Friday, October 14, 2011


Salam hi all...

*WARNING* super duper long entry sampai lutut lemah.. T_T
*tatapan untuk time long lunch break and time solat jumaat.. ;p hehe..

Today i wanna share a few stories and experiences, which i have received a lot from brides since the first i started this blog... First, im so thankful i've met sooo many people and brides yang sudi berkawan ngan i.. zaman dulu2 mane la ade org nak pm/msg/email u "hi salam selamat ur silent reader,blabla" and so on.. skang ni, kalau bukak je FB, kdg2 lebih 10 private messages from brides yg silent reader,follower yg nak berkawan ngan i.. oh terharu..*sobs*

And everytime i receive these emails/pm like these perasaan tu rasa berbunga2.. mcm bercinta pulak kannnn... haha ;p  im happy dorang share their wed preps and i share mine too.. and also byk gak yg tanya about vendors and ask for reviews and suggestions. Im so flattered okeh.. I wud be soo happy to help :) And also, ramai new friends approached me and luahkan their bad experience to me..which is good, cos kite dpt tau which vendor to avoid kan.. :)

Again, i seriously rasa terharu sgtttt222... thank you my readers,silent readers, blogger frens, BBF frens, all bride-to-be,ex brides, and non brides (pun ada) yg sudi read and drop by my blog yg xseberapa nie..u all rawk!! :) *big group hug*

Ok let's start..among all bad reviews and experiences i received..these 3 yg forward kan dulu.. im not gonna comment anything kay, cos it's up to you to decide to hire them onot.. I pun actually da hire and confirm booking with one of these vendor.. So ntah la, kite just doakan2 rezeki kita baik when our time comes.. lain orang lain rezeki kan? ;)

Just to let you know im not gona reveal the vendor's name here kay.. kalau nak tau just email me But take note, kalau these vendors dah melampau i akan slumber je LETAK NAMA VENDOR tu terang-terangan biar sumer nampak..i ni tunggu masa je ni..

*all of these below are real conversations from emails and fb. bukan di reka okay...i malas nak print screen sbb xreti buat kat laptop my dad ni..hehee.. kalau kat office i tau lah..but sbb kemalasan melanda, i copy+paste aje la yer..nama bride aka mangsa and vendor i tukar ye...


Mangsa 1
hahahaha.. tu la kan.. i dah cuba cari, tension je..tak dpt nak sewa.. kena tempah.. tu la, sape suh gemuk? haih.. kat dios baju murah2 je.. tp size kecik2.. :(
btw, u penah dgr review pasal weddings by S?

Renee Meow
hehe tu la i pown sama..kene tempah gak.. T_T S? oh so far no bad review.. i mmg dari zmn study da follow her works..mmg gojes! :)

Mangsa 1
Huhuhu.. Tp I bernasib malang. S was sucks on my engagement day :(( dia buat I tak tdo mlm on my e-day. As I said, maybe I je yg nasib tak baik. Sumpah, I mmg tak akan recommend dia.

Renee Meow
oh ada rupanya bad review.. lorrr wat happened???

Mangsa 1
huhuhu.. she sucks all time..

Mangsa 1
tak tau nak cite mcmana.. sbb i trusted her so much kot. yakin yg dia akan perform. tp tu la kan. org kata, kalau u byr sket, hasilnya pun sket je la kan. she even said to me that dia dh bg byk kat i. tp kalau u tgk, benda yg dia bg tu, not worth rm1500. apa yg boleh i kata, kalau dia tak nak buat yg murah2an, then tayah quote murah2. bongok tul.

Renee Meow
lorr ye ke.. haah kan better xyah quote murah2 kan..i pun geram dgr.. ape yg dia bg untuk rm1500 package tu?

Mangsa 1
7 hantaran (tolak kek sbb dia just bg dulang kosong je utk kek), handbouquet (yg dia tak bagi pun) n pelamin with 2 flowers (small flower. I sgt terkejut tgk flower tu kecik sbb dia x penah tunjuk flower tu kecik mcmana). Esok I msg to u, apa yg dia buat kat I.

Renee Meow
aiyok tu jer for rm1500? i da tgk pic E-day u.. except hantaran.. betul la mcm terkejut gak ngan rm1500 dpt camtu jer? dah famous camtu la kot..... okay i tunggu ur story ;)

Mangsa 1
Tu pun, yg u tgk tu, my family dah gubah balik. It was really sucks that night. Silap I satu je. I tak amik gmbr benda2 yg dia bg tu, before my family alter. Pelamin dia tu just besi yg dia letak kain langsir tu, then platform, flower stand, bunga 2, kerusi. Tu je. My aunty tgk, dia kata, klu mcm ni, lebih baik dia yg buat. Lg cantik. Klu u tgk keje S ni, mcm keje yg mmg sgt mengaut untung berkali2 ganda!

12 hours ago
Mangsa 1

    1. dia mmg takkan dtg jumpa u, u kena dtg jumpa dia for any discussion. i dtg jumpa dia 3 kali before the event, all the way from bangi to setapak. tp dgn kwn i, dia boleh pulak g jumpa kawan i. maybe nasib i tak baik kot. masa i dtg jumpa dia tu, my parents n i waited for her for about an hour. dah la da lambat, hari keje lak tu, kul 11pm tak abes bincang lagi. kedai tu dekat dgn umah dia, senang la dia ckp. inconsiderate tul.

    2. ptg sebelum majlis, dia call i ckp tak boleh nak bagi i orchid spt yg i mintak, dia kata nak ganti dgn bunga palsu - hydrangeas. dia kata orchid tadek season, which is sangat penipu. sbb i tanya que rafael, dia kata, ingat musim durian ke? ada musim2. bunga2 ni semunya kena tempah awal2.

    3. dia kata i TIPU venue. eh hello, takkan la nak tipu rumah kat mana kot??? actually, dia yg salah paham. i ckp kat dia, i nak jumpa dia kat ampang sbb i nak pegi rumah kawan i kat situ. tp dia yg salah paham. dia ingat i kata rumah i kat ampang. actually, dia tau rumah i kat bangi sbbnya dia dah kata dah ada transport charges kat i. logik tak dia kata dia tak ingat i kata kat bangi? pastu i mintak dia waive kan transport charges tu. itu pun dia marah2. dtg pun naik kete wira bodoh ok? duit minyak pegi balik pun baru rm30. nak charge sampai rm100.

    4. mlm tu, janji nak anta kul 8pm, tak sampai. ckp kul 9pm sampai, tak sampai, kul 10pm sampai, tak sampai, kul 11pm pun tak sampai2 lagi. call2, tak angkat.. macam org gila i call dia. angkat ikut suka hati dia. dia tak ckp pun. laki dia yg ckp. kononnya2 dah grk kul 10pm td. guess what? sampai kul 12.30am. sedara mara i semua dah balik.

    5. bunga hantaran. guess what? bg hydrangeas hidup. dan i dah bgtau dia dah hantar kek secret recipe, guess what? dia anta DULANG KOSONG SHJ! tadek bunga, tadek apa2 langsung.
    dia kata i tak bgtau dia, PENIPU. i dah bgtau awal2 kot. dan hantaran dia tu, dia tak buat kan pun. u tau tak? dia ada satu riben bodoh kaler pink kecik, dgn riben tu la ikat kain i, ikat perfume i, mmg keje orang bongok. i mmg tak tdo malam pk mcmana nak buat dgn perfume tu, dgn kain baju tu. seb baik i ada kotak sendiri dgn bekas kek yg cantik. and sirih, dia main cucuk2 je. mmg tak cantik lgsg. kitorg bukak n alter balik.

    6. she never turn up. dia tak dtg langsung pun malam tu. i suh adik dia call dia and i talked to her. i yelled at her and she yelled at me back.

    7. NO HANDBOUQUET!!!!!!!!!!!! my friend ckp kat adik dia, esok pagi tu, anta la handbouquet tu, tak baik menganiaya org mcm ni, mmg jangan harap la kan????

    8. pelamin. dia ikat langsir belakang tu pakai riben bodoh pink yg kecik tu. mana la sesuai. haih.. dia claim, i tak bgtau dia i nak riben besar. common sense kot? btw, dia bukan bagi 2 vase. dia bg 4 vase. tp tak sesuai letak tepi pelamin. kecik je nmpk. dan dia janji nak bg pasu lain, dapatnya pasu lain. dia bg pasu tu kat org lain sbb i tgk blog dia, dia ada upload gambar wedding yg dia buat pada hari itu.

    9. pulang dulang. i tak pulangkan dulang dia sbb i nak dia dtg and say sorry to me, instead, dia arahkan i suh anta dulang tu kat umah kawan i (sbb masa tu dia tgh wat pelamin kat umah kawan i). sampai ke sudah i tak buat. my dad called dia pun, dia tak angkat, my dad sms pun, dia tak reply. but in the end, i tak nak amik harta bodoh dia tu, i pun anta la gak kat umah kawan i tu. quess what, dah 5 bulan dah, tak amik pun dulang tu kat umah kawan i.

    10. mintak duit. i dah byr dia RM1350. total package rm1500. pastu dgn muka tak malunya, mintak balance rm150 lg. hello, handbouquet aku pun tadek, hiasan kek pun tadek, sireh wat mcm bodo, ada hati nak mintak balance.
nasib baik la sgt2, i have family and friends that can alter what she has done to me that morning. kul 6am, my mum kuar g cari bunga, and my friend datang buatkan my handbouquet.

    i silap masa tu tak ambil gambar apa yg dia buat utk i. sbbnya bila i cite2 kat org, org kata i yg cerewet. tp kalau org ada kat tmpt i, baru dia akan faham. malam tu, yg menjd saksi, my mum, my dad, my aunty, my uncle, my best friend and her hubby. tu je.

    for me, S SUCKS ALL TIME and dia buat i sgt phobia nak amik pelamin yg biasa2 ni... wedding i nnt, sama ada buat sendiri atau que rafael yg buat wpun que sgt mahal.. :(

    itu la tu.. maybe itu la malang nasib i, terkena dgn dia. masa my frens wedding tu, dia cepat2 nak cabut bunga padahal photographer tgh duk sebuk2 nak amik gambar pengantin. bodo gile. i mmg takkan recommend dia to anyone.

    dan... nak dijadikan cite, mmg ada a few of my frens yg came to me and said, "na, rupa2nya kawan aku penah terkena dgn S ni dulu". so, i pun terkena..

Mangsa 1
u ada dgr review pasal photog M tak? derg cane? ok tak?

Renee Meow
hi dear baru baca pasal s.. omg! she really sucks! teruknya perangai..tsktsk.. i'll let people know about dis..i nak post kat blog i bleh?? but i letak mangsa as anonymous..voley??? hehe.. ;p

as for M.. altho untuk artist2 nmpak dorang lambat giler bagi album.. i ada blogger fren, hired M paid almost 5k, and da kawen 5months xdpt2 album..da call2 pun stil sama..haish.. so to me, not recommended... better hire danial zain ke, thephotographer ke, ahmad fairus ke..harga i think less than M but so far sumer i kenal recommended dorang and album dpt cepat..

Mangsa 1
hahaha.. boleh, silakan.. my mum ckp kat que, "she's one crazy girl"... and dah lama my mum suh letak kan kat fb, tp fb i bukannya byk b2b pun. so no point. at least bila dah letak kat blog u tu, tadek la org terkena dgn dia. tapi kalau u byr dia byk, dia ok la kot.. so utk yg agak2 budget rendah ni, tak payah la nak hire dia. dia tak akan dtg pun utk tgk pelamin u. kalau cantik, cantik la. kalau buruk, terima la as it is. dulu b4 i bertunang, i selalu have an idea, dia akan dtg umah, buat hantaran kat umah, then kalau tak cantik, tambah2 bunga ke bg cantik. tp sorrry ok.. jgn harap! eiiii.. tp ingat rm1500 tu murah ke dgn hasil keje dia tu? haish!!!
let say pasni ada org kata i tipu ke (mana la tau kan) , i can swear to God that this is what had happened to me. and i'm sure God will punish her to what she had done to me. huhuhu.. world is round kan?

comment from blog post
Anonymous said...
renee..jgn post I..i baru je selesai majlis guna diarg..mmg murah tp x worth it.headache...hari wedding dtg lambat...telefon x angkat..x update pasal masalah..dah buat slah xnak call to apologize...arrghhhh geram sgt2.....

hi renee,
i bukan nak memburukkan but as a new bride i faham perasaan kita. i x letak high expectation pun but i mmg x suke bila janji dtg kul 12.30 dtg kul 3pm..dahla tue..i yg telefon tanye dia kat mana...bukan dia yg call ckp dtg lambat..lepas tue i kasi nombor dia kat my bro inlaw sbb nak bro in law..dia x angkat2..arghhh geram bile pikir balik....

3 video kan package tue...
1. save the date ( ini i tukar kepada video montaj to show during reception)
2 nikAH ( i buat kat rumah)
3 reception..(i buat kat dewan hotel)

i also added a service of live video feed service for nikah and reception ceremony>>.2 lcd screen plus 1 camera so dat org kat luar bole tgk the nikah/sanding ceremony (coz jemputan i is 500ppl for nikah/sanding) rm2500 - (dia mintak deposit rm1k, i said ok but give me an invoice but she never gave me one..i siap remind her 2 days before event...ckp give me invoice i can transfer, she said ok but never gave one sampai the day, so i x byr deposit la...sbb pk maybe after both function i akan byr)
and this service i tanye dulu (2 kali ok!) bole buat ke x...kalau x bole ckp awal2...i xmo ade hitch coz mmg ade a diff company untuk buat live stream but  since dia pun dok buat video i thought maybe lagi senang la..dia bole coordinate semua video skali....

1. Montaj / save the date video..
dia kata nak buat video kat subang airport sbb nak backdrop aeroplane..okla x kisah hentam ajo...
dia kata dtg kul 2.30... kul 2.15pm ( i dah otw ok) dia call kata lambat...(hishhh geram ok) i pun still cool la..xpe...sbb biasal org janji melayu(i x ok..heheh) kul 3 ade a guy call ckp dia dah sampai...i ckp sape nie?..dia kata dia videographer yg nak shoot....i pun heran, i ckp mane Y...dia kata syg sub kat dia untuk shoot video...pastu i call Y...dia kata mmg org lain shoot dia akan edit..i ckp i x kesah but please tell me in advance. so oklah sampai kat subang airport..tungu dalam setengah jam..tetiba videographer yg kitaorg jumpa tue ckp x bleh nak shoot sbb org yg patut tlg diaorg tue dah xde so xleh shoot kat dlm ke shoot curilk2 kat dlm airport tue..(nasib baik xde org tegur or halau ok! (my tunang marah gak sbb dia x suka org yg disorganize nie...nak buat kerja have to have the proper timetable..kalau tahu xbley ckp awal2...then can pk tempat lain)

2. Nikah
i dah ckp awal2 i nikah kul 3pm..kul 10am a videographer came(laki) dia ckp dia kerja ngan Y(sub lg) nak shoot video..i ckp oklah but u kena shoot org dok prepare2 la..sbb nikah kul 3pm, i start siap kul 1pm...skang baru u amikla ape2 video yg patut....pastue kul 12 pm Y x sampai2 lg ( i tgh risau pasal live feed x set-up2 lg..x nampak hidung lg)...i call2..x dpt2....geram i...bapak and my sisters dah marah2 sbb dia kata u shud go get ready, jgn dok still call lg....lepas tue pukul 1..still x sampai2 lg...i dah nak nagis..coz stress pasal live feed and oso stress pasal my MUA x sampai2 lg...(kak saidatulnisa) and Y OR kak Sai x call2 pun....OMG nak meletop mak tau tak! pastue kak Sai sampai dlm kul 2pm (huwaaaaa dah panik gile ok!) and i got news yg org live feed baru nak set up..(itupun Y x inform and also x update)
pastue lepas majlis nikah habis (alhamdulilah 1 lafaz aje heheheh) saya pun x nak pikir pasal ape2...terus ade mini sanding jugak....habis selesai dlm kul 7pm org pun dah start nak balik..dok kemas2..tetiba my sis dtg ckp ade org mintak duit kat my dada >>what??!!! x patut ok mintak duit kat my dad depan guest dia...sgt x professional!! pastue Y masuk ckp org live feed nak mintak byran...pastu i tanye...mana bole...x bg invoice...x bg ape...and oso mintak full payment walhal esok ade function lg!....argghhhhh!! stressss!! so dlm baju pengantin i, dlm dok sibuk2 nak amik gambar...i kena pk camne nak transfer duit...nak kena pegi on computer nak buat transfer..last2 my sis kesian dia kata...u jgn nak pk2..nevermind..i write a check and later u pay me....stress tul

after the kejadian nikah..i ckp nga Y pls2...jgn buat hal kat reception..pls dtg kul 12.30m pm nak test montaj so dat its the right format yg digunakan....dia dtg kul 4pm...waktu semua org dok siap2 nak i call dia...dia kata dia dah kow tim ngan manager hotel tue,so dia tau semua...the function bermula...and montaj2 x play2...bile function habis..i found out she was still editing waktu event and video xleh play....(habis ape yg dia kow tim ngan manager....dia x test langsung rupanye!!)...i x langsung tegur dia and sbb i nak enjoy malam i tue....Sunday dia x call to apologize..monday pun x call to apologize...tuesday I yg kena call nak tanye ape yg terjadi...arghhh oklah itu ajelah i puye xp..harap2 u take into acct ape yg i..i guess i still bole guna cuma make sure u follow up and warn dia wal2..jgn ckp semua ok tp kerja semua x ok!

Happened last weekened..I nikah 7hb October and reception 8th..the reason I marah sbb dia tahu buat salah,tp peranagai dekkk je...I yg kena call tanye ape jadi..bukan dia...nyirapp I!...sakit hati..kekawan I tertunggu2 montaj. Tp x kuar2...I pun terpinga2 kat meja pengantin tp kena buat muka control la...hehehehehe tp xpe..hope from my xp u akan lebih tahu mcm mane nak pantau...maybe dia cuma x reti time management,so u kena vigilant skitla mintak update...ok..anyway good luck ya!

by the way congrats on the upcming nuptuals :-)

VENDOR N (yang ni i da share kat FB, but repost je la sini to share with others)

Mangsa 3
hi renee,sorry to disturb
did u send your baju tu N

Renee Meow
heyya dear...
eh no ler.. xmampu gueee.. hehe..
i like his designs thou..

Mangsa 3
i had a nightmare with him thou

Renee Meow
wat seriously?

Mangsa 3

Renee Meow
i pon penah dgr story yg -ve about him.. do share pls!

Mangsa 3
i nak kawen lagi seminggu,i follow up mcm nak mati,die tipu kata da siap2..tibe esoknye i nak balik kg,dia ckp dia xdapat buat...

Renee Meow
oops sorry ter-curse pulak..

Mangsa 3
kalau i ni jenis gila babi,i pegi umah die i buat kacau
tp uckily my husb xsuka chaos2

Renee Meow
omg so wat happened? mane u dpt baju ganti?
Mangsa 3
dia just cakap ni dugan kawen
i have to rent from bridal
my cousin's

Renee Meow
kalau i pun bleh jadik gila camtu..
u gi umah N then ape jadik?

Mangsa 3
i paid deposit lik 1k plus..bukan i tempah air liur aje
i xpegi
husb i xbagi

Renee Meow
ur money?

Mangsa 3
dia ckp this is the dugaan i have to take

Renee Meow
luckily ur hubby sgt calm.. T_T

Mangsa 3
duit i dia bagi berperingkat2..lusa nak kawen duit pon xdpt abis lagi
i da T_T da.. geram

Renee Meow
kalau i la..da bako umah dia..haha..

Mangsa 3
sbb i da bg final sy before that,u dpt buat ke x.die still ckp dapat buat
bila i nak pick up utk ambik baju,dia ckp sbnrnye xdpt buat

Renee Meow
huu i mmg xbleh bla camni..mmg kene share ngan other b2b nie.. takut terkena gak kan..mmg kene blacklist nih..

Mangsa 3
yes..pls do so..i sbb my hhusb xbagi kecoh2
kalau x,da lama i post
kalau i tau mcm tu,da lama i pegi qudyn
i pegi N sbb dia dekat aje dgn i
smpai skrg i berdendam dgn dia
buang je la status designer tu

Renee Meow
grrr..geramnyaa.. i wud too! i pun tgh geram ni..altho xkene kat i.. tp kene kat bride gak..
heh i tarik balik wish i kat dia.. haha
Mangsa 3
i nampak wish tu,thats why i tny

Renee Meow
huhu..i'll make sure this thing goes around among b2b..
Mangsa 3
help me to spread the words
if i order gune airliur je mmg la
but i da bagi 50%
mcm2 alasan diaaa
fitting sekali pon xpernah

Renee Meow
ergh..konon je nama designer..meh~

Mangsa 3
xbaik la die buat mcm melayu kite pulak tu
masa nak deposit mcm anjing menyalak,da dpt,dia yg diam mcm bisu

Renee Meow
yg xbleh thn 1week before tu..heesshhh..geram tol i

Mangsa 3
yup..esoknye i da nak blk ipoh for reception

Renee Meow
ape alasan dia eh?

Mangsa 3
i masuk duit lambat la ape la..kalau i lamabt,bgtau,jgn amik duit.. lambat as if (i nak pakai bulan 4 i order bln 1 penghujung)

Renee Meow
ade ke pulak.. T_T

Mangsa 3
i naaaangis aje

Renee Meow
huhu cian sgt u..

Mangsa 3
but now im happily married

Renee Meow
yeah..ade hikmah disebalik sumer tu kan.. n designer tu.. choi~

Mangsa 3
hope u can share it
i nasib i ade cousin buat bridal..
and dress die semua up to date
dapat yg outdated nye lagi la jahanam hidup

Renee Meow

So far i dunwan to say or comment anything..nak tgk jer dulu.cos u'll never know lain org, lain rezeki dia kan? plus, 2of these vendors baru 1st time dgr bad review.. tapi yg the last vendor tu, haish xtau nak ckp per dah..da byk2222 sgt2222 complaints and bad reviews i heard from brides.. mmg i ni tunggu masa je ni, one more fucked up i akan slumber buat 1 ENTRY SOLELY ON HIM AND HIS BAD ATTITUDE, NON-PROFESSIONALISM, AND MUCH MORE..bersedia je lah yer VENDOR N. yang lagi 2 so far ok lagi la, but yeah, mmg ada risau la sket.. Note to self:think positive, and byk berdoa..huhu T_T
Hmmm tp bila u all da baca mmg scary kan???mesti la xnak terjadik kat kite.. Ya Allah jauh2kan lah dari semua ni.. i paling risau yg vendor i da hire tu..tlg laaaa jgn messed up altho i da byr murah... me+fiance mmg x letak high expectation (cos we know the concept of 'you get wat u pay') but plsss pls plsss lah jgn fucked up or mess up my wedding...i tgh pikir positive jer nih hoping that vendor can deliver...

if keje bagus, mestilah kite akan buat SUPER GREAT REVIEW AND PROMOTE vendor tu kan?? but, if the vendor messed up even one bit then, heh tau2 je la yer the power of blogger? rase mcm nak je bgtau kat sumer vendor camtu.. tell them i ni blogger, i akan review every single detail.. and now there's sooo many bride bloggers out there..yang bukan bloggers pun byk, but mostly mana dorang lookup about wedding vendors? internet ye adik2...from there you can get my point okai? ;p

Alamak, too many words-im getting dizzy.. T_T im gona stop now, till then my lalings..daa~

p/s: dont forget to email me yea if nak tau sapekah vendor2 :)



  1. wow. btl. rezeki masing kan jika hired vendor salah 1 di atas. harap, vendor fariza terumtama pelamin ok. hehehe. mcm2lah manusia ini kan. x baik buat org sebegitu. bila manusia itu ada nama dan pangkat br buat btl2 dan cantik. jika xda nama, hurmmmm (stgh). xperlu beza w/pun ada nama, harta dan lain2.

  2. nora nak tahu !! i will pm uat fb dear . huaaaaa tatot :((

  3. wow...baru baca dh pening ni...hikhik...yg mengalami apatah lg. My advice, klu amik full pkage from 1 vendor, kena make sure tahan max n put it in writing. Sbb dorg ni byk sub d job n over promiz. Kesian pengantin risau n stress. kite igt nk mudahkan kerja klu amik full pkge tp apa yg jd sebaliknya pulak.

  4. sangat takot nak hire vendor. tapi nak diy sendiri, xde darah seni itu.. camne tuh? ~sigh..

    but betul kata zimie.. berserah saja.. dalam 1 kelompok mesti ada yg kena/slack..

  5. hoho. klu sara dh menyirap dh ni. lantak apa nk jadi... akan ku jadi bridezilla after my day... perghhh.. smga di jauhkan.. amin.

  6. argh..takut nya. ni cerita area kl kn....

    isk...reneee....nk tau...

  7. OMG! OMG!!!!

    Cerita i lain pulak...
    ada Designer ni, dia memang famous, buat baju utk client kat Indon(ambil yang murah lah kan)...

    me n BF pegi jumpa dia, nak tempah baju for reception lah kan...
    Every time i tanya berapa range harga baju sepasang(for Groom and Bride)..dia selalu kata from B$900 -$1500(around RM2070 - RM3450)..
    So i said.. Ok lah... tu sebab we decided to see him.

    Lepas tu..bila dah jumpa... i bagitau lah... i nak mcm ni mcm ni mcm ni... Dia kata tak cantik..kena buat mcm ni mcm ni mcm ni...

    i faham lah dia designer, dia nak org pakai design dia(design pun ciplak dari buku..tak pun dia draw/design sndiri) tapi it's my wedding, im going to wear it, it should be something that i like and happy to wear, kan?

    The BF ckp..tak pe lah..ambik je lah.... since we tot MURAH lah kan... so i said, u calculate lah.. then let me know bila u nak the deposit. my wedding LAMA lagi... and i still have time lah to cari another vendor.

    Then one day, BF kata the aunt is going to sponsor for our wedding attire and she already booked with another bridal, since the reception pun his aunt sponsored.... so i said.. ok lah i'll let the designer know that i wanna cancel, jangan nanti dia tertunggu tunggu utk i byr deposit(YES I BELUM BYR DEPOSIT walau 1SEN pun).

    So i text my dismay, dia bagitau, the french lace dah potong. i was so shocked!!! i belum byr lagi deposit, how can someone go on with the work. and he told me before, once i deposit, he will ask the tailor to do it. tapi ni... :s
    we were so surprise, tho' we tot he might tipu, my bf text and ask if we can buy the RAW lace yg dah tailor dia potong tu, he said he'll ask the tailor and get back to my bf soon. tapi sampai skrg tak adooo...

    i bet he must be waiting for the lace to be complete dgn beads baru jual kot.

    oh..and for info, the Lace only, the price that he quote me for LACE ONLY is B$1200(around RM2760). Baju je..tak termasuk kain, tak termasuk baju utk Groom.

    other bridal charge B$800 - B$1000(around RM1840 - RM 2300) for Cutom made design of your own idea.

    -im from BRUNEI

  8. renee! PM MEE their name pls! rina da add renee kt fb hehe :p

  9. renee i need their name too.. my friend ask me to do so since she frm ur area...

  10. omjayyyyyyy..ngeri dgr!!hi renee, i silent reader blog u..i suke baca blog yang jujur camni..boleh tak u emel i sume name vendor yang mengerikan ni supaya i tak terjebak.. my emel is :) tq!!

  11. mmg ngeri......!!!

    tak suka ketidak adilan begitu....
    so kena pakai consumer power nih....
    boikot mereka ramai2....!! huuuu~

  12. ok. Akhirnye khatam jugak sy bc entry awk ni renee..~ =p

    Takut jugaklah rasa.

    renee, sy link blog awk ye dear.

  13. ngeriiiii baca ur review. bersyukur majlis i dah lepas. kalau tak mau tak tido malam i risaukan benda2 yg mcm ini lah kann. tak baik tau aniya majlis org mcm tu. haaaaish. nak meniaga betul2 lah agaknya. geram jugak nih.

  14. HI RENEE.... suka baca blog u... i pun b2b macam u..... thanks banyak share apa yang patut utk b2b kat ur blog... love it... :)
    salam kenal dari nana ya..

  15. pls email me the vendors yg menakutkan tu...kalau boleh semua sekali...thx dear!

  16. ok, renee, I want their names. dah start looking for vebdors ni. kalu boleh nk avoid lah mereka2 yg ad bad review ni. takut. huhu. mail me yeah =)

  17. hye renee..can u email me the namess plss..eee..takot getting married in april next year..i suka baca blog u..byk info..and i pun duduk area pj/ ur tips byk tolong i babe.

    btw i officemate ngn ramelda..u kenal her kan?

  18. hye renee..i've emailed to u..but since u have mentioned in ur latest post u may missed some of d can u email me all d vendors/? thnx dear..

  19. hi,
    just stopped by at your blog. takuttt~~ tlg emelkan bleh all the vendors tu.. ( tqvm!

  20. hi dear..

    blh x u emelkan i nama mereka2 yg dirahsiakan itu??nk tau sgttt..

    tq dearrrrr

  21. Hai emel me the vendor..thnkss..

  22. hi renee..
    omg..takut nye dengar
    i pun nk tahu nama vendor tu..
    boleh email ke

    Thanx dear

  23. hi renee
    omg..takut nye dengar
    i nak tahu juga nama vendor tu
    boleh email kan ke

    Thanx dear

  24. u, wedding by sher ke ? i bru nak book dia untuk majlis tunang i nanti. ;(

  25. saya pun nak vendor tu leh


  26. Hi Renee, first and foremost congratulations in advance on your wedding. I am one of your silent reader and have enjoyed reading your blog.

    Me and my cousin are both B2B and reading all the B2B blogs have helped our survey in preparation of our wedding. so thank you girls ;)

    Anyway, if you dont mind boleh tak you email to me the list of the nightmare vendors to me dear? cos i'm pretty sure most of us are dreading to be involved in those scenarios. here's my email

    thanks dear & congrats again ;)


  27. Hi Renee, first and foremost congratulations in advance on your wedding. I am one of your silent reader and have enjoyed reading your blog.

    Me and my cousin are both B2B and reading all the B2B blogs have helped our survey in preparation of our wedding. so thank you girls ;)

    Anyway, if you dont mind boleh tak you email to me the list of the nightmare vendors to me dear? cos i'm pretty sure most of us are dreading to be involved in those scenarios. here's my email

    thanks dear & congrats again ;)


  28. hai renee..may i know the blacklist me jahatla dorang ni...makan duit tak berkat

  29. Babe, may I know their names? Getting married in June, takut pula jadi mcm ni. Thank you love!

  30. Hye Renee,

    Im one of ur silent reader. If u dunt mind, bole tak email i vendors tersebut? im still looking for vendors for my wedding. kalau bole nk elakkan kejadian2 yg tak diingini mse ari yg sehari-seumur-hidup! pretty pls pls pls mail me at :)

    thanks in advance



  31. reneee plzz email tut tuutt...sebb kte dah hampir nk book yg pelamin tut tut je.......

  32. salam kak. i dah baca bad review designer sebelum ni yang akak tulis.that was soo and soo true BASED ON THE TRUE STORIES I HEARD MYSELF FROM MY SISTER'S FRIEND. the fucking designer really fucked up HER wedding DRESS. last november, my sister's friend was one of the MANGSA to this Fucking designer. seriously, and now, about the pelamin vendors. i hope You can share me their names for the sake of my COMING SISTER wedding.I really hoped that you can email me their names to //i really appreciate your response to me. THANK YOU//

  33. hi renee. 1st of all congrat on ur wedding ya. u look so stunning & beautiful larrr. btw, im 1 of ur silent reader & b2b juge. can u email me siapakah vendor2 yg kurang hasam itu? kuang ajak toi depa kan. tak baek seh aniaya org. pm me kt tqvm ya in advance. :)
