Friday, July 22, 2011


*WARNING-entry lucah-please leave while u can* ;p

Woohoo..!! 0-1..! sape tgk game malaysia vs chelsea?? kudos to msia team..! mereka berjaya bertahan d whole game..and i think 1-0 is quite good.. ala kalau ikutkan 1 goal chelsea tu pun mcm xkira sgt cos bola jatuh on line n lantun kuar balik n goalie sempat tangkap.. but tukang jaga line tepi padang da angkat flag awal2 so xleh nak buat ape la kan.. (confirm ramai bengang ngan dat guy) haha..


Owh start2 post trus sergah kannnn...tak hello2 or bg salam pun.. hehee.. Salam allsss... tgh buat per tu..? haa gayut kat FB eh.. jealous okehh!! i da 3-4 hari x on FB nie.. huwaa... T_T ingat nak online smlm tapi  kene angkat barang kosongkan umah tumpangan n also my meowgagah ajak tgk bola.. so i ok jeee, asalkan dpt dinner togeder2 kan.. :) at first nak lepak kat darus ss15 tapi lencong ke restaurant maknik ss14 cos nak layan kuehteow sedap.. Mula2 mcm biase2 je lyn match tu sbb slalu tgk MU jer kan.. tapi bila tgk chelsea2 players yg agak hot so ok la layan. and one particular player buat i lg semangat nak tgk.. (besides semangat tgk msia lawan chelsea).... i xtau la korang perasan ke tak.. tapi me n meowgagah tgk trus ckp, wah.. very-de-T*****K.... dot dot dot.. haha
he is abang gagah Ivanovic

tu..tu..nmpak???kalau xnampak meh i focus kan...
this is the best shot i jumpe on the net.. kalau sape2 yg tgk game smlm, fuh mmg FLUFFY..!! haha... sayang if ur reading this, jgn jealous okay.. u pun FLUFFY jugak kay.. HAHAHA..

eh lupe today jumaat, someone please slap me laju2.. hahahahaha *gilos*


Renee meow


  1. finally Apex bekerja keras.. b4 dis rase geram je tgk gol Mesia bolosssss memanjang. Congratz Harimau Malaya:)

  2. Ain:apex x main pun team lain.. my meowsayang ckp ni team pilihan..smlm goalie kite xsilap Mohd Izham Tarmizi.. Apex mcm xconsistent jer, kejap ok, kejap x ok.. mase gam msia vs liverpool rase agak kechewa sket.. hhuhu T_T

  3. lelaki to****k adalah sgt5 sexy hehehe..suke tgk but tak suke ada boipren mcm tue heheehe

  4. uya: sexy kan..i xtau le nape taste i camni. haha.. ;p

  5. hahaha i pun ade perasan..tapi xsempat cam siapakah empunya tutt..renee kene kawen dah~~ :)

  6. ya ampun... hahahaha... i tak sempat perhati tang tu tapi player malaysia macam kesian coz kecik2 n tak tough. tapi tak per, yg penting diorg dah work hard dah semalam. =)

  7. tetiba ade citer apex? smlm keeper dr olimpik dr n9 okkk.cewah perasan bangga jap lol..

    no doubt i think skuad olimpik lg best dan hebat dr skuad senior.ngaha.bye khairul fahmi.say hello to sharbinee and keeper n9! :P

    aah i suka laki bontot mantap.haish.

  8. pssttt know what u ngan ai ada hobi yg sama! tgk bontot org!! hahahahaha....leh tahan bontot dia ni ekkkkkkkk~

  9. intan♥ haha.. mmg patut pun.. xsabar nak kawen da.. haha ;p

    amy♥haha msia team kecik2 tp tangkas.. game smlm mmg puas hati.. ;)

    lisa♥oo keeper n9 eh.. rase mcm better je dari khairul fahmi.. lately la kan.. fahmi agak fail mase msia vs liverpool.. T_T
    u pun suka fluffy men? haha.. teet..

    syahoney♥hahahahaha..teeeeett... ;p

  10. haha lawak la renee.. i pun suke gak .. hehehhehe

  11. cikFM♥terimakasih.. hahaha.. *larik* ;p

  12. Kak renee, gambar closed up tu bukan bum2 Rajkovic but actually bum2 Ivanovic. :) But both are Serbian and both are good players cuma Rajkovic baru come back to Chelsea this season after being loaned off for so long.

    No 1 Blue supporter. Cehhhh.... :)

  13. hidayah♥haha ;p

    aida♥oooo yeah yeah...i tersalah org..haha...i baru je double check wif my fiance, i yg silap/..oo ivanovic ya.. hehe tqvm for d info..! :D
