Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Meowternoon awesome people,

just to remind myself wat i have to do 6months before wedding..must be done by august or after raya.


1. book caterer - sri payung (dah call kakros to meetup during puasa/after raya)
2. select theme/concept/pelamin - quite difficult cos need to please mama too
3. exercise/diet/loose weight - MUST MUST MUST.. jgn pakai alasan sakit
4. kursus kawen - buat time bulan puasa or after raya..until now xde geng nak pegi T_T
5. jumpa tok kadi aka dad's fren -  daddy da book him but i still have to see him (courtesy)
6. look for good tailor/designer for wedding dress - must within budget
7. start looking for materials for DIY stufss aka 'PROJECT:X' (hehe ala2 xora punye 'MISI SULIT') ngehehe...

Project runway.. eh silap. PROJECT:X

FYI wedding checklist which i posted previously (HERE), i ada paste kat bottom blog ni, so u guys are free to use it okay. sharing=caring=sexay gituew :) and also sumthing new, i ada signature like zimie's blog..see?? hehe.. jakun.. ;p lepas ni xpayah i nak lekat all my blogs links kat bawah tu cos i da put up all links (blogs, fb, twitter, youtube, etc,etc) kat belah kanan blog nie.. so anyone sudi sila lah yer.. hehe..

ok till then, daaa~



fira. said...

hey.. bagus. jgn jadi kan puasa sebagai alasan utk tidak membuat progress. i pun ade few things to settle by ramadhan. wee.. ~ku mengharapkan ramadhan kali ini lebih makna. lalala..~

Farrah_Anuar said...

Good Luck Renee for the Project X!
Sangat excited bila project dah boleh mula buat sikit2 kan..

iedaurora said...

semua preparation ieda start buat lepas raya kecuali DIET... gud luck for da project X !

honey bedazzled said...

youuu pergi kursus kahwin dekat setiawangsa ni..i pergi dulu.semua talk dia lawak gile. i recommend kat my friend semua suka

~ NANA ~ said...

dear....bg la teaser sket nk DIY apa nnti..hehe

Renee Meow said...

fira♥ku pun mengharap ramadhan kali ni lebih bermakna.. auw~

farrah♥hehe thanks dear! :D

ieda♥ala ieda xyah diet mmg da slim..i ni wajib diet kot.. huhu

honeybedazzled♥setiawangsa eh??mcm agak jauh je.. kalau ada geng xpe la gak.. T_T anyways thanks dear for sharing..

nana♥ngeee secret secret.. tu nama dia PROJECT:X.. ;p bile material tu da ade voley la teaser2 sket.. hehehehe ;p

~Lieza~ said...

yeay...i follow je renee punye checklist coz my wedding a month after renee...so i akan neves bila renee dh prepare mcm2 tp i xde pape lg...huhu..

Owh gudluck Renee utk project X...=)

fana said...

dh dekat, bertambah debaran.. meoww.. hjehehehehe

Mrs Azwa said...

jom..kita g kursus sesama... nanti bley i tompang u nyer checklist ek.hehehe

Hasfanizam Hamdan said...

Bestnye...semoga semuanya berjalan lancar :)

farah fadhil said...

aaaa.. I cant wait nak tau what is project x! :D

Renee Meow said...

lieza♥hehe no prob dear.. sharing is caring.. hehe kalau i xprepare lagi how??? hehehe ;p anyways thanks :D

farhanna♥berDEBAR-DEBAR gitueww.. ;p

azwa♥silakan2..sharing is sexay.. u xgi lagi ker kursus?? eyh marilahhhh gi same2.. fiance i da lama gi dulu ngan adik dia.. i xde geng.. T_T

zimie♥hehehe tq. hahaha nanti i carik lagi ape benda yg konon konon sama.. hehee ;p

Renee Meow said...

hh♥owh tqtq.. :)

farah♥hehehehe i pun x sabar nak start my projectX :D ngeee...

farahfatihah said...

go go reene..u can do it hehe

Anonymous said...

Owh kalu u x prepare lg maybe I lak yg dh prepare kn..so kita share2 la update preparation yer.. U rite.. sharing is caring..=)

Renee Meow said...

pengetua♥hehehe yeay thanks dear.. :)

anonymous♥sharing is caring is sexay.. sharing=carxay.. voley? haha ;p

yanamib said...

wahh slmt ber=preparation..anything to ask bley roger ai yeh..hehe hepi to help newlyweds nih =)