Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CONTEST : The Handwriting I Like Style Contest (FACEBOOK)

Meowternoon my sayangs...

Jom ramai2 join contest ni.. simple je, just sketch and email to them. but, it's a facebook LIKE contest.. huwaa..T_T confirm kalah..tapi nak join jugak!!

This contest is organized by Dorang ni da lama gak buat business doorgift, cards, etc. Sape2 yg still xtau dorang ni.. lemme intro sket sapekah nie...Here's some of their stuffs..

cantik kan..??? i like all..!! very sweet+tasteful+classy

0162149995 (Favors & Cards) & Nizam 012-5838816

what they do : Favors. Cards. Videography

Formerly known as Duriankahwin Gift and Horahorey Videography
Wedding Services: We do favors, cards and videography. Every category we name it as Style.Favor, Style.Cards and Style.Video

Anyone interested blehla contact dorang directly..videos pun dorang ada buat :D Ok back to the contest details.....

The Handwriting I Like Style Contest (FACEBOOK)

What Are The Prizes?? We are happy to announce that there will be three winners and here are the prizes.

Prize 1 : Save The Date Wedding Video at i-City Shah Alam
Prize 2 : 1 Set 500 Style Wedding Cards + 500 Style Boxes
Prize 3 : 1 Set 500 Style Wedding Boxes

How To Enter:
Entries is still open till 15 August 2011 :)

1. Bring out the creativity in you by sketching "i LIKE facebook" on paper as creatively as possible
2. Take a picture of your sketch "i LIKE facebook" and email the picture to "​m"
3. We will upload the pictures on 3 August 2011 and you can start to promote your picture for your friends to LIKE
4. Entries will be accepted till 15 August 2011
5. The Top 3 pictures that have the most votes on 17 August 2011 will be invited for the Envelope Opening Event

What is the Envelope Opening Event?
1. The 3 winners will have to choose from 3 colored envelopes - Red, Yellow and Blue.
2. Each envelope contains 1 prize. Either Prize 1, Prize 2 or Prize 3.
Good luck to the 3 winners :)

Terms & Conditions:
1. Your wedding must be between October 2011 - June 2012
2. All the prizes are subject to change by Style Weddings
3. Past winners of Style-Weddings contests may not join.
4. You must put your drawing as your Profile Picture until the contest finishes.


Prizes dia best la gak.. i like prizes number 2+3, nak cards n boxes.. so jimat.. yg save-the-date video tu xpenting sgt.. hehe..

I already submitted my entry this morning, hopefully today dorang akan upload kat album dorang. It took me 2days jugak nak buat ni.. haha.. dah la xde idea.. pastu malas pun ada..the only time boleh buat mase kat office lak tu.. siap sanggup beli colour pencil sbb the original sketch pakai pen+pencil xnampak sgt dlm pic..

 ni semalam....
 colouring process..
 bukti.. haha ;p actually ada tersilap..instead of LIKE, i buat LOVE plak.. huhu..nasib notice awal.. la paling clear yg i dpt.. camera hp cikai..huk huk.. T_T
 buruknyeee..nyesal xbwk my Yoken markers..but ok la kot kan, suka suki join.. 

Mula2 nak buat simple bride figure ala2 designer punye sketch tu.. but luckily i checkout balik album dorang and baru perasan RATU LIKE CONTEST Hazrina Johari da buat style camtu.. pheww..!! (hehe jgn mare Hazrina) ;p so i pun tukar idea buat ala2 forest mcm iklan nano white Diana Danielle tu.. teehee.. tapi forest i ade meowmeow purple gitu.. ;p

anyways, kalau korang sudi, tlg ler vote LIKE for me ya... i dont have the link now (waiting for them upload my entry), will update here later.. help me dears..!! :D Thanks tau.. love u all..muahmuahkirikanan~

UPDATE : HERE'S THE LINK.. The Hand Writing I Like Style Weddings Contest Picture . Hope u all bleh la support i ya untuk contest ni.. sayang u all.. *hugggss* 

ok till then...daaa~~



  1. haishhh.. kanpe cantek sgt ni?
    grrrrr.. :P
    cant wait to vote!

  2. whoaa.. i baru je menarik diri dari contest ni.. i ketinggalan jauh maka terus tukar profile picture. huhuhu.. give up dh dgn contest2 mcm ni. btw, ur sketch cantik sgt. ade peluang menang besar ni.. hihihi.. good luck!

  3. farah♥hah ye ke??ramai lagi entry2 yg chantek... yeay tq dear, nanti da ada link i update kay.. thanks for ur support.. :D

    fira♥ha y tarik diri? biar je..mane tau bleh menang.. huhu cantik ker? ala kalau cantik tapi org xvote pun sama je.. T_T i xde skill untuk org vote ramai2.. hukhuk.. T_T

  4. renee...cantik..da kuar kat album diorg ke? ley la vote nanti...goodluck.. =)

  5. Reenee.. Good Luck again. nt update ya link dia.. Nak LIKE juga :)

  6. nida♥yeke.. biase2 je kot..colouring pun mcm bdk2 je.. but thanks so much! u all make me happy.. hehehe.. :D

    lisa♥gigih untuk mendapatkan hadiah free untuk jimatkan cost kawen..haha.. ;p

  7. nggggeeeeeeeeeee.... nape pandai lukis ni???!!! kite jeles tau dak? kite doakan sis berjaya jadi winner!!! yeay! pastu bleh belanja kite makan.. eh?! hehehe.

  8. good luck renee..tibe2 rase cm byk plak contest bila dh kawen..ade x contest utk ex pengantin? :(

  9. oshinz♥ngeeeee ala jgn la jeles..biase2 je kot.. colouring pun nmpak sepah je.... contest LIKE2 ni mmg confirm kalah T_T

    zimie♥haha terkejut ker.. thanks so much dear..i pun harap camtu gak..huhu.. tq my twin..!! hehe :D

    intan♥hehe i pun prasan byk giler tu yg nak join mane la tau terkena satu kan.. hehe..try to look around le mane tau ada untuk ex-b2b.. :D anyways thanks so much dear.. jgn lupe like tau nanti kat FB :D

  10. waa so cute!!haha comel2.nt da ad kt fb ckp ea,me tolong like!

    ps,da g spa?asek fully book je mine,tataw la dpt pg ke x tuh

  11. renee mmg terer part2 sketch nie..dr kasut, baju smp pelamin..hehe.. Bole la i tlg vote.. Mmg cntik pn..

  12. terbaik idea! kak long LIKE now boleh? hheheeh

  13. haha, comel! nanti saya like juga la. baritahu bila dah kluar di page diorng tau

  14. chantekss noks.. all the best utk contest.. moga2 ada rezeki pengantin di situ =)

  15. hahaha.. Ada gak selit meow meow.. ;). u mmg pndai sketching2 ni.. nice! hadiah2 dia pun menarik. wish you luck dear!! =)

  16. namaku ada disini.. waaaa!!!
    i x harap menang pun contest ni..

  17. hi all.. yeay da dpt link.. hope u all sudi la meng-LIKE i punye sketch.. sape2 yg blum join lagi cepat2 i nak tlg LIKE.. hehe..

    the link ->

  18. woooot tangan seni! kalo ieda pokok tu jadi awan la
