Friday, September 2, 2011


meowning alls,

title post xleh blah kan?? haha..instead of monday blues, im having a friday blues.. cos i have to work!! bosan xpe it's not dat bad.. bukannye ada keje pown, so far no calls coming in just online blogwalking, main game n surfing the net.. the only thing yg cheer me up sket2 is this monday punye plan..cant wait! me n my sis+family nak pegi genting..woohoo..!! :D *happy*
sape x happy gi genting? i love theme parks..!! i love all the crazy rides..!!wee xsabar.. sape nak join? haha.. ;p

oh another gud news to share.. remember this entry (CONTEST : HONEY SOFT ICE CREAM).  Guess wat, i won..!! wee baru harini saje2 check blog dorang, tibe2 nmpak my name..wee dpt duit raya rm100.. walaupun to some people rm100 is nothing, for me it's everything!! bleh la cover macam2 bende.. hehe.. They selected two winners, me n Nora. congratz dear..! so dlm friday2 blues ada gak sumthing yg cheer me up.. alhamdulillah :) thanks so much kak rohani, semoga dimurahkan rezeki business Honey Soft Ice Cream

Raya? nothing much to update, maybe boleh la nanti i share some pics, but not now kot..kene tunggu pics dari BIL i... raya for me is tiring..siap demam lagi on 1st day raya (i mmg slalu demam urat kalau byk sgt keje).. 2nd raya sumer flat, juz laze around.. and i didnt spend raya wif my meowgagah cos dia balik kpg atok dia kat perak..huhu.. miss him so muchie..xpe la raya kan sebulan..

Ok nak sambung blogwalking...kejap lagi i update some stuffs in my blog..daa~



  1. Salam renee nyer selalu menang macam2 kan...congrats..

    anw, salam aidilfitri & salam ramadhan :-)

    |MERDEKA-RAYA Kita!!|

  2. congratz dear...

    ish rm100 for me dah blh cover untuk beli doorgift yang baru... yang blh puaskan hati semua orang... hehehe

  3. thanks inform dear !!! hahahahahaha enjoy the money :)

  4. congrats Renee...bestnyer dpt RM100..=)
