Thursday, April 26, 2012



Just a quick one..

Kalau ikutkan i bleh jer call/msg/comment directly to ZIMIE, tapi sajeee jer ter-rajin nak share kat sini kan..hehehehe...

Okay, cik ZIMIE kite kan tgh carik idea for hantaran kan.. read HERE
i pun ter-rajin untuk carik ideas yg best untuk dia.. 
cik ZIMIE kite plan nak buat hantaran with WHITE fresh flowers supaya bleh matching ngan barang2 hantaran yg colour merah...
 I've found a few ideas of white hantaran yg nice, and hopefully ZIMIE have the same taste as mine la yer...cos to me these are beautiful.. ;)



i likey cos it's modern, simple and has that extra pearly thingy yg nampak menarik..!! :)

All of the above is done by

Ada lagi yg i suka...simple and fresh! pakai orchids jer ala2 style Rizalman Ibrahim gitew..

kalau interested bleh la singgah2, i suka style and hantaran2 dorang..
seriously my taste!;)


Yang ni orchids jugak.. (okay im sucker for orchids ;p)
u juz need white box and orchids..hasilnya? simple+modern+exclusive ;)
oh yeah, nak tgk pengantin dia? OMG nak pengsan tgk she's sooooo gorgeous, i had to share her pic here
i have a lesbo crush on her..haha ;p

pic taken HERE

how about mix of white and red flowers? chun jugak tu..

Remember my comment kat post u tue? i ada ckp kalau buat all white n tambah bling2 confirm menyerlah youuuuuu...... sila lihat dibawah ni yer..
 lawa kannn..? suka giler dia letak disco ball bling2 untuk menambah ummph..
pics taken from kak zaifie zainal's sis->
siti zainal 
ZIMIE, i hope these ideas dpt membantu andaaaa.. 
sekian terima kasey ;p daaa~



Zila Zainal said...

oh wow.. the bride is soooo sweet! i love the first hantaran btw. simple and modest :)


FarizAtie said...

haha sangatla sanggup kamu reneee oiii..
aritu bg cdgn nak attach gmbr x ley plak..hak3..but dis is nice also!!..bravo!

cik senah said...

sweetnya renee..siap buat entry khas utk zimie..sahih dia terharu.. :) chek yg baca nie pun terharu..

p.s : mmg cantik2 hantaran2 yg renee letak dalam entry ini dan chek bersetuju yg pengantin perempuan itu amatlah cantik orgnya..senyumannya membuatkan chek teringat kat dramatis terkenal Malaysia "Aida Khalidah" a.k.a "Aida Radzwill" suatu ketika dulu.. ;)

Mimin said...

i vote for idea no. 3!!!! cantik~

Hunny Kitty said...

bola2 disko tu ai letak dalam keta je~ hehehe

Anis aka Mama Mila said...

cantiknya!!! suka suka

ShaNizam said...

Wow.. wonderful.. everything is so lovely and beautiful.. i like it very much.. thanks for sharing

choclairissa@intan marliana said...

ratio design n gubah ni i ade nmpk jgk haritu website diorg..confirm mahal gile hantaran by gubah tu..

Annisa Mulia Razali said...

Beautiful! all of thing in this post is beautiful :)

Renee Meow said...

zila♥totally agree! :D

miszatie♥untuk my twin zimie haruslah i sanggup..haha ;p

zimie♥eheheheee..welcome dear.. ;)

ciksenah♥zimie dah terharu pon..kan zimie kan? hehehe ;p haah pengantin tu ada la sket2 mcm aida.. ;p

mimin♥chantek gilers kan..

syahoney♥wah mesti bling2 mcm disco..! haha ;p

anis♥chantek kan..i pon suka.. :D

sha♥sharing is caring.. ;)

intan♥yg gubah tu adik kepada zaifie zainal, i pun xtau brape dia charge tapi works dia tu bleh la buat as inspiration..hehehhee ;p

annisa♥agree! all beautiful including urself miss annisa ;)

miz zura said...

ermmm....sgt gojes....hi saya pun baru je kawen...ada buat sewaan baju sikit....daaaaaaaaaaa

miz zura said...

ermmm....sgt gojes....hi saya pun baru je kawen...ada buat sewaan baju sikit....daaaaaaaaaaa