Thursday, July 7, 2011


Meowning all..

this morning saje blogwalking sket2 kat a few favourite blogs.. Then i saw this kat 4Weddingku blog, oh so cute!!! im so loving dis..! These are actually customized CAKE STAND, and in my head i can only think of kaki dulang.. haha.. It's so smart and cute you can use it for ANYTHING! kan kan kan?? 

You can go for modern theme, or retro theme.. kalau ada 7dulang, semua colour lain2.. smart wooo! Thanks to Mya&Diana for sharing this new idea..quite an inspiration eh? ;)

*cred pic 4weddingku

coolness! :D


Renee meow


Anonymous said...

Giler comel dulang ni...

Fariza said...

comel. colorful. suka.

Unknown said...

masa tgk kat 4weddingku semalam pn nampak tertarik hehehe..different from others tau heheh..LIKE..ur idea utk buat dulang pn nice hehehe..rare ok..x pnah org buat tau heheh..go go renee ;)

amy said...

nampak ceria..lain dari lain, kan

~ mizzAmy ~ said...

memang comel ok cake stand nie. pernah hampir2 nak terbeli kat jusco that day tapi nasib baik encik tuney tak kasi beli. lol.... tapi seriously sgt cantik n ringan lah yg pastinya. hehehe...

Khairiyah aka Kerry said...

tetibe macam nak buat hantaran dulang colorful macam ni..macam menarik je.ahaa

Najwa said...

kat mane nak beli cake stand ni ek???

~ NANA ~ said...

wahhh colourful gitu...comel2 :)

tqahmisdar said...

comel2.. menarik ni.. =)

OmakTwin said...

cantik!!beli2 skg buat utk wedding pas kawin buat perhiasan rumah plak...hahaha

Hazz said...

cantik colorfull!! Renee, idea tu sgt best! i sokong you buat kaki dulang hantaran hokay!! =)

Butik Pengantin Fiqrah Anggun said...

berita baik untuk bakal pengantin di luar sana!!!
butik pengantin fiqrah anggun menyediakan khidmat perkahwinan yang berpatutan!lawati blog kami untuk maklumat lanjut tentang pakej2 yang disediakan!

ZE said...

suka sgt!!!