Saturday, February 11, 2012


Salam hyeeeeeeeeeee alls.................. :)

Yes im now married..!! woohoo.. After all the preps and journey i have taken, we're finally husband and wife... Syukur Alhamdulillah kami sah dgn satu lafaz ajer taw, pada 10.2.12, pukul xbrape nak sure..hahaa *i was so caught up in the moment i lost track of time* was perfect..! i loved every single thing about it.. it was beyond my expectation..i ingatkan mcm biase2 jer tp bila tgk, wahh..! i mmg happy sgt2222...i xtau nak explain camne skang..huhuu..

Thank u so much to all family members, vendors, guests, sumer lah yg terlibat secara langsung n secara xlangsung.. dgn mereka2 ini my wedding will not be like this. And also thanks to all of u yg bagi support, mendoakan kebahagiaan kami n bagi lovely wishes.. :)

ok la xnak ckp byk2, tunggu lepas wedding bila betul2 free i akan update lagi yea about my wedding.. ;)

here's some pics taken by others.. ;) thanks people..! :D

pics from tatie (tqvm my gorgeous laling)

pic from my aunty irene ;)

ok till then dears...jemput dtg ya esok @dewan komuniti bukit damansara.. daaaa~ :D



idah_shi said...

congratulations kak renee! comel akak :)

Farhana IezAna said...

tahniah renee..
cantik sgt..slmt pngantin baru..

cik tie@ibtisam said...

suweettnye renee~ c0ngrates for b0th of you~

sem0ga berbahagia hingga ke syurga~

Aisyah Humaira said...

tahniah sayangsss!!!

choclairissa@intan marliana said...

reneee...u mmg fotogenik la..congratssss!! happy for last kan smp jugak hari bahagia..welcome to the club n jadi isteri mithali :)

Maya Dhira said...

RENEE! conglate! akhirnye saat dinantikan tibaa...hehhe baju akad nikah u simple tp cantek...update ya ;)

shura shushi said...

Sempat updated blog..hihihi :)

Cik Lijah said...

congratz renee....

psttt...mcm siti la dear......(^_^)

best kan kawen...he3

Nuha hayati said...

tahniah puan renee..happy for you >.<

LisaLisut said...


Anis aka Mama Mila said...

Alhamdulillah...selamat dah... Tak sabar nk attend ur wedding tmrw :)

Rina Hamid said...

super duper gojes dear...congrats..dah bole menarik nafas lega pasni..alhamdulillah :)

Aimifiqa said...

so cute sis! sukenye. bseri2. bagai dipinang belah dua. mge bahagia dan kekal sampai akhir hayat. :)

Hidayati Farhan said...

congrats renee!!!!

ms.iu said...

love ur makeup... cantiklahh.. anyway congrats :)

OmakTwin said...

Tahniah semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat...cepat2 upload gambar lain ek...

Dira said...

renee! congrats! selamat pengantin baru! cantik sgt renee! :)

Fariza said...

semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat :)

Rosy Sharz said...

Tahniah Renee! Wow, u r so gorgeous! ^_^ Semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu & hingga ke syurga :-)

Hazz said...

congratssss Puan Renee!! you look sooooo cantik & ayu. nice makeup & dress & dias too!! tak sabar nak tgk more photos! happy for you!! :D

Syiera.Z said...

renee... congrats dear!!! sorry xdpt dtg... keje n blk kg... hukhukhuk... anyway, happy for u dear! =)

Hunny Kitty said...


Elis Escada said...

cntiknyer :)

Bila Hati Berbicara said...

super gorgeus la u...serius muka u nmpak laen...sweet laa....anyway a big congrats from me :)

amal salleh said...

sweeeet :) congrats dear ;)

Mr.Ayu.Mrs.Rudy said...

Congrats Renee dear!

Welcome to the club! ngeeeee! :D

senorita25 said...

Tahniah Renee!!!!Silent reader je selama ni tp Renee kawen haruslah comment! hehehe. Sama sepadan and ur makeup is so awesome!!! Cantik gilerrrrrrrrrrrrr..Semoga bahagia smpai syurga ye Renee :)

dhiera zainudin said...

tahniah renee.. barakallah!

sitinazirah86 said...

tahniah renee,semoga kekal hingga ke anak cucu dan akhir hayat

LYS said...

sweetnye kamu!
neway congrate dear :)
cpt2 dpt baby hehee!

*Dream Weaver* said...

*woot woot* congrats dear.
sounds like you enjoyed your wedding.
cant wait to see the rest of the pics.

ka-ii said...

tahniah reene. u sgt glowing. baju pengapit semua cantik2.

Qiela said...

ohmygod!!!!ur so stunning!!!! and and and, ur face!! macam siti nurhaliza!!!! :)

Nini Mohd said...

tahniah renee!
cantik ur make-up. ;)

Elya Roza said...

dato' sgt cantek tau!

Mrs Azwa said...

cantiknya renee.... i suka pic georgeous dear!

Anonymous said...

Congrats ! Who didya make up? canteks.

Wina Yassin said...

Renee~ Alhamudlilah and tahniah dah jadi isteri orang hehee

zarina said...

renee dear...sori sgt x dpt dtg....btw, u look very2 cantekkkk~ sgt berseri2 ok... =)
muahh..!congrats yep!!

mona mary said...

congrats renee...gorgeous sgt2..bole jadi wedding inspiration ni..=)

Sharz said...

cantiknye makeup renee..tak sabar nak baca next entry..

tahniah n selamat pengantin baru.. :))

my weds pon tahun ni jugak..skrg tgh review renee punye blog nak cari vendor2 yang pernah renee review... :)))