bali dgn perasaan rugi duit n RUGI HARI.. papi goleng tul lah. vudus T_T



  1. renee..part happy tu i pon happy sama..good daughter deserve good rewards =) and pasal airasia tu..haisyh..hope diorang dapat bg early ticket for u..

  2. ya renee! i punya flight bulan 3 nt pon dia tukar. dari tukar time pastu tukar flight. sakit hati kan.. last2 kita yg kelam kibut.. arggghhh. nak jadi BRIDEZILLA jugaaaakk!

    *congrat juga coz dah banyak benda u sttle..

  3. nida♥kann...i agree dgn u.. good daughter deserves good reward.. ecey perasan ;p yg airasia tu la bleh plak ckp 5working days baru bleh reply..adoihh...!

    zimie twin♥jom bako je Airasia ni..haha ;p serious geram lah..hope ur flight xde pape la..

    farrah♥omigosh deaarr..! really?!! bencinyerr.. terok la dorang ni..kalau tukar awal xpe lagi kan.. ni tukar lewat giler plak tu.. grrrrrr...

  4. hmm..mcm2 perkara berlaku....airasia ske bt hal eh..

  5. sabar eh renee..mesti ada hikmah tu..doa banyak..tapi gerammmmmm..hahaha :)

  6. mcm coincidentally, byk giler i dengar kes yg sama pasal AA ni lately. kawan i pun ada terkena. ngok ngek laa kan. baik takyah buat promo.. another thing i hate about AA is too much hidden charges. haaaish, jer 'low cost'.. low lah sgt! i pulak yg geram nih. huhu~

  7. renee, kery dok sengih2 bace part happy tu..dok sengih2 tp bab renee meroyan tu teros sengih jd berkerut ok?huhu.sabar je laaaa,dah la ade majlis kan.hopefully boleh dapat earlier flight with no extra cost..

  8. eh ye ke jadi mcm tu. i tak pernah tau AA boleh suke hati buat mcm ni. tp mmg byk tak puas hati dgn AA pun. suke hati die buat keputusan menyusahkan org.

  9. renee ur hanimun bln february kn? huu... AA mmg mcmtu. mb u ble change date ntuk hotel ke? 1st day tu u amek je hotel murah2 around airport ke. jimat skek. cos i pon buat mcmtu cos my flight kol8 mlm rugi kn T_T
